diff options
-rw-r--r--module/c/old/cpp.scm (renamed from module/c/cpp.scm)8
-rw-r--r--module/c/old/lex.scm (renamed from module/c/lex.scm)4
-rw-r--r--module/c/old/operators.scm (renamed from module/c/operators.scm)2
-rw-r--r--module/c/old/parse.scm (renamed from module/c/parse.scm)2
13 files changed, 14 insertions, 1367 deletions
diff --git a/module/c/eval.scm b/module/c/eval.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d0075d..00000000
--- a/module/c/eval.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (c eval)
- :use-module (hnh util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (ice-9 match)
- :use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions)
- :use-module ((rnrs bytevectors)
- :select (bytevector?))
- :use-module ((rnrs arithmetic bitwise)
- :select (bitwise-not
- bitwise-and
- bitwise-ior
- bitwise-xor
- bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
- bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right))
- :use-module (c eval environment)
- :export (c-procedure?
- procedure-formals
- procedure-body
- procedure-arity
- c-eval
- ))
-(define C-TRUE 1)
-(define C-FALSE 0)
-(define (boolean->c-boolean bool)
- (if bool C-TRUE C-FALSE))
-(define (c-boolean->boolean bool)
- (not (zero? bool)))
-(define (c-not b)
- (-> b c-boolean->boolean not boolean->c-boolean))
-(define (c-procedure? expr)
- (and (list? expr)
- (not (null? expr))
- (eq? 'lambda (car expr))))
-(define* (ensure-c-procedure expr optional: calling-procedure)
- (unless (c-procedure? expr)
- (scm-error 'c-eval-error calling-procedure
- "Value not a procedure: ~s"
- (list procedure #f))))
-(define (procedure-formals procedure)
- (ensure-c-procedure procedure "procedure-formals")
- (list-ref procedure 1))
-(define (procedure-body procedure)
- (ensure-c-procedure procedure "procedure-body")
- (list-ref procedure 2))
-(define (procedure-arity procedure)
- (length (procedure-formals procedure)))
-(define (literal? expression)
- (or (number? expression)
- (bytevector? expression)))
-;; Internal helper procedures
-(define (mod-set operation)
- (lambda (env slot value)
- ;; a += b
- ;; a = a + b
- (c-eval env `(= ,slot (,operation ,slot ,value)))))
-(define (fold-2 proc init lst)
- (car+cdr
- (fold (lambda (arg env+done)
- (let ((env* arg* (proc (car env+done) arg)))
- (cons* env* arg* (cdr env+done))))
- init
- lst)))
-;; TODO this disregards
-;; - floating point convertions
-;; - integer truncation
-(define ((simple-infix operation) env . operands)
- (let ((env done (fold-2 c-eval (cons env '()) operands)))
- (values env (apply operation (reverse done)))))
-(define ((binary-operator proc) env i c)
- (let ((env* i* (c-eval env i)))
- (let ((env** c* (c-eval env* c)))
- (values env** (proc i* c*)))))
-;; The order of evaluation for a number of these is undefined, meaning
-;; that any side effects without sequence points is undefined.
-;; However, for many of these I do the sensible thing and evaluate them
-;; from left to right, instead of ignoring all side effects.
-;; TODO double check these with a C standard
-;; Operators have their own namespace. They are called without funcall
-;; in the pseudo-lisp which C is compiled to, and they expand more like
-;; lisp macros, since its up to each operator what to do with its operands.
-;; This to allow assignment and short circuting.
-(define primitives
- `((and . ,(lambda (env . operands)
- (let loop ((env env) (operands operands))
- (if (null? operands)
- (values env C-TRUE)
- (let* ((env* result (c-eval env (car operands))))
- (if (c-boolean->boolean result)
- (loop env* (cdr operands))
- (values env* result)))))))
- (or . ,(lambda (env . operands)
- (let loop ((env env) (operands operands))
- (if (null? operands)
- (values env C-FALSE)
- (let* ((env* result (c-eval env (car operands))))
- (if (false? result)
- (values env* result)
- (loop env* (cdr operands))))))))
- (= . ,(lambda (env slot value)
- ;; TOOD if slot isn't a variable, but a field (or array index)
- ;; then it needs to be resolved...
- (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
- (values (env-set! env* slot result)
- result))))
- (and_eq ,(mod-set 'bitand)) ; &=
- (or_eq ,(mod-set 'bitor)) ; |=
- (xor_eq ,(mod-set 'xor)) ; ^=
- (+= ,(mod-set '+))
- (-= ,(mod-set '-))
- (*= ,(mod-set '*))
- (/= ,(mod-set '/))
- (<<= ,(mod-set '<<))
- (>>= ,(mod-set '>>))
- (%= ,(mod-set '%))
- (+ . ,(simple-infix +))
- (* . ,(simple-infix *))
- (/ . ,(simple-infix /))
- (- . ,(lambda (env op . operands)
- (if (null? operands)
- (let ((env* value (c-eval env op)))
- (values env* (- value)))
- (apply (simple-infix -)
- env op operands))))
- (bitor . ,(simple-infix bitwise-ior))
- (bitand . ,(simple-infix bitwise-and))
- (xor . ,(simple-infix bitwise-xor))
- (not_eq . ,(lambda (env a b) (c-eval env `(not (== ,a ,b))))) ; !=
- (<< . ,(binary-operator bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left))
- (>> . ,(binary-operator bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right))
- (< . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean <)))
- (> . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean >)))
- ;; this assumes that = handles pointers
- (== . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean =)))
- (<= . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean <=)))
- (>= . ,(binary-operator (compose boolean->c-boolean >=)))
- (% . ,(binary-operator modulo))
- (not . ,(lambda (env value)
- (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
- (values env* (c-not result)))))
- (compl . ,(lambda (env value)
- (let ((env* result (c-eval env value)))
- (values env* (bitwise-not result)))))
- ;; ++C
- (pre-increment . ,(lambda (env slot) (c-eval env `(+= ,slot 1))))
- (pre-decrement . ,(lambda (env slot) (c-eval env `(-= ,slot 1))))
- ;; TODO these (C++, C--) need to handle if slot isn't a direct variabl
- (post-increment . ,(lambda (env slot)
- (let ((value (env-ref env slot)))
- (values (env-set! env slot (1+ value))
- value))))
- (pre-decrement . ,(lambda (env slot)
- (let ((value (env-ref env slot)))
- (values (env-set! env slot (1+ value))
- value))))
- (ternary . ,(lambda (env test true-clause false-clause)
- (let ((env* value (c-eval env test)))
- (c-eval env*
- (if (c-boolean->boolean value)
- true-clause false-clause)))))
- ;; TODO remaining operations
- (as-type . ,(lambda (env target-type value)
- (format (current-error-port) "cast<~s>(~s)~%" target-type value)
- (values env value)))
- (object-slot . ,(lambda (env object slot)
- (scm-error 'not-implemented "object-slot"
- "Object slots are not implemented, when accessing ~s.~s"
- (list object slot) #f)))
- (dereference-slot ,(lambda (env ptr slot)
- (scm-error 'not-implemented "dereference-slot"
- "Object slots are not implemented, when accessing ~s->~s"
- (list object slot) #f)))
- (dereference . ,(lambda (env ptr)
- (scm-error 'not-implemented "dereference"
- "Poiner dereferencing is not implemented: *~s"
- (list ptr) #f)))
- (pointer . ,(lambda (env value)
- (scm-error 'not-implemented "pointer"
- "Pointer of is not implemented: &~s"
- (list value) #f)))))
-;; TODO |,|
-(define (c-eval environment expression)
- (match expression
- (('lambda formals body) (values environment `(lambda ,formals ,body)))
- ;; hack since sizeof really should be a operator
- (('funcall 'sizeof arg)
- ;; TODO
- (format (current-error-port) "sizeof ~s~%" arg)
- (values environment 1))
- (('funcall procedure-name ('#{,}# args ...))
- (let ((procedure (env-ref environment procedure-name)))
- (ensure-c-procedure procedure "c-eval")
- (unless (= (length args) (procedure-arity procedure))
- (scm-error 'c-eval-error "c-eval"
- "Procedure arity mismatch for ~s, expected ~s, got ~s"
- (list procedure-name
- (procedure-arity procedure)
- (length args))
- #f))
- (let ((env args* (fold-2 c-eval (cons environment '()) args )))
- (let ((inner-environment
- (fold (lambda (name value env) (env-set! env name value))
- (push-frame! env)
- (procedure-formals procedure) args*)))
- (let ((resulting-environment
- result-value
- (c-eval inner-environment (procedure-body procedure))))
- (values (pop-frame! resulting-environment)
- result-value))))))
- (('funcall procedure arg)
- (c-eval environment `(funcall ,procedure (#{,}# ,arg))))
- ((operator operands ...)
- (apply (or (assoc-ref primitives operator)
- (scm-error 'c-eval-error "c-eval"
- "Applying non-existant primitive operator: ~s, operands: ~s"
- (list operator operands) #f))
- environment operands))
- ;; "f()" gets compiled to simply f
- ;; meaning that we instead use the environment to determine
- ;; if something is a variable or procedure
- (expr
- (if (literal? expr)
- (values environment expr)
- (let ((value (env-ref environment expr)))
- (if (c-procedure? value)
- (c-eval environment `(funcall ,value (#{,}#)))
- (values environment value)))))))
diff --git a/module/c/eval/environment.scm b/module/c/eval/environment.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 12eefaf7..00000000
--- a/module/c/eval/environment.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (c eval environment)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :export (make-environment
- env-set! env-ref push-frame! pop-frame!))
-(define (make-frame)
- (make-hash-table))
-(define (make-environment)
- (list (make-frame)))
-;; Returns an updated environment, linear update
-(define (env-set! env key value)
- ;; get handle to differentiate #f
- ;; (even though #f should never be stored since it's not a C value)
- (cond ((find (lambda (frame) (hashq-get-handle frame key)) env)
- => (lambda (frame) (hashq-set! frame key value)))
- (else (hashq-set! (car env) key value)))
- env)
-(define (env-ref env key)
- (cond ((null? env)
- (scm-error 'misc-error "env-ref"
- "~s unbound"
- (list key)
- #f))
- ((hashq-get-handle (car env) key) => cdr)
- (else (env-ref (cdr env) key))))
-(define (push-frame! environment)
- (cons (make-frame) environment))
-(define (pop-frame! environment)
- (cdr environment))
diff --git a/module/c/cpp.scm b/module/c/old/cpp.scm
index aed496f2..1623bd11 100644
--- a/module/c/cpp.scm
+++ b/module/c/old/cpp.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(define-module (c cpp)
+(define-module (c old cpp)
:use-module (hnh util)
:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
:use-module (ice-9 popen)
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
:use-module (ice-9 format)
:use-module ((hnh util io) :select (read-lines))
:use-module (hnh util graph)
- :use-module (c lex)
- :use-module (c parse)
- :use-module (c operators)
+ :use-module (c old lex)
+ :use-module (c old parse)
+ :use-module (c old operators)
:export (replace-symbols include#)
diff --git a/module/c/lex.scm b/module/c/old/lex.scm
index 0bde5c9e..dcc7336d 100644
--- a/module/c/lex.scm
+++ b/module/c/old/lex.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(define-module (c lex)
+(define-module (c old lex)
:use-module (ice-9 peg)
- :use-module (c operators)
+ :use-module (c old operators)
:export (lex))
diff --git a/module/c/operators.scm b/module/c/old/operators.scm
index 910dc8a9..0b253ada 100644
--- a/module/c/operators.scm
+++ b/module/c/old/operators.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(define-module (c operators)
+(define-module (c old operators)
:export (wordy-binary-operators
diff --git a/module/c/parse.scm b/module/c/old/parse.scm
index 7d11ea17..d598e3c9 100644
--- a/module/c/parse.scm
+++ b/module/c/old/parse.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(define-module (c parse)
+(define-module (c old parse)
:use-module (hnh util)
:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
diff --git a/module/c/preprocessor.scm b/module/c/preprocessor.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 71712b17..00000000
--- a/module/c/preprocessor.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (c preprocessor)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
- :use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
- :use-module (ice-9 regex)
- :use-module (hnh util object)
- :use-module (hnh util)
- :use-module (hnh util object)
- )
-(define (read-lines port)
- (let loop ((done '()))
- (let ((line (read-line port)))
- (if (eof-object? line)
- (reverse done)
- (loop (cons line done))))))
-;; The source line of a give readen line
-(define line-number (make-object-property))
-;; The source file of a given readen line
-(define line-file (make-object-property))
-(define (mark-with-property! items property property-value)
- (for-each (lambda (item) (set! (property item) property-value))
- items))
-(define trigraph-rx (make-regexp "??([=()/'<>!-])"))
-(define (expand-trigraphs line)
- (regexp-substitute/global
- #f trigraph-rx
- line
- 'pre (lambda (m) (case (string-ref (match:substring m 1) 1)
- ((#\=) "#")
- ((#\() "[")
- ((#\)) "]")
- ((#\/) "\\")
- ((#\') "^")
- ((#\<) "{")
- ((#\>) "}")
- ((#\!) "|")
- ((#\-) "~")))
- 'post))
-(define (number-lines lines)
- (for-each (lambda (line number)
- (set! (line-number line) number))
- lines
- (iota (length lines) 1))
- lines)
-;; Should this line be merged with the next
-(define (line-continued? line)
- (case (string-length line)
- ((0) #f)
- ((1) (string=? "\\" line))
- (else
- (let ((len (string-length line)))
- ;; TODO can extra backslashes change this?
- (and (char=? #\\ (string-ref line (- len 1)))
- (not (char=? #\\ (string-ref line (- len 2)))))))))
-(define (transfer-line-number to from)
- (set! (line-number to) (line-number from))
- to)
-;; Merge two lines, assuming that upper ends with a backslash
-(define (merge-lines upper lower)
- (let ((new-string (string-append (string-drop-right upper 1) lower)))
- (transfer-line-number new-string upper)
- new-string))
-(define (fold-lines lines)
- (fold-right (lambda (line done)
- (if (line-continued? line)
- (cons (merge-lines line (car done)) (cdr done))
- (cons line done)))
- '()
- lines))
-(define comment-rx (make-regexp "(//|/[*]|[*]/)"))
-(define (strip-comments lines)
- (let loop ((in-comment #f) (lines lines) (done '()))
- (if (null? lines)
- (reverse done)
- (let ((line (car lines)))
- (cond ((regexp-exec comment-rx line)
- => (lambda (m)
- (format (current-output-port) "~s ~s substr = ~s~%" in-comment (line-number line) (match:substring m))
- (cond ((and in-comment (string=? "*/" (match:substring m)))
- (loop #f (cons (transfer-line-number (match:suffix m) line)
- (cdr lines))
- done))
- (in-comment (loop #t (cdr lines) done))
- ((string=? "//" (match:substring m))
- (loop #f (cdr lines) (cons (transfer-line-number (match:prefix m) line)
- done)))
- ((string=? "/*" (match:substring m))
- (loop #t (cons (transfer-line-number (match:suffix m) line) (cdr lines)) done))
- (else
- (scm-error 'cpp-error "strip-comments"
- "Unexpected */ in file ~a on line ~a"
- (list (line-file line) (line-number line))
- #f)))))
- (else (loop in-comment (cdr lines) (cons line done))))))))
-(define-immutable-record-type <preprocessor-directive>
- (make-preprocessor-directive type body)
- proprocessor-directive?
- (type directive-type)
- (body directive-body))
-(define cpp-directive-rx (make-regexp "\\s*#\\s*((\\w+)(.*))?"))
-(define (preprocessor-directive? line)
- (cond ((regexp-exec cpp-directive-rx line)
- => (lambda (m)
- (if (match:substring m 2)
- (make-preprocessor-directive
- (string->symbol (match:substring m 2))
- (string-trim-both (match:substring m 3) char-set:whitespace))
- 'sort-of)))
- (else #f)))
-;; defined
-;; TODO _Pragma
-(define (expand-function-line-macro environment macro . params)
- (expand-macro environment (apply-macro macro (map (lambda (param) (expand-macro environment param)) params))))
-;; (define (environment-ref ))
-(define (list-of? lst predicate)
- (every predicate lst))
-;; Parantheses when defining macro
-(define (parse-parameter-string string)
- (map string-trim-both
- (string-split (string-trim-both string (char-set #\( #\)))
- #\,)))
-(define-type (object-macro)
- (body type: string?))
-(define-type (function-macro)
- (formals type: (list-of? string?))
- (body type: string?))
-;; The interesting part
-;; environment, (list string) -> (values (list string) (list strings))
-;; multiple lines since since a function-like macro can extend over multiple lines
-;; (define (expand-macros environment strings)
-;; )
-(define (crash-if-not-if body guilty)
- (scm-error 'cpp-error guilty
- "else, elif, and endif invalid outside if scope: ~s~%file: ~s line: ~s"
- (list body (line-file body) (line-number body))))
-;; (environment, lines) -> environment x lines
-(define (parse-directives environment lines)
- (let loop ((environment environment) (lines lines) (done '()))
- (let* ((line (car line))
- (directive? (preprocessor-directive? line)))
- (case directive?
- ((#f) ; regular line
- (loop environment (cdr lines)
- ;; TODO this doesn't work, since parse-macros works on multiple lines
- (cons (parse-macros environment (car lines)) done)))
- ((sort-of) ; a no-op directive
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- (else ; an actual directive
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((outside)
- (case (directive-type m)
- ((ifndef endif else)
- (scm-error 'cpp-error "parse-directives"
- "Unexpected directive: ~s"
- (list line) #f))
- (else ; inside if, ifelse or else
- ;; outside active-if inactive-if
- (case (directive-type m)
- ;; stack ending directives
- ((endif)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((outside) (crash-if-not-if (directive-body m) "endif"))
- (else (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status cdr)
- (cdr lines)
- done))))
- ;; stack nudging directives
- ((else)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((outside) (crash-if-not-if (directive-body m) "else"))
- (else (loop (modify environment (lens-compose cpp-if-status car*)
- (lambda (old)
- (case old
- ((active-if) 'inactive-if)
- ((inactive-if) 'active-if))))
- (cdr lines)
- done))))
- ((elif)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((outside) (crash-if-not-if (directive-body m) "elif"))
- (else 'TODO ;; TODO
- )
- ))
- ;; stack creating directives
- ;; on inactive-if each creates a new frame, which also is inactive
- ((ifndef)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((inactive-if) (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status
- xcons 'inactive-if)
- (cdr lines)
- done))
- (else (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status
- xcons (if (in-environment? environment (directive-body directive?))
- 'inactive-if 'active-if))
- (cdr lines)
- done))))
- ((ifdef)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((inactive-if) (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status
- xcons 'inactive-if)
- (cdr lines)
- done))
- (else
- (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status
- xcons (if (in-environment? environment (directive-body directive?))
- 'active-if 'inactive-if))
- (cdr lines)
- done))))
- ((if)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((inactive-if) (loop (modify environment cpp-if-status
- xcons 'inactive-if)
- (cdr lines)
- done))
- (else 'TODO ;; TODO
- )))
- ;; other directives
- ((include) (cond ((string-match "[<\"](.*)"
- => (lambda (m)
- (let ((fileneme (string-drop-right (directive-body m) 1)))
- (case (string-ref (match:substring m 1) 0)
- ;; TODO include-path
- ((#\<) (handle-file environment filename))
- ((#\") (handle-file environment filename))))))
- (else (scm-error 'cpp-error "parse-directives"
- "Invalid include"
- '() #f)))))
- ((define)
- ;; TODO what are valid names?
- (cond ((string-match "^(\\w+)([(][^)]*[)])?\\s+(.*)" (directive-body directive?))
- => (lambda (m)
- (loop (let ((macro-body (string-trim-both (match:substring m 3))))
- (add-identifier!
- environment
- (match:substring m 1)
- (cond ((match:substring m 2)
- => (lambda (parameter-string)
- (function-macro
- formals: (parse-parameter-string parameter-string)
- body: macro-body)))
- (else (object-macro body: macro-body)))))
- (cdr lines)
- done)))
- (else (scm-error 'cpp-error "parse-directives"
- "Invalid #define line, ~s"
- (list (directive-body directive?))
- #f))))
- ((undef)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((inactive-if) (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- (else (loop (remove-identifier environment (directive-body directive?))
- (cdr lines)
- done))))
- ((line)
- (case (car (cpp-if-status environment))
- ((inactive-if) (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- ;; TODO add first-run parameter to loop, in case expand-macros still return something invalid
- (else (let parse-line-directive ((tokens (string-tokenize (directive-body directive?))))
- (cond ((= 1 (length tokens))
- ;; TODO parse token
- (if (integer? (car tokens))
- ;; TODO update current line
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done)
- (parse-line-directive (expand-macros environment (directive-body directive?)))))
- ((= 2 (length tokens))
- ;; TODO parse tokens
- (if (and (integer? (car tokens))
- (string-literal? (cadr tokens)))
- ;; TODO update current line and file
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done)
- (parse-line-directive (expand-macros environment (directive-body directive?)))))
- (else (parse-line-directive (expand-macros environment (directive-body directive?)))))))))
- ((error)
- (throw 'cpp-error-directive
- (directive-body directive?)))
- ((warning)
- (format (current-error-port) "#warning ~a~%"
- (directive-body directive?))
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- ((pragma)
- (format (current-error-port)
- "PRAGMA: ~s~%" (directive-body directive?))
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- ((ident sccs)
- (format (current-error-port)
- "IDENT: ~s~%" (directive-body directive?))
- (loop environment (cdr lines) done))
- (else
- (scm-error 'cpp-error "parse-directives"
- "Unknown pre-processor directive: ~s"
- (list line) #f)
- )))))))))
- ))
-(define* (writeln expr optional: (port (current-output-port)))
- (write expr port)
- (newline port))
-(define (handle-lines environment lines)
- (parse-directive environment
- (compose strip-comments fold-lines number-lines)))
- ;; parse-directives environment
-;; Return a number of lines
-(define (read-file file-path)
- (define raw-lines (call-with-input-file file-path read-lines))
- (mark-with-property! line line-file file-path)
- (handle-lines raw-lines))
-;; pre defined macros
-;; see info manual for cpp 3.7.1 Standard Predefined Macros
-;; __FILE__
-;; __LINE__
-;; __DATE__ "Feb 12 1996"
-;; __TIME__ "23:59:01"
-;; __STDC__ 1
-;; __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
-;; __STDC_HOSTED__ 1
-;; __cplusplus
-;; __OBJC__
diff --git a/module/c/util.scm b/module/c/util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index f258d3e3..00000000
--- a/module/c/util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(use-modules (c lex2)
- (srfi srfi-1)
- (srfi srfi-88)
- (c to-token)
- (c cpp-types))
-(define (tok s)
- (map preprocessing-token->token (remove whitespace-token? (lex s))))
-(define* (parse tokens optional: (parser make-parser))
- ((parser)
- (build-lexical-analyzer tokens)
- error))
-(define (mm)
- (lalr-parser
- (x)
- (y (x))
- ))
diff --git a/module/c/zipper.scm b/module/c/zipper.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 65cea211..00000000
--- a/module/c/zipper.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Zipper data structure. Could be moved to (hnh util), but would then need to
-;; be at least slightly more thorough.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (c zipper)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util object)
- :export (list-zipper
- list-zipper?
- left focused right
- zip-left
- zip-right
- zip-find-right
- list->zipper
- zipper->list
- rezip))
-(define-type (list-zipper)
- (left type: list?)
- focused
- (right type: list?))
-;; Move zipper one step to the left
-(define (zip-left zipper)
- (if (null? (left zipper))
- zipper
- (list-zipper left: (cdr (left zipper))
- right: (cons (focused zipper) (right zipper))
- focused: (car (left zipper)))))
-;; Move zipper one step to the right
-(define (zip-right zipper)
- (if (null? (right zipper))
- zipper
- (list-zipper left: (cons (focused zipper) (left zipper))
- right: (cdr (right zipper))
- focused: (car (right zipper)))))
-;; find first element matching predicate, going right
-(define (zip-find-right predicate zipper)
- (cond ((null? (right zipper)) zipper)
- ((predicate (focused zipper)) zipper)
- (else (zip-find-right predicate (zip-right zipper)))))
-(define (list->zipper list)
- (list-zipper left: '()
- focused: (car list)
- right: (cdr list)))
-(define (rezip zipper)
- (if (null? (left zipper))
- zipper
- (rezip (zip-left zipper))))
-(define (zipper->list zipper)
- (let ((z (rezip zipper)))
- (cons (focused z)
- (right z))))
diff --git a/module/glob.scm b/module/glob.scm
index 64f97690..bd9a6ea5 100644
--- a/module/glob.scm
+++ b/module/glob.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(define-module (glob)
:use-module (system foreign)
:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
- :use-module (c cpp)
+ :use-module (c old cpp)
:export (glob))
diff --git a/module/vulgar/termios.scm b/module/vulgar/termios.scm
index ddd8920f..5ef86c00 100644
--- a/module/vulgar/termios.scm
+++ b/module/vulgar/termios.scm
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
:use-module (srfi srfi-9) ; records
:use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (c cpp)
+ :use-module (c old cpp)
:use-module (hnh util)
:export (make-termios
diff --git a/tests/test/c-parse.scm b/tests/test/c-parse.scm
index c16958de..22aaf92a 100644
--- a/tests/test/c-parse.scm
+++ b/tests/test/c-parse.scm
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
(define-module (test cpp)
:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
:use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((c lex) :select (lex))
- :use-module (c parse))
+ :use-module ((c old lex) :select (lex))
+ :use-module (c old parse))
-(define flatten-infix (@@ (c parse) flatten-infix))
-(define resolve-order-of-operations (@@ (c parse) resolve-order-of-operations))
+(define flatten-infix (@@ (c old parse) flatten-infix))
+(define resolve-order-of-operations (@@ (c old parse) resolve-order-of-operations))
(test-group "Flatten infix"
(test-equal "Simple binary operator"
diff --git a/tests/test/cpp.scm b/tests/test/cpp.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1294bc96..00000000
--- a/tests/test/cpp.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests my parser for a subset of the C programming language.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test cpp)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((c lex) :select (lex))
- :use-module ((c parse) :select (parse-lexeme-tree))
- :use-module ((c eval) :select (c-eval))
- :use-module ((c eval environment) :select (make-environment env-set!))
- :use-module ((rnrs arithmetic bitwise)
- :select (bitwise-xor)))
-;; Note that the lexer's output isn't stable.
-;; The tests here are more to see where the lexer succeeds but the parser fails.
-;; So changing the lexer test cases isn't a problem
-;; but don't change the parser test cases
-;; __asm__ always has strings as arguments
-(test-skip "__asm__")
-;; Lexer produces garbage when attempted. Fixing this would also fix cast
-;; operations.
-(test-skip "Float in infix expression")
-;; order of operation is wrong, leading to an incorrect result
-(test-skip "Cast with operation")
-;; not implemented
-(test-skip "Token concatenation")
-;; A string follewed by a macro (which expands to a string)
-;; should be concatenated. This is however not yet implemented
-(test-skip "Implicit concatenation of string and macro")
-(define run (compose parse-lexeme-tree lex))
-(define (alist->environment alist)
- (fold (lambda (pair env)
- (apply env-set! env pair))
- (make-environment)
- alist))
-(define (exec form . base-bindings)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (c-eval (alist->environment base-bindings)
- (run form)))
- (lambda (env value) value)))
-(define-syntax let-group
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((let ((form name) rest ...) body ...)
- (test-group name
- (let ((form name)
- rest ...)
- body ...)))))
- ((form "(*C)++ + 3"))
- (test-equal '(infix (postfix (group (prefix (prefix-operator "*")
- (variable "C")))
- (postfix-operator "++"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "3")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (post-increment (dereference C)) 3)
- (run form)))
- ((form "*C++ + 3"))
- (test-equal '(infix (postfix (prefix (prefix-operator "*")
- (variable "C"))
- (postfix-operator "++"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "3")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (post-increment (dereference C)) 3)
- (run form)))
- ((form "*C++"))
- (test-equal '(postfix (prefix (prefix-operator "*")
- (variable "C"))
- (postfix-operator "++"))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(post-increment (dereference C))
- (run form)))
- ((form "C++ + C++"))
- (test-equal '(infix (postfix (variable "C")
- (postfix-operator "++"))
- (operator "+")
- (postfix (variable "C")
- (postfix-operator "++")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (post-increment C) (post-increment C))
- (run form)))
- ((form "++C + ++C"))
- (test-equal '(infix (prefix (prefix-operator "++")
- (variable "C"))
- (operator "+")
- (prefix (prefix-operator "++")
- (variable "C")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (pre-increment C) (pre-increment C))
- (run form)))
- ((form "2 + 2 * 2"))
- (test-equal '(infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "+")
- (infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "*")
- (integer (base-10 "2"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ 2 (* 2 2)) (run form))
- (test-equal 6 (exec form)))
- ((form "2 * 2 + 2"))
- (test-equal '(infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "*")
- (infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "2"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (* 2 2) 2) (run form))
- (test-equal 6 (exec form)))
- ((form "2+2+2"))
- (test-equal '(infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "+")
- (infix (integer (base-10 "2"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "2")))) (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ 2 2 2) (run form))
- (test-equal 6 (exec form)))
-(test-group "Unary minus"
- (test-group "Without space"
- (let ((form "-1"))
- (test-equal '(prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (integer (base-10 "1")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(- 1) (run form))
- (test-equal -1 (exec form))))
- (test-group "With space"
- (let ((form "- 1"))
- (test-equal '(prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (integer (base-10 "1")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(- 1) (run form))
- (test-equal -1 (exec form))))
- (test-group "Before variable"
- (let ((form "-x"))
- (test-equal '(prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (variable "x"))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(- x) (run form))
- (test-equal -5 (exec form '(x 5)))))
- (test-group "Before infix"
- (let ((form "-x+3"))
- (test-equal '(infix (prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (variable "x"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "3")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (- x) 3) (run form))
- (test-equal -2 (exec form '(x 5)))))
- (test-group "Inside infix expression"
- (let ((form "x+-3"))
- (test-equal '(infix (variable "x")
- (operator "+")
- (prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (integer (base-10 "3"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ x (- 3)) (run form))
- (test-equal 2 (exec form '(x 5)))))
- )
-;; Hand picked forms from output of `cpp -dM /usr/include/termios.h` on
-;; FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE releng/13.1-n250148-fc952ac2212 GENERIC amd64
-;; 2022-06-28
-(let ((form "00000200"))
- (test-equal '(integer (base-8 "0000200")) (lex form))
- (test-equal 128 (run form)))
-(let ((form "0"))
- (test-equal '(integer (base-10 "0")) (lex form))
- (test-equal 0 (run form)))
-(let ((form "1000000U"))
- (test-equal '(integer (base-10 "1000000") (integer-suffix "U")) (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (unsigned) 1000000) (run form))
- (test-equal 1000000 (exec form)))
-(let ((form "0x10c"))
- (test-equal '(integer (base-16 "10c")) (lex form))
- (test-equal 268 (run form)))
-;; Lexer keeps original case, handled later by parser
-(let ((form "0X10C"))
- (test-equal '(integer (base-16 "10C")) (lex form))
- (test-equal 268 (run form)))
-(let ((form "a != b"))
- (test-equal '(infix (variable "a")
- (operator "!=")
- (variable "b"))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(not_eq a b) (run form))
- (test-equal 1 (exec form '(a 1) '(b 2)))
- (test-equal 0 (exec form '(a 1) '(b 1)))
- )
-(let ((form "((c) == (val) && (val) != _POSIX_VDISABLE)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(and (== c val)
- (not_eq val _POSIX_VDISABLE))
- (run form))
- (test-equal 0 (exec form '(c 1) '(val 2) '(_POSIX_VDISABLE 3)))
- )
-(let ((form "CTRL('O')"))
- (test-equal '(funcall (variable "CTRL") (group (char "O"))) (lex form))
- (test-equal '(funcall CTRL 79) (run form))
- (test-equal (bitwise-xor #x40 (char->integer #\O))
- (exec form
- ;; Definition copied from our parsers output of
- ;; preprocessing output as defined above
- '(CTRL (lambda (x)
- (ternary (and (>= x 97) (<= x 122))
- (+ (- x 97) 1)
- (bitand (+ (- x 65) 1) 127)))))))
-(let ((form "CREPRINT"))
- (test-equal '(variable "CREPRINT") (lex form))
- (test-equal 'CREPRINT (run form)))
-(let ((form "(CCTS_OFLOW | CRTS_IFLOW)"))
- (test-equal '(group (infix (variable "CCTS_OFLOW")
- (operator "|")
- (variable "CRTS_IFLOW")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(bitor CCTS_OFLOW CRTS_IFLOW) (run form)))
-;; ((x) >= 'a' && (x) <= 'z'
-;; ? ((x) - 'a' + 1)
-;; : (((x) - 'a' + 1) & 0x7f))
-(let ((form "((x) >= 'a' && (x) <= 'z' ? ((x) - 'a' + 1) : (((x) - 'a' + 1) & 0x7f))"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(ternary
- (and (>= x #x61)
- (<= x #x7A))
- (+ (- x #x61) 1)
- (bitand (+ (- x #x61) 1) 127))
- (run form)))
-(let ((form "((x) & ~(IOCPARM_MASK << 16))"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(bitand x (compl (<< IOCPARM_MASK 16))) (run form)))
-(let ((form "(((x) >> 8) & 0xff)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(bitand (>> x 8) 255) (run form)))
-(let ((form "(((x) >> 16) & IOCPARM_MASK)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(bitand (>> x 16) IOCPARM_MASK) (run form)))
-(let ((form "((1 << IOCPARM_SHIFT) - 1)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(- (<< 1 IOCPARM_SHIFT) 1) (run form)))
-(let ((form "_IO('t', 120)"))
- (test-equal '(funcall
- (variable "_IO")
- (group (infix (char "t")
- (operator ",")
- (integer (base-10 "120")))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(funcall _IO (#{,}# 116 120)) (run form)))
-;; note the lone type
-(let ((form "_IOW('t', 98, int)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(funcall _IOW (#{,}# 116 98 int))
- (run form)))
-;; note the multi-word type
-(let ((form "_IOR('t', 19, struct termios)"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(funcall _IOR (#{,}# 116 19 (struct-type termios))) (run form)))
-;; TODO concatenation rules
-;; #define __CONCAT(x,y) __CONCAT1(x,y)
-;; #define __CONCAT1(x,y) x ## y
-;; #define __CONSTANT_CFSTRINGS__ 1
-;; #define __COPYRIGHT(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__copyright_,__LINE__),s)
-(test-group "Token concatenation"
- (let ((form "x ## y"))
- (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '0 (run form))))
-(test-group "Floating point numbers"
- (test-group "Diffent forms"
- (test-group "No decimal point, exponent, no suffix"
- (let ((form "10e10"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "10"))
- (exponent (base-10 "10")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal 10e10 (run form))))
- (test-group "No decimal point, negative exponent"
- (let ((form "10e-10"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "10"))
- (exponent "-" (base-10 "10")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal 10e-10 (run form))))
- (test-group "No decimal point, exponent and suffix"
- (let ((form "10e10L"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "10"))
- (exponent (base-10 "10"))
- (float-suffix "L"))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (long double) 10e10)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Leading period, no exponent or suffix"
- (let ((form ".1"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-decimal (base-10 "1"))) (lex form))
- (test-equal 0.1 (run form))))
- (test-group "Trailing period, no exponent or suffix"
- (let ((form "1."))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "1"))) (lex form))
- (test-equal 1.0 (run form)))))
- (test-group "Negative float"
- (let ((form "-1.0"))
- (test-equal '(prefix (prefix-operator "-")
- (float (float-integer (base-10 "1"))
- (float-decimal (base-10 "0"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(- 1.0) (run form))))
- (test-group "Real world examples"
- (let ((form "4.9406564584124654e-324"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "4"))
- (float-decimal (base-10 "9406564584124654"))
- (exponent "-" (base-10 "324")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal 4.9406564584124654e-324 (run form)))
- (let ((form "1.7976931348623157e+308"))
- (test-equal '(float (float-integer (base-10 "1"))
- (float-decimal (base-10 "7976931348623157"))
- (exponent "+" (base-10 "308")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal 1.7976931348623157e+308 (run form))))
- (test-group "Float in infix expression"
- (test-group "Simple case"
- (let ((form "1. + .1"))
- (test-equal '(infix (float (float-integer (base-10 "1")))
- (operator "+")
- (float (float-decimal (base-10 "1"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ 1.0 0.1) (run form))))
- ;; (test-group "Complicated case")
- ))
-(test-group "Typecasts"
- (let ((form "(unsigned) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "unsigned"))
- (integer (base-10 "5")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (unsigned) 5)
- (run form)))
- (let ((form "(unsigned integer) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "unsigned")
- (variable "integer"))
- (integer (base-10 "5")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (unsigned integer) 5) (run form)))
- (test-group "Pointer with space"
- (let ((form "(int *) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (postfix (variable "int")
- (postfix-operator "*")))
- (integer (base-10 "5")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (int *) 5)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Pointer without space"
- (let ((form "(int*) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (postfix (variable "int")
- (postfix-operator "*")))
- (integer (base-10 "5")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (int *) 5)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Multi word type pointer"
- (let ((form "(unsigned int*) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "unsigned")
- (postfix (variable "int")
- (postfix-operator "*")))
- (integer (base-10 "5")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (unsigned int *) 5)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Double cast"
- (let ((form "(int)(unsigned) 5"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "int"))
- (group (variable "unsigned"))
- (integer (base-10 "5"))) (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (int) (as-type (unsigned) 5))
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Cast with operation"
- (let ((form "(int) 5 + 7"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "int"))
- (infix (integer (base-10 "5"))
- (operator "+")
- (integer (base-10 "7"))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(+ (as-type (int) 5) 7)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Tripple cast, with value inside paranthesis"
- (let ((form "(type)(__uintptr_t)(const void *)(var)"))
- (test-equal '((group (variable "type"))
- (group (variable "__uintptr_t"))
- (group (variable "const")
- (postfix (variable "void")
- (postfix-operator "*")))
- (group (variable "var")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (type)
- (as-type (__uintptr_t)
- (as-type (const void *)
- var)))
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Same as above, but whole thing inside parenthesis"
- (let ((form "((type)(__uintptr_t)(const void *)(var))"))
- (test-equal '(group (group (variable "type"))
- (group (variable "__uintptr_t"))
- (group (variable "const")
- (postfix (variable "void")
- (postfix-operator "*")))
- (group (variable "var")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (type)
- (as-type (__uintptr_t)
- (as-type (const void *)
- var)))
- (run form))))
- (let ((form "((type)(__uintptr_t)(const volatile void *)(var))"))
- ;; (test-equal '() (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (type)
- (as-type (__uintptr_t)
- (as-type (const volatile void *)
- var)))
- (run form)))
- (let ((form "((unsigned long) ((inout) | (((len) & IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) | ((group) << 8) | (num)))"))
- (test-equal '(group (group (variable "unsigned") (variable "long"))
- (group (infix (group (variable "inout"))
- (operator "|")
- (infix (group (infix (group (infix (group (variable "len"))
- (operator "&")
- (variable "IOCPARM_MASK")))
- (operator "<<")
- (integer (base-10 "16"))))
- (operator "|")
- (infix (group (infix (group (variable "group"))
- (operator "<<")
- (integer (base-10 "8"))))
- (operator "|")
- (group (variable "num")))))))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal '(as-type (unsigned long)
- (bitor inout
- (<< (bitand len IOCPARM_MASK) 16)
- (<< group 8)
- num))
- (run form))))
-(test-group "Characters"
- (let ((form "'c'"))
- (test-equal '(char "c") (lex form))
- (test-equal #x63 (run form)))
- (let ((form "'\\n'"))
- (test-equal '(char (escaped-char "n")) (lex form))
- (test-equal (char->integer #\newline) (run form))))
-(test-group "Strings"
- (test-group "Empty string"
- (let ((form "\"\""))
- (test-equal 'string (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(0) (run form))))
- (test-group "Simple string"
- (let ((form "\"li\""))
- (test-equal '(string "li") (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#x6C #x69 0) (run form))))
- (test-group "Implicit concatenation of strings"
- (let ((form "\"a\" \"b\""))
- (test-equal '((string "a")
- (string "b"))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#x61 #x62 0)
- (run form))))
- (test-group "Implicit concatenation of string and macro"
- (let ((form "\"a\" MACRO"))
- (test-equal '((string "a") (variable "MACRO")) (lex form))
- (test-equal '() (run form))))
- (test-group "String with only escape"
- (let ((form (string #\" #\\ #\" #\")))
- (test-equal `(string (escaped-char "\"")) (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(34 0) (run form))))
- (test-group "String with escape at start"
- (let ((form (string #\" #\\ #\" #\a #\")))
- (test-equal `(string (escaped-char "\"") "a") (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(34 #x61 0) (run form))))
- (test-group "String with escape at end"
- (let ((form (string #\" #\a #\\ #\" #\")))
- (test-equal `(string "a" (escaped-char "\"")) (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#x61 34 0) (run form))))
- (test-group "String with escape in middle"
- (let ((form (string #\" #\a #\\ #\" #\b #\")))
- (test-equal `(string "a" (escaped-char "\"") "b") (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#x61 34 #x62 0) (run form))))
- ;; \e is semi non-standard
- (test-group "String with bakslash-e esacpe"
- (let ((form "\"\\e\""))
- (test-equal '(string (escaped-char "e")) (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#x1b 0) (run form))))
- (test-group "String with byte secquence escape"
- (let ((form "\"\\xf0\\x9f\\x92\\xa9\""))
- (test-equal '(string (escaped-char (base-16-char "f0"))
- (escaped-char (base-16-char "9f"))
- (escaped-char (base-16-char "92"))
- (escaped-char (base-16-char "a9")))
- (lex form))
- (test-equal #vu8(#xf0 #x9f #x92 #xa9 0) (run form)))))
-(test-group "__asm__"
- (let ((form "__asm__(\".globl \" __XSTRING(sym))"))
- (test-equal '() (lex form))
- ;; TODO implicit string concatenation
- (test-equal '(funcall __asm__
- (string ".globl ")
- (funcall __XSTRING sym)) (run form))))
-(let ((form "__attribute__((__aligned__(x)))"))
- (test-equal '(funcall (variable "__attribute__")
- (group (group (funcall (variable "__aligned__")
- (group (variable "x"))))))
- (lex form))
- ;; This drops the extra set of parenthesis. Do we care?
- (test-equal '(funcall __attribute__
- (funcall __aligned__ x))
- (run form)))