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diff --git a/doc/ref/guile/vcomponent.texi b/doc/ref/guile/vcomponent.texi
index 299ae1da..70af3ad3 100644
--- a/doc/ref/guile/vcomponent.texi
+++ b/doc/ref/guile/vcomponent.texi
@@ -115,3 +115,42 @@ Does symbol start with ``X-''?
@defun internal-field? symb [prefix="-"]
@end defun
+@node VComponent Create
+@section (vcomponent create)
+Procedures for declarativly creating components (instead of the
+primitive procedural API).
+@defun vcomponent type [key: prop] ... children
+Creates a new vcomponent of @var{type}. Each kv-pair should contain a
+keyword @var{key}, and a value which is either a direct value, or the
+return value of @code{with-parameters} or
+@code{as-list}. @var{children} should be a list of other vcomponent's.
+@end defun
+@defun vcalendar
+@defunx vevent
+@defunx vtimezone
+@defunx standard
+@defunx daylight
+Calls @code{vcomponent}, with type set to the procedure name (but
+@end defun
+@defun with-parameters [key: param] ... value
+Allows setting parameters for a property as created by @code{vcomponent}.
+@var{value} follows the same rules as in @code{vcomponent}. Multiple
+@var{key}, @var{value} pairs can be given, where each key must be a keyword.
+@end defun
+@defun as-list lst
+Allows setting list values when using @code{vcomponent}.
+Without this a list value would be stored as a single value, while
+with this a list of values is instead stored (as, for example, in EXDATE).
+A list of list types could be hard-coded, but even then this procedure
+is needed since custom types might need it.
+@end defun
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/create.scm b/module/vcomponent/create.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0521b39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/vcomponent/create.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+(define-module (vcomponent create)
+ :use-module (vcomponent base)
+ :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (last drop-right car+cdr))
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-17)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module ((ice-9 hash-table) :select (alist->hashq-table))
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (kvlist->assq ->))
+ :export (with-parameters
+ as-list
+ vcomponent
+ vcalendar vevent
+ vtimezone standard daylight
+ ))
+;; TODO allow parameters and list values at same time
+;; Convert a scheme keyword to a symbol suitable for us
+(define (keyword->key keyword)
+ (-> keyword
+ keyword->string
+ string-upcase
+ string->symbol))
+(define (symbol-upcase symbol)
+ (-> symbol
+ symbol->string
+ string-upcase
+ string->symbol))
+;; Upcase the keys in an association list. Keys must be symbols.
+(define (upcase-keys alist)
+ (map (lambda (pair) (cons (symbol-upcase (car pair))
+ (cdr pair)))
+ alist))
+(define-immutable-record-type <almost-vline>
+ (make-almost-vline parameters value)
+ almost-vline?
+ (parameters almost-vline-parameters)
+ (value almost-vline-value))
+(define (almost-vline->vline key almost-vline)
+ (make-vline key
+ (almost-vline-value almost-vline)
+ (almost-vline-parameters almost-vline)))
+(define (with-parameters . args*)
+ (define parameters (drop-right args* 1))
+ (define value (last args*))
+ (make-almost-vline
+ (-> parameters
+ kvlist->assq
+ upcase-keys
+ alist->hashq-table)
+ value))
+(define-immutable-record-type <list-value>
+ (make-list-value value)
+ list-value?
+ (value list-value-value))
+(define (as-list arg)
+ (make-list-value arg))
+(define (vcomponent type . attrs*)
+ (define component (make-vcomponent type))
+ (define attrs*-len (length attrs*))
+ (unless (zero? attrs*-len)
+ (let ((attrs children
+ (if (and (list? (list-ref attrs* (- attrs*-len 1)))
+ (or (= 1 attrs*-len)
+ (not (keyword? (list-ref attrs* (- attrs*-len 2))))))
+ (values (drop-right attrs* 1)
+ (last attrs*))
+ (values attrs* '()))))
+ (for-each (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((key value (car+cdr pair)))
+ (cond
+ ((almost-vline? value)
+ (set! (prop* component key)
+ (almost-vline->vline key value)))
+ ((list-value? value)
+ (set! (prop* component key)
+ (map (lambda (value)
+ (make-vline key value (make-hash-table)))
+ (list-value-value value))))
+ (else
+ (set! (prop component key) value)))))
+ (upcase-keys (kvlist->assq attrs)))
+ ;; Attach children
+ (for-each (lambda (child) (add-child! component child))
+ children)))
+ component)
+(define (vcalendar . attrs)
+ (apply vcomponent 'VCALENDAR attrs))
+(define (vevent . attrs)
+ (apply vcomponent 'VEVENT attrs))
+(define (vtimezone . attrs)
+ (apply vcomponent 'VTIMEZONE attrs))
+(define (standard . attrs)
+ (apply vcomponent 'STANDARD attrs))
+(define (daylight . attrs)
+ (apply vcomponent 'DAYLIGHT attrs))
diff --git a/tests/test/create.scm b/tests/test/create.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca055df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/create.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+(define-module (test create)
+ :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (every))
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module (vcomponent create)
+ :use-module (vcomponent))
+;; vevent, vcalendar, vtimezone, standard, and daylight all trivial
+;; and therefore not tested
+(test-group "Empty component"
+ (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST)))
+ (test-equal 'TEST (type ev))
+ (test-equal '() (children ev))
+ (test-equal '() (properties ev))))
+(test-group "Component with properties, but no children"
+ (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
+ prop: "value")))
+ (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
+ (test-equal "value" (prop ev 'PROP))))
+(test-group "Component with children, but no properties"
+ (let* ((child (vcomponent 'CHILD))
+ (ev (vcomponent 'TEST
+ (list child))))
+ (test-equal '() (properties ev))
+ (test-equal 1 (length (children ev)))
+ (test-eq child (car (children ev)))))
+(test-group "Component with both children and properties"
+ (let* ((child (vcomponent 'CHILD))
+ (ev (vcomponent 'TEST
+ prop: "VALUE"
+ (list child))))
+ (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
+ (test-equal "VALUE" (prop ev 'PROP))
+ (test-equal 1 (length (children ev)))
+ (test-eq child (car (children ev)))))
+(test-group "Component with no children, where last elements value is a list"
+ (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST prop: (list 1 2 3))))
+ (test-equal '() (children ev))
+ (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
+ (test-equal '(1 2 3) (prop ev 'PROP))))
+(test-group "With parameters"
+ (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
+ prop: (with-parameters param: 1 2))))
+ (test-equal 2 (prop ev 'PROP))
+ (test-equal '(1) (param (prop* ev 'PROP) 'PARAM))))
+(test-group "As list"
+ (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
+ prop: (as-list (list 1 2 3)))))
+ (test-equal '(1 2 3) (prop ev 'PROP))
+ (test-equal 3 (length (prop* ev 'PROP)))
+ (test-assert (every vline? (prop* ev 'PROP)))))
+;; (test-group "Parameters and lists" )