path: root/module/c/eval
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3 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/c/eval.scm b/module/c/eval.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67d0075d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/eval.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+(define-module (c eval)
+ :use-module (hnh util)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module (ice-9 match)
+ :use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions)
+ :use-module ((rnrs bytevectors)
+ :select (bytevector?))
+ :use-module ((rnrs arithmetic bitwise)
+ :select (bitwise-not
+ bitwise-and
+ bitwise-ior
+ bitwise-xor
+ bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
+ bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right))
+ :use-module (c eval environment)
+ :export (c-procedure?
+ procedure-formals
+ procedure-body
+ procedure-arity
+ c-eval
+ ))
+(define C-TRUE 1)
+(define C-FALSE 0)
+(define (boolean->c-boolean bool)
+ (if bool C-TRUE C-FALSE))
+(define (c-boolean->boolean bool)
+ (not (zero? bool)))
+(define (c-not b)
+ (-> b c-boolean->boolean not boolean->c-boolean))
+(define (c-procedure? expr)
+ (and (list? expr)
+ (not (null? expr))
+ (eq? 'lambda (car expr))))
+(define* (ensure-c-procedure expr optional: calling-procedure)
+ (unless (c-procedure? expr)
+ (scm-error 'c-eval-error calling-procedure
+ "Value not a procedure: ~s"
+ (list procedure #f))))
+(define (procedure-formals procedure)
+ (ensure-c-procedure procedure "procedure-formals")
+ (list-ref procedure 1))
+(define (procedure-body procedure)
+ (ensure-c-procedure procedure "procedure-body")
+ (list-ref procedure 2))
+(define (procedure-arity procedure)
+ (length (procedure-formals procedure)))
+(define (literal? expression)
+ (or (number? expression)
+ (bytevector? expression)))
+;; Internal helper procedures
+(define (mod-set operation)
+ (lambda (env slot value)
+ ;; a += b
+ ;; a = a + b
+ (c-eval env `(= ,slot (,operation ,slot ,value)))))
+(define (fold-2 proc init lst)
+ (car+cdr
+ (fold (lambda (arg env+done)
+ (let ((env* arg* (proc (car env+done) arg)))
+ (cons* env* arg* (cdr env+done))))
+ init
+ lst)))
+;; TODO this disregards
+;; - floating point convertions
+;; - integer truncation
+(define ((simple-infix operation) env . operands)
+ (let ((env done (fold-2 c-eval (cons env '()) operands)))
+ (values env (apply operation (reverse done)))))
+(define ((binary-operator proc) env i c)
+ (let ((env* i* (c-eval env i)))
+ (let ((env** c* (c-eval env* c)))
+ (values env** (proc i* c*)))))
+;; The order of evaluation for a number of these is undefined, meaning
+;; that any side effects without sequence points is undefined.
+;; However, for many of these I do the sensible thing and evaluate them
+;; from left to right, instead of ignoring all side effects.
+;; TODO double check these with a C standard
+;; Operators have their own namespace. They are called without funcall
+;; in the pseudo-lisp which C is compiled to, and they expand more like
+;; lisp macros, since its up to each operator what to do with its operands.
+;; This to allow assignment and short circuting.
+(define primitives
+ `((and . ,(lambda (env . operands)
+ (let loop ((env env) (operands operands))
+ (if (null? operands)
+ (values env C-TRUE)
+ (let* ((env* result (c-eval env (car operands))))
+ (if (c-boolean->boolean result)
+ (loop env* (cdr operands))
+ (values env* result)))))))
+ (or . ,(lambda (env . operands)
+ (let loop ((env env) (operands operands))
+ (if (null? operands)
+ (values env C-FALSE)
+ (let* ((env* result (c-eval env (car operands))))
+ (if (false? result)
+ (values env* result)
+ (loop env* (cdr operands))))))))
+ (= . ,(lambda (env slot value)
+ ;; TOOD if slot isn't a variable, but a field (or array index)
+ ;; then it needs to be resolved...
+ (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
+ (values (env-set! env* slot result)
+ result))))
+ (and_eq ,(mod-set 'bitand)) ; &=
+ (or_eq ,(mod-set 'bitor)) ; |=
+ (xor_eq ,(mod-set 'xor)) ; ^=
+ (+= ,(mod-set '+))
+ (-= ,(mod-set '-))
+ (*= ,(mod-set '*))
+ (/= ,(mod-set '/))
+ (<<= ,(mod-set '<<))
+ (>>= ,(mod-set '>>))
+ (%= ,(mod-set '%))
+ (+ . ,(simple-infix +))
+ (* . ,(simple-infix *))
+ (/ . ,(simple-infix /))
+ (- . ,(lambda (env op . operands)
+ (if (null? operands)
+ (let ((env* value (c-eval env op)))
+ (values env* (- value)))
+ (apply (simple-infix -)
+ env op operands))))
+ (bitor . ,(simple-infix bitwise-ior))
+ (bitand . ,(simple-infix bitwise-and))
+ (xor . ,(simple-infix bitwise-xor))
+ (not_eq . ,(lambda (env a b) (c-eval env `(not (== ,a ,b))))) ; !=
+ (<< . ,(binary-operator bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left))
+ (>> . ,(binary-operator bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right))
+ (< . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean <)))
+ (> . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean >)))
+ ;; this assumes that = handles pointers
+ (== . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean =)))
+ (<= . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean <=)))
+ (>= . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean >=)))
+ (% . ,(binary-operator modulo))
+ (not . ,(lambda (env value)
+ (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
+ (values env* (c-not result)))))
+ (compl . ,(lambda (env value)
+ (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
+ (values env* (bitwise-not result)))))
+ ;; ++C
+ (pre-increment . ,(lambda (env slot) (c-eval env `(+= ,slot 1))))
+ (pre-decrement . ,(lambda (env slot) (c-eval env `(-= ,slot 1))))
+ ;; TODO these (C++, C--) need to handle if slot isn't a direct variabl
+ (post-increment . ,(lambda (env slot)
+ (let ((value (env-ref env slot)))
+ (values (env-set! env slot (1+ value))
+ value))))
+ (pre-decrement . ,(lambda (env slot)
+ (let ((value (env-ref env slot)))
+ (values (env-set! env slot (1+ value))
+ value))))
+ (ternary . ,(lambda (env test true-clause false-clause)
+ (let ((env* value (c-eval env test)))
+ (c-eval env*
+ (if (c-boolean->boolean value)
+ true-clause false-clause)))))
+ ;; TODO remaining operations
+ (as-type . ,(lambda (env target-type value)
+ (format (current-error-port) "cast<~s>(~s)~%" target-type value)
+ (values env value)))
+ (object-slot . ,(lambda (env object slot)
+ (scm-error 'not-implemented "object-slot"
+ "Object slots are not implemented, when accessing ~s.~s"
+ (list object slot) #f)))
+ (dereference-slot ,(lambda (env ptr slot)
+ (scm-error 'not-implemented "dereference-slot"
+ "Object slots are not implemented, when accessing ~s->~s"
+ (list object slot) #f)))
+ (dereference . ,(lambda (env ptr)
+ (scm-error 'not-implemented "dereference"
+ "Poiner dereferencing is not implemented: *~s"
+ (list ptr) #f)))
+ (pointer . ,(lambda (env value)
+ (scm-error 'not-implemented "pointer"
+ "Pointer of is not implemented: &~s"
+ (list value) #f)))))
+;; TODO |,|
+(define (c-eval environment expression)
+ (match expression
+ (('lambda formals body) (values environment `(lambda ,formals ,body)))
+ ;; hack since sizeof really should be a operator
+ (('funcall 'sizeof arg)
+ ;; TODO
+ (format (current-error-port) "sizeof ~s~%" arg)
+ (values environment 1))
+ (('funcall procedure-name ('#{,}# args ...))
+ (let ((procedure (env-ref environment procedure-name)))
+ (ensure-c-procedure procedure "c-eval")
+ (unless (= (length args) (procedure-arity procedure))
+ (scm-error 'c-eval-error "c-eval"
+ "Procedure arity mismatch for ~s, expected ~s, got ~s"
+ (list procedure-name
+ (procedure-arity procedure)
+ (length args))
+ #f))
+ (let ((env args* (fold-2 c-eval (cons environment '()) args )))
+ (let ((inner-environment
+ (fold (lambda (name value env) (env-set! env name value))
+ (push-frame! env)
+ (procedure-formals procedure) args*)))
+ (let ((resulting-environment
+ result-value
+ (c-eval inner-environment (procedure-body procedure))))
+ (values (pop-frame! resulting-environment)
+ result-value))))))
+ (('funcall procedure arg)
+ (c-eval environment `(funcall ,procedure (#{,}# ,arg))))
+ ((operator operands ...)
+ (apply (or (assoc-ref primitives operator)
+ (scm-error 'c-eval-error "c-eval"
+ "Applying non-existant primitive operator: ~s, operands: ~s"
+ (list operator operands) #f))
+ environment operands))
+ ;; "f()" gets compiled to simply f
+ ;; meaning that we instead use the environment to determine
+ ;; if something is a variable or procedure
+ (expr
+ (if (literal? expr)
+ (values environment expr)
+ (let ((value (env-ref environment expr)))
+ (if (c-procedure? value)
+ (c-eval environment `(funcall ,value (#{,}#)))
+ (values environment value)))))))
diff --git a/module/c/eval/environment.scm b/module/c/eval/environment.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12eefaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/eval/environment.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(define-module (c eval environment)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :export (make-environment
+ env-set! env-ref push-frame! pop-frame!))
+(define (make-frame)
+ (make-hash-table))
+(define (make-environment)
+ (list (make-frame)))
+;; Returns an updated environment, linear update
+(define (env-set! env key value)
+ ;; get handle to differentiate #f
+ ;; (even though #f should never be stored since it's not a C value)
+ (cond ((find (lambda (frame) (hashq-get-handle frame key)) env)
+ => (lambda (frame) (hashq-set! frame key value)))
+ (else (hashq-set! (car env) key value)))
+ env)
+(define (env-ref env key)
+ (cond ((null? env)
+ (scm-error 'misc-error "env-ref"
+ "~s unbound"
+ (list key)
+ #f))
+ ((hashq-get-handle (car env) key) => cdr)
+ (else (env-ref (cdr env) key))))
+(define (push-frame! environment)
+ (cons (make-frame) environment))
+(define (pop-frame! environment)
+ (cdr environment))
diff --git a/module/c/eval2.scm b/module/c/eval2.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d58f20bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/eval2.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(define-module (c eval2)
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (->))
+ :export (C-TRUE
+ boolean->c-boolean
+ c-boolean->boolean
+ c-not))
+(define C-TRUE 1)
+(define C-FALSE 0)
+(define (boolean->c-boolean bool)
+ (if bool C-TRUE C-FALSE))
+(define (c-boolean->boolean bool)
+ (not (zero? bool)))
+(define (c-not b)
+ (-> b c-boolean->boolean not boolean->c-boolean))