diff options
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/module/output/terminal.scm b/module/output/terminal.scm
index f4f46272..9e806b28 100644
--- a/module/output/terminal.scm
+++ b/module/output/terminal.scm
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
#:use-module (oop goops)
#:use-module (oop goops describe)
+ #:use-module (text markup)
#:export (main-loop))
(define-values (height width) (get-terminal-size))
@@ -49,36 +51,22 @@
(location-width 20))
(define summary-width (- width date-width location-width 6))
- (displayln
- (box-top #\┬ #\─ date-width (+ summary-width 2) (1+ location-width)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (ev i)
- (display
- (string-append
- (if (datetime? (prop ev 'DTSTART))
- (datetime->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")
- (date->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d --:--"))
- " │ "
- (if (= i active-element) "\x1b[7m" "")
- (color-escape (prop (parent ev) 'COLOR))
- ;; Summary filter is a hook for the user
- (let ((dirty (prop ev '-X-HNH-DIRTY)))
- (string-append
- (if dirty "* " "")
- ;; TODO reintroduce summary-filter
- (trim-to-width (prop ev 'SUMMARY) (- summary-width
- (if dirty 2 0)))))
- " │ "
- (if (prop ev 'LOCATION) "" "\x1b[1;30m")
- (trim-to-width
- (or (prop ev 'LOCATION) "INGEN LOKAL") location-width)
- "\n")))
- events
- (iota (length events)))
- (displayln
- (box-top #\┴ #\─ date-width (+ summary-width 2) (1+ location-width))))
+ (display
+ (sxml->ansi-text
+ `(table (@ (max-width ,(+ 20 15 summary-width))
+ (widths (20 ,summary-width 15)))
+ ,@(map (lambda (ev i)
+ `(tr (@ (style invert))
+ ,(if (datetime? (prop ev 'DTSTART))
+ (datetime->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")
+ (date->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d --:--"))
+ (color (@ (c ,(prop (parent ev) 'COLOR)))
+ ,(prop ev 'SUMMARY))
+ ,(aif (prop ev 'LOCATION)
+ it `(color (@ (c grey)) "INGEN LOKAL"))))
+ events
+ (iota (length events))))))
+ )
(define (displayln a)
(display a) (newline))
@@ -336,6 +324,19 @@
(cached-page this) #f))
(else (next-method))))
+;; (define-class <edit-view> (<view>)
+;; (event init-keyword: event:
+;; getter: get-event)
+;; )
+;; (define-method (output (this <edit-view>))
+;; (display "== Edit View ==\n")
+;; `(table
+;; ,@(for (key value) in (properties (get-event this))
+;; `(tr (td ,key) (td (textbox ,value))))))
(app/define-method (main-loop date)
(define state (list (day-view (app/getf 'event-set) date)))
diff --git a/module/text/markup.scm b/module/text/markup.scm
index 84bf7f61..b4724838 100644
--- a/module/text/markup.scm
+++ b/module/text/markup.scm
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
:use-module (text util)
:use-module (text flow)
- :use-module (texinfo string-utils))
+ :use-module (texinfo string-utils)
+ :use-module (vulgar color))
(define (esc . effect)
@@ -31,9 +32,15 @@
[nonlist nonlist]))
-(define (get-attr args key default)
+(define* (get-attr args key optional: default)
(aif (assoc-ref args key)
- (car it) default))
+ (car it)
+ (if default default
+ (error "~a required" key))))
+(define (box-top intersection line . lengths)
+ (reduce (lambda (str done) (string-append done (string intersection) str))
+ "" (map (lambda (len) (make-string len line)) lengths)))
;; NOTE Some tags can be given a `width' attribute. This is however not yet
;; fully supported.
@@ -42,6 +49,39 @@
[(*TOP* group block) (string-concatenate
(map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes args))
+ [(table)
+ ;; TODO border option
+ (let* ((width-list (get-attr args 'widths))
+ (auto-count (count (lambda (e) (eq? '- e)) width-list))
+ (width (if (zero? auto-count)
+ (apply + width-list)
+ (get-attr args 'max-width)))
+ (auto-width (- (get-attr args 'max-width)
+ (fold (lambda (item sum)
+ (if (eq? item '-) sum (+ item sum)))
+ 0 width-list)))
+ (resolved-widths (map (lambda (w) (if (eq? w '-) auto-width w)) width-list)))
+ (string-append
+ (apply box-top #\┬ #\─ resolved-widths)
+ "\n"
+ (string-concatenate
+ (map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes
+ (acons 'widths (list resolved-widths)
+ args)))
+ body))
+ (apply box-top #\┴ #\─ resolved-widths)
+ "\n"))]
+ [(tr) ; table row
+ (string-append
+ (string-concatenate
+ (intersperce
+ "│"
+ (map (lambda (element width)
+ (trim-to-width (sxml->ansi-text element) width))
+ body
+ (get-attr args 'widths))))
+ "\n")]
[(header) (sxml->ansi-text `(group (center (@ ,@args) (b ,@body)) (br)))]
[(center) (center-string (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body))
(get-attr args 'width 70))]
@@ -94,6 +134,23 @@
(lambda () (pretty-print form width: (aif (assoc-ref args 'width) (car it) 70))))))
+ [(invert)
+ (string-append
+ "\x1b[7m" (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) STR-RESET)]
+ [(color)
+ (let ((c (get-attr args 'c)))
+ (define cesc
+ (if (symbol? c)
+ (case c
+ ((grey gray) "\x1b[1;30m")
+ (else "\x1b[1:31m"))
+ (color-escape c)))
+ (string-concatenate `(,cesc
+ ,@(intersperce cesc (map sxml->ansi-text body))
+ ,STR-RESET)))]
[else (string-append (esc 'bold) "??"
(esc 'invert)