path: root/tests/test
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-10-02 19:26:40 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-10-02 19:28:44 +0200
commit712654d4c023a2ab13190c6905d313e0ba897965 (patch)
treeb8505b420d6621022fa6a46271340071d8881322 /tests/test
parentMade displayln into a library export. (diff)
Rewrite test running system.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test')
43 files changed, 0 insertions, 6344 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test/annoying-events.scm b/tests/test/annoying-events.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f5e946..00000000
--- a/tests/test/annoying-events.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test annoying-events)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-41 util)
- :select (filter-sorted-stream))
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-41)
- :select (stream
- stream->list
- stream-filter
- stream-take-while))
- :use-module ((vcomponent base)
- :select (extract prop))
- :use-module ((vcomponent datetime) :select (event-overlaps?))
- :use-module ((datetime) :select (date date+ date<))
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (set!))
- :use-module (vcomponent create)
- :use-module (vcomponent base))
-(define start #2021-11-01)
-(define end (date+ start (date day: 8)))
-(define ev-set
- (stream
- (vevent ; should be part of the result
- summary: "A"
- dtstart: #2021-10-01
- dtend: #2021-12-01)
- (vevent ; should NOT be part of the result
- summary: "B"
- dtstart: #2021-10-10
- dtend: #2021-10-11)
- (vevent ; should also be part of the result
- summary: "C"
- dtstart: #2021-11-02
- dtend: #2021-11-03)))
-;; (if (and (date< (prop ev 'DTSTART) start-date)
-;; (date<= (prop ev 'DTEND) end-date))
-;; ;; event will be picked, but next event might have
-;; (and (date< start-date (prop ev 'DTSTART))
-;; (date< end-date (prop ev 'DTEND)))
-;; ;; meaning that it wont be added, stopping filter-sorted-stream
-;; )
-;; The naïve way to get all events in an interval. Misses C due to B being "in the way"
-(test-equal "incorrect handling of non-contigious"
- '("A" #; "C")
- (map (extract 'SUMMARY)
- (stream->list
- (filter-sorted-stream
- (lambda (ev) (event-overlaps? ev start (date+ start (date day: 8))))
- ev-set))))
-(test-equal "correct handling of non-contigious"
- '("A" "C")
- (map (extract 'SUMMARY)
- (stream->list
- (stream-filter
- (lambda (ev) (event-overlaps? ev start end))
- (stream-take-while
- (lambda (ev) (date< (prop ev 'DTSTART) end))
- ev-set)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/base64.scm b/tests/test/base64.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index b24d2e8b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/base64.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Test that Base64 encoding and decoding works
-;; Examples from RFC4648
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test base64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (base64))
-(test-group "Tests from RFC 4648"
- (test-group "Decoding tests"
- (test-equal "" (base64encode ""))
- (test-equal "Zg==" (base64encode "f"))
- (test-equal "Zm8=" (base64encode "fo"))
- (test-equal "Zm9v" (base64encode "foo"))
- (test-equal "Zm9vYg==" (base64encode "foob"))
- (test-equal "Zm9vYmE=" (base64encode "fooba"))
- (test-equal "Zm9vYmFy" (base64encode "foobar")))
- (test-group "Encoding tests"
- (test-equal "" (base64decode ""))
- (test-equal "f" (base64decode "Zg=="))
- (test-equal "fo" (base64decode "Zm8="))
- (test-equal "foo" (base64decode "Zm9v"))
- (test-equal "foob" (base64decode "Zm9vYg=="))
- (test-equal "fooba" (base64decode "Zm9vYmE="))
- (test-equal "foobar" (base64decode "Zm9vYmFy"))))
-;; Other tests
-(test-error "Invalid base64"
- 'decoding-error
- (base64decode "@@@@"))
-(test-error "To short base64"
- 'decoding-error
- (base64decode "="))
-(test-equal "AAECAw==" (bytevector->base64-string #vu8(0 1 2 3)))
-(test-equal #vu8(0 1 2 3) (base64-string->bytevector "AAECAw=="))
diff --git a/tests/test/cpp.scm b/tests/test/cpp.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c720fde..00000000
--- a/tests/test/cpp.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests my parser for a subset of the C programming language.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test cpp)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((c lex) :select (lex))
- :use-module ((c parse) :select (parse-lexeme-tree)))
-(define run (compose parse-lexeme-tree lex))
- '(+ (post-increment (dereference C)) 3)
- (run "(*C)++ + 3"))
- '(+ (post-increment (dereference C)) 3)
- (run "*C++ + 3"))
- '(post-increment (dereference C))
- (run "*C++"))
- '(+ (post-increment C) (post-increment C))
- (run "C++ + C++"))
- '(+ (pre-increment C) (pre-increment C))
- (run "++C + ++C"))
-(test-equal '(+ 2 (* 2 2)) (run "2 + 2 * 2"))
-(test-equal '(+ (* 2 2) 2) (run "2 * 2 + 2"))
-(test-equal '(+ 2 2 2) (run "2+2+2"))
diff --git a/tests/test/create.scm b/tests/test/create.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc00419..00000000
--- a/tests/test/create.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test create)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (every))
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((vcomponent create)
- :select (vcomponent
- with-parameters
- as-list))
- :use-module ((vcomponent)
- :select (children properties type prop prop* param vline?)))
-;; vevent, vcalendar, vtimezone, standard, and daylight all trivial
-;; and therefore not tested
-(test-group "Empty component"
- (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST)))
- (test-equal 'TEST (type ev))
- (test-equal '() (children ev))
- (test-equal '() (properties ev))))
-(test-group "Component with properties, but no children"
- (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
- prop: "value")))
- (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
- (test-equal "value" (prop ev 'PROP))))
-(test-group "Component with children, but no properties"
- (let* ((child (vcomponent 'CHILD))
- (ev (vcomponent 'TEST
- (list child))))
- (test-equal '() (properties ev))
- (test-equal 1 (length (children ev)))
- ; (test-eq child (car (children ev)))
- ))
-(test-group "Component with both children and properties"
- (let* ((child (vcomponent 'CHILD))
- (ev (vcomponent 'TEST
- prop: "VALUE"
- (list child))))
- (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
- (test-equal "VALUE" (prop ev 'PROP))
- (test-equal 1 (length (children ev)))
- ; (test-eq child (car (children ev)))
- ))
-(test-group "Component with no children, where last elements value is a list"
- (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST prop: (list 1 2 3))))
- (test-equal '() (children ev))
- (test-equal '(PROP) (map car (properties ev)))
- (test-equal '(1 2 3) (prop ev 'PROP))))
-(test-group "With parameters"
- (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
- prop: (with-parameters param: 1 2))))
- (test-equal 2 (prop ev 'PROP))
- (test-equal '(1) (param (prop* ev 'PROP) 'PARAM))))
-(test-group "As list"
- (let ((ev (vcomponent 'TEST
- prop: (as-list (list 1 2 3)))))
- (test-equal '(1 2 3) (prop ev 'PROP))
- (test-equal 3 (length (prop* ev 'PROP)))
- (test-assert (every vline? (prop* ev 'PROP)))))
-;; (test-group "Parameters and lists" )
diff --git a/tests/test/crypto.scm b/tests/test/crypto.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dbf8867..00000000
--- a/tests/test/crypto.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test crypto)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((crypto) :select (sha256 checksum->string)))
-(test-equal "sha256"
- #vu8(24 95 141 179 34 113 254 37 245 97 166 252 147 139 46 38 67 6 236 48 78 218 81 128 7 209 118 72 38 56 25 105)
- (sha256 "Hello"))
-(test-equal "sha256 string digest"
- "185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969"
- (checksum->string (sha256 "Hello")))
-(let ((port (open-output-string)))
- (checksum->string (sha256 "Hello") port)
- (test-equal "sha256 string digest to port"
- "185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969"
- (get-output-string port)))
-(test-error 'wrong-type-arg
- (sha256 'something-which-is-not-a-string-or-bytevector))
diff --git a/tests/test/data-stores/file.scm b/tests/test/data-stores/file.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/data-stores/file.scm
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/test/data-stores/sqlite.scm b/tests/test/data-stores/sqlite.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/data-stores/sqlite.scm
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/test/data-stores/vdir.scm b/tests/test/data-stores/vdir.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/data-stores/vdir.scm
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/test/datetime.scm b/tests/test/datetime.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index f73a0ad2..00000000
--- a/tests/test/datetime.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test datetime)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-41)
- :select (stream->list stream-take))
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module ((ice-9 format) :select (format))
- :use-module ((ice-9 i18n) :select (make-locale))
- :use-module ((guile) :select (LC_CTYPE LC_TIME)))
-;;; Skipped since the code generating the (expected) error is disabled, due to
-;;; optional fields at the end of string. See the (null? str) case is
-;;; datetime->string
-(test-expect-fail "Premature end of string to parse")
-;;; Global locale objects, to save all tests from creating them
-(define en_US (make-locale (list LC_CTYPE LC_TIME) "en_US.UTF-8"))
-(define sv_SE (make-locale (list LC_CTYPE LC_TIME) "sv_SE.UTF-8"))
-;;; These tests begin by testing the basic objects,
-;;; followed by the string parser.
-;;; This to finally test the read syntax, to be able to
-;;; us it in the rest of the tests.
-(test-group "Creation of basic objects"
- (test-group "Date"
- (test-group "Empty date"
- (let ((d (date)))
- (test-assert "Date creates date objects" (date? d))
- (test-equal "Year is zero" 0 (year d))
- (test-equal "Month is zero" 0 (month d))
- (test-equal "Day is zero" 0 (day d))
- (test-assert "Date-zero? agrees" (date-zero? d))))
- (test-group "Date with keys"
- ;; Implicitly tests that month and day can go above
- ;; "regular" bounds
- (let ((d (date day: 40 month: 20 year: 10)))
- (test-assert "Date creation still works" (date? d))
- (test-equal "Year is stored" 10 (year d))
- (test-equal "Month is stored" 20 (month d))
- (test-equal "Day is stored" 40 (day d))))
- (test-group "Can't create date with non-integer components"
- (test-error "Invalid year" 'wrong-type-arg (date year: #f))
- (test-error "Invalid month" 'wrong-type-arg (date month: #f))
- (test-error "Invalid day" 'wrong-type-arg (date day: #f))))
- (test-group "Time"
- (test-group "Empty time"
- (let ((t (time)))
- (test-assert "Time creates time objects" (time? t))
- (test-equal "hour is zero" 0 (hour t))
- (test-equal "minute is zero" 0 (minute t))
- (test-equal "second is zero" 0 (second t))
- (test-assert "Time zero agrees" (time-zero? t))))
- (test-group "Time with keys"
- (let ((t (time second: 10 minute: 20 hour: 30)))
- (test-assert "Time creation still works" (time? t))
- (test-equal "Hour is stored" 30 (hour t))
- (test-equal "Minute is stored" 20 (minute t))
- (test-equal "Second is stored" 10 (second t))))
- (test-group "Can't create time with non-integer components"
- (test-error "Invalid hour" 'wrong-type-arg (time hour: #f))
- (test-error "Invalid minute" 'wrong-type-arg (time minute: #f))
- (test-error "Invalid second" 'wrong-type-arg (time second: #f))))
- (test-group "Datetime"
- (let ()
- (test-group "Empty datetime"
- (let ((dt (datetime)))
- (test-assert "Datetime date is date" (date? (datetime-date dt)))
- (test-assert "Datetime date is zero" (date-zero? (datetime-date dt)))
- (test-assert "Datetime time is time" (time? (datetime-time dt)))
- (test-assert "Datetime time is zero" (time-zero? (datetime-time dt)))
- (test-eqv "Defalut timezone is #f" #f (tz dt))))
- (test-group "Datetime with keys"
- (let ((dt (datetime date: (date day: 10)
- time: (time minute: 20))))
- (test-equal "Given date is stored"
- 10 (day (datetime-date dt)))
- (test-equal "Given time is stored"
- 20 (minute (datetime-time dt))))
- (test-error "Date must be a date" 'wrong-type-arg (datetime date: 1))
- (test-error "Date must be a date" 'wrong-type-arg (datetime date: (time)))
- (test-assert "Date: #f gives still constructs a date" (date? (datetime-date (datetime date: #f))))
- (test-error "Time must be a time" 'wrong-type-arg (datetime time: 1))
- (test-error "Time must be a time" 'wrong-type-arg (datetime time: (date)))
- (test-assert "Time: #f gives still constructs a time" (time? (datetime-time (datetime time: #f))))
- (let ((dt (datetime hour: 20 day: 30)))
- (test-equal "Time objects can be implicitly created" 20 (hour (datetime-time dt)))
- (test-equal "Date objects can be implicitly created" 30 (day (datetime-date dt))))
- (let ((dt (datetime day: 30 time: (time hour: 20))))
- (test-equal "\"Upper\" and \"lower\" keys can be mixed"
- 20 (hour (datetime-time dt)))
- (test-equal "\"Upper\" and \"lower\" keys can be mixed"
- 30 (day (datetime-date dt))))
- (let ((dt (datetime hour: 30 time: (time hour: 20))))
- (test-equal "time: has priority over hour: (and the like)"
- 20 (hour (datetime-time dt)))))
- (let ((dt (datetime day: 30 date: (date day: 20))))
- (test-equal "date: has priority over day: (and the like)"
- 20 (day (datetime-date dt)))))))
-;; Before the general parser, since it's a dependency string->datetime.
-(test-group "Parse Month"
- (test-equal "Parse full month name" jan (parse-month "January" en_US))
- (test-equal "Parse full weird case" jan (parse-month "jaNuaRy" en_US))
- (test-equal "Parse partial month name" jan (parse-month "Jan" en_US))
- (test-equal "Failing parse of month name" -1 (parse-month "Unknown" en_US))
- (test-equal "Overlap gives earliest month" mar (parse-month "m" en_US))
- (test-equal "Parse month with different locale" may (parse-month "maj" sv_SE)))
-(test-group "Parser"
- (test-group "Simple individual rules"
- (test-group "Year"
- (test-equal "~Y year" (datetime year: 2020) (string->datetime "2020" "~Y"))
- (test-equal "~Y year single digit" (datetime year: 2) (string->datetime "2" "~Y"))
- (test-equal "~Y year leading zero" (datetime year: 2) (string->datetime "02" "~Y"))
- (test-error "~Y parses at max four digits" 'misc-error (string->datetime "14411" "~Y")))
- (test-group "Month"
- (test-equal "~m month" (datetime month: 10) (string->datetime "10" "~m"))
- (test-equal "~m month single digit" (datetime month: 1) (string->datetime "1" "~m"))
- (test-equal "~m month leading zero" (datetime month: 1) (string->datetime "01" "~m"))
- (test-error "~m parses at max two digits" 'misc-error (string->datetime "111" "~m")))
- ;; Extra tests are skipped for these, since they are shared with Month
- (test-equal "~d day" (datetime day: 20) (string->datetime "20" "~d"))
- (test-equal "~H hour" (datetime hour: 15) (string->datetime "15" "~H"))
- (test-equal "~M minute" (datetime minute: 30) (string->datetime "30" "~M"))
- (test-equal "~S second" (datetime second: 59) (string->datetime "59" "~S")))
- (test-equal "Literal character" (datetime) (string->datetime "T" "T"))
- (test-equal "~~ '~'" (datetime) (string->datetime "~" "~~"))
- (test-error "Mismatched literal ~" 'misc-error (string->datetime "A" "~~"))
- (test-error "Stray ~ at end of fmt" 'misc-error (string->datetime "~" "~"))
- (test-error "Stray ~ in middle of fmt" 'misc-error (string->datetime "~ 1" "~ ~d"))
- (test-error "Unknown escape" 'misc-error (string->datetime "10" "~x"))
- (test-error "Premature end of string to parse" 'misc-error (string->datetime "" "~Y"))
- (test-error "Wrong Literal character" 'misc-error (string->datetime "T" "Z"))
- ;; Does the parser continue correctly
- (test-group "Tokens following each other"
- (test-equal "Year indirectly followed by month"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 1)
- (string->datetime "2020-01" "~Y-~m"))
- ;; Does the parser handle tokens without delimiters, instead going by their max size
- (test-equal "Year directly follewed by month"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 1)
- (string->datetime "202001" "~Y~m")))
- (test-group "Timezone"
- (test-equal "~Z 'Z'"
- (datetime tz: "UTC") (string->datetime "Z" "~Z"))
- (test-equal "~Z Is optional"
- (datetime) (string->datetime "" "~Z"))
- (test-equal "~Z Is optional with stuff after"
- (datetime hour: 20) (string->datetime "20" "~Z~H"))
- ;; This was earlier a bug
- (test-equal "Zoneinfo is kept while not at end"
- (datetime year: 2020 tz: "UTC")
- (string->datetime "Z2020" "~Z~Y")))
- (test-group "Month by name"
- ;; ~b, ~B, and ~h all does the same thing, and exists for symmetry with
- ;; datetime->string (where they don't do the exact same thing). Each is used
- ;; at least once below to ensure that they all work.
- (test-equal "Standalone month, and at end"
- (datetime month: 1)
- (string->datetime "Jan" "~b" en_US))
- ;; Separate test from above, since month does the check itself
- (test-error "Stray ~ after month"
- 'misc-error (string->datetime "Jan" "~b~" en_US))
- (test-equal "Month with explicit ~ after"
- (datetime month: mar)
- (string->datetime "M~" "~B~~" en_US))
- (test-error "Month with other specifier directly after"
- 'misc-error (string->datetime "January" "~b~b"))
- (test-equal "Month with other explict char after"
- (datetime month: mar)
- (string->datetime "Mar|" "~h|" en_US))
- (test-equal "Locale information is used"
- (datetime month: may)
- (string->datetime "Maj" "~h" sv_SE)))
- ;; TODO AM/PM string ~p
- (test-group "Complete parses"
- (test-equal "Parse complete ISO date"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- (string->datetime "2020-03-10" "~Y-~m-~d"))
- (test-equal "Parse complete ISO time"
- (datetime hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->datetime "10:20:30" "~H:~M:~S"))
- (test-equal "Parse complete ISO date-time"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->datetime "2020-03-10T10:20:30"
- "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S")))
- (test-group "string->datetime default format-specifier"
- (test-equal "Default date-time format-specifier takes ISO date-times"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->datetime "2020-03-10T10:20:30"))
- (test-equal "Default date-time format-specifier takes ISO date-times (with zone)"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30
- tz: "UTC")
- (string->datetime "2020-03-10T10:20:30Z")))
- (test-group "string->time"
- (test-assert "String->time returns time objects"
- (time? (string->time "10" "~H")))
- (test-equal "String->time complete parse"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->time "10:20:30" "~H:~M:~S"))
- (test-equal "String->time complete parse, default format-specifier"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->time "10:20:30")))
- (test-group "string->date"
- (test-assert "String->date returns time objects"
- (date? (string->date "10" "~Y")))
- (test-equal "String->date complete parse"
- (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- (string->date "2020-03-10" "~Y-~m-~d"))
- (test-equal "String->date complete parse, default format-specifier"
- (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- (string->date "2020-03-10")))
- (test-group "Pre-specified parsers"
- (test-group "ICS (RFC 5545)"
- (test-equal "date"
- (date year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20)
- (parse-ics-date "20201020"))
- (test-equal "time"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (parse-ics-time "102030"))
- (test-equal "datetime"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (parse-ics-datetime "20201020T102030"))
- (test-equal "datetime (with zone)"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30
- tz: "UTC")
- (parse-ics-datetime "20201020T102030Z")))
- (test-group "ISO"
- (test-equal "date"
- (date year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20)
- (parse-iso-date "2020-10-20"))
- (test-equal "time"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (parse-iso-time "10:20:30"))
- (test-equal "datetime"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (parse-iso-datetime "2020-10-20T10:20:30")))
- ;; Parse freeform date
- )
- (test-group "string->date/-time"
- (test-equal "Date like gives date"
- (date year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20)
- (string->date/-time "2020-10-20"))
- (test-equal "Time like gives time"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->date/-time "10:20:30"))
- (test-equal "Datetime like gives datetime"
- (datetime year: 2020 month: 10 day: 20
- hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (string->date/-time "2020-10-20T10:20:30"))
- ;; These are disabled since trailing fmt is allowed
- ;; (test-error "Bad date-like crashes"
- ;; 'misc-error (string->date/-time "2020-10"))
- ;; (test-error "Bad time-like crashes"
- ;; 'misc-error (string->date/-time "20:10"))
- (test-error "Really bad crashes"
- 'misc-error (string->date/-time "Hello"))
- ))
-(test-group "Reader extensions"
- ;; All tests have a list variant, to ensure that it plays nice with the rest
- ;; of scheme's syntax
- (test-equal "Basic time read syntax"
- (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- (test-read-eval-string "#10:20:30"))
- (test-equal "Basic time read syntax in list"
- (list (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30))
- (test-read-eval-string "(list #10:20:30)"))
- (test-equal "Basic date read syntax"
- (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- (test-read-eval-string "#2020-03-10"))
- (test-equal "Basic date read syntax in list"
- (list (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10))
- (test-read-eval-string "(list #2020-03-10)"))
- (test-equal "Basic datetime read syntax"
- (datetime date: (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- time: (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30))
- (test-read-eval-string "#2020-03-10T10:20:30"))
- (test-equal "Basic datetime read syntax in list"
- (list (datetime date: (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- time: (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)))
- (test-read-eval-string "(list #2020-03-10T10:20:30)"))
- (test-equal "Basic datetime read syntax with Z"
- (datetime date: (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- time: (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- tz: "UTC")
- (test-read-eval-string "#2020-03-10T10:20:30Z"))
- (test-equal "Basic datetime read syntax with Z in list"
- (list
- (datetime date: (date year: 2020 month: 3 day: 10)
- time: (time hour: 10 minute: 20 second: 30)
- tz: "UTC"))
- (test-read-eval-string "(list #2020-03-10T10:20:30Z)"))
- )
-(test-equal "Datetime->unix-time"
- 1656005146 (datetime->unix-time #2022-06-23T17:25:46Z))
-(test-equal "Datetime->unix-time before epoch"
- -62167219200
- (datetime->unix-time #0000-01-01T00:00:00Z))
-(test-equal "unix-time->datetime" #2020-09-13T12:26:40Z
- (unix-time->datetime 1600000000))
-(test-equal "unix-time->datetime on epoch" #1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
- (unix-time->datetime 0))
-(test-equal "unix-time->datetime before epoch" #1919-04-20T11:33:20Z
- (unix-time->datetime -1600000000))
-;; (unix-time->datetime (expt 2 31)) ; => #2038-01-19T03:14:08Z
-;; (unix-time->datetime (1+ (expt 2 31))) ; => #2038-01-19T03:14:09Z
-;; (unix-time->datetime (- (expt 2 31))) ; => #1901-12-13T20:45:52Z
-(test-assert "Current datetime returns a datetime"
- (datetime? (current-datetime)))
-(test-equal "Current datetime returns with tz: UTC"
- "UTC" (tz (current-datetime)))
-(test-assert "Current-date returns a date"
- (date? (current-date)))
-;; TODO write these, also, check connection to get-time%
-(test-group "Leap years"
- (test-assert "Most years are't leap years" (not (leap-year? 1999)))
- (test-assert "Except if it's divisible by 4" (leap-year? 2020))
- (test-assert "But not by 100" (not (leap-year? 1900)))
- (test-assert "Except if also divisible by 400" (leap-year? 2000)))
-(test-assert "31 days in most month" (days-in-month (date month: jan)))
-(test-assert "30 days in some month" (days-in-month (date month: apr)))
-(test-assert "28 days in februrary on regular year"
- (days-in-month (date month: feb year: 2022)))
-(test-assert "29 days in februrary on leap year"
- (days-in-month (date month: feb year: 2000)))
-(test-error "To low month" 'out-of-range (days-in-month (date month: 0)))
-(test-error "To high month" 'out-of-range (days-in-month (date month: 13)))
-(test-equal "365 days in regular year" 365 (days-in-year (date year: 2022)))
-(test-equal "366 days in leap year" 366 (days-in-year (date year: 2000)))
-(test-equal "Start of month" #2020-01-01 (start-of-month #2020-01-15))
-(test-equal "End of month" #2000-02-29 (end-of-month #2000-02-01))
-(test-equal "Start of year" #2020-01-01 (start-of-year #2020-12-31))
-;; Note that end-of-year (apparently) doesn't exist
-(test-group "Date streams"
- (test-equal "Day stream"
- (list #2020-01-01 #2020-01-02 #2020-01-03 #2020-01-04 #2020-01-05)
- (stream->list 5 (day-stream #2020-01-01)))
- (test-equal "Week stream"
- (list #2020-01-01 #2020-02-01 #2020-03-01 #2020-04-01 #2020-05-01)
- (stream->list 5 (month-stream #2020-01-01)))
- (test-equal "Month stream"
- (list #2020-01-01 #2020-01-08 #2020-01-15 #2020-01-22 #2020-01-29)
- (stream->list 5 (week-stream #2020-01-01))))
-;; See time< tests for more context
-(test-group "Min/max"
- (test-equal "Time min"
- #07:40:50 (time-min #10:20:30 #07:40:50))
- (test-equal "Time max"
- #10:20:30 (time-max #10:20:30 #07:40:50))
- (test-equal "Date min"
- #2020-02-02 (date-min #2020-02-02 #2020-03-01))
- (test-equal "Date max"
- #2020-03-01 (date-max #2020-02-02 #2020-03-01))
- (test-equal "Datetime min"
- #2020-02-02T10:20:30 (datetime-min #2020-02-02T10:20:30 #2020-03-01T07:40:50))
- (test-equal "Datetime max"
- #2020-03-01T07:40:50 (datetime-max #2020-02-02T10:20:30 #2020-03-01T07:40:50)))
-(test-equal "Week day" thu (week-day #2022-06-23))
-(test-equal "week-1-start" #2019-12-30 (week-1-start #2020-01-01 mon))
-;; Possibly add case where the end of the year uses next years week numbers
-(test-equal "Week number at end of year" 53 (week-number #2008-12-31 sun))
-(test-equal "Week number at start of year" 53 (week-number #2009-01-01 sun))
-(test-equal #2008-12-28 (date-starting-week 53 (date year: 2008) sun))
-(test-equal #2007-12-30 (date-starting-week 1 (date year: 2008) sun))
-(test-group "Week day name"
- (test-equal "Simple" "Saturday" (week-day-name sat locale: en_US))
- (test-equal "Truncated" "Sa" (week-day-name sat 2 locale: en_US))
- (test-equal "Other locale" "lördag" (week-day-name sat locale: sv_SE))
- (test-equal "Other locale, truncated" "lö" (week-day-name sat 2 locale: sv_SE)))
-;; TODO timespans can be both date, times, and datetimes
-;; Check those cases?
-(test-group "Overlapping timespans"
- ;; A B C D E ¬F
- ;; |s1| : |s2| : |s1| : |s2| : : |s1|
- ;; | | : | | : | ||s2| : |s1|| | : |s1||s2| : | |
- ;; | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | || | : | || | : | || | :
- ;; | | : | | : | || | : | || | : | || | : |s2|
- ;; | | : | | : | | : | | : : | |
- (test-assert "End of S1 overlaps start of S2"
- (timespan-overlaps? #10:00:00 #12:00:00
- #11:00:00 #13:00:00))
- (test-assert "Start of S1 overlaps end of S2"
- (timespan-overlaps? #11:00:00 #13:00:00
- #10:00:00 #12:00:00))
- (test-assert "S1 complete encompasses S2"
- (timespan-overlaps? #10:00:00 #13:00:00
- #11:00:00 #12:00:00))
- (test-assert "S2 complete encompasses S1"
- (timespan-overlaps? #11:00:00 #12:00:00
- #10:00:00 #13:00:00))
- (test-assert "S1 is equal to S2"
- (timespan-overlaps? #11:00:00 #12:00:00
- #11:00:00 #12:00:00))
- (test-assert "S1 dosesn't overlap S2"
- (not
- (timespan-overlaps? #10:00:00 #11:00:00
- #12:00:00 #13:00:00)))
- (test-assert "If the events only share an instant they don't overlap"
- (not
- (timespan-overlaps? #10:00:00 #12:00:00
- #12:00:00 #14:00:00))))
-(test-equal #2022-06-25 (find-first-week-day sat #2022-06-23))
-(test-group "All weekdays in <>"
- (test-equal "month, if starting from beginning of month"
- (list #2022-06-03 #2022-06-10 #2022-06-17 #2022-06-24)
- (all-wday-in-month fri #2022-06-01))
- (test-equal "month, if starting from the middle"
- (list #2022-06-24)
- (all-wday-in-month fri #2022-06-23))
- (test-equal "year, if starting from the beggining"
- (list #2022-01-07 #2022-01-14 #2022-01-21 #2022-01-28 #2022-02-04 #2022-02-11 #2022-02-18 #2022-02-25 #2022-03-04 #2022-03-11 #2022-03-18 #2022-03-25 #2022-04-01 #2022-04-08 #2022-04-15 #2022-04-22 #2022-04-29 #2022-05-06 #2022-05-13 #2022-05-20 #2022-05-27 #2022-06-03 #2022-06-10 #2022-06-17 #2022-06-24 #2022-07-01 #2022-07-08 #2022-07-15 #2022-07-22 #2022-07-29 #2022-08-05 #2022-08-12 #2022-08-19 #2022-08-26 #2022-09-02 #2022-09-09 #2022-09-16 #2022-09-23 #2022-09-30 #2022-10-07 #2022-10-14 #2022-10-21 #2022-10-28 #2022-11-04 #2022-11-11 #2022-11-18 #2022-11-25 #2022-12-02 #2022-12-09 #2022-12-16 #2022-12-23 #2022-12-30)
- (all-wday-in-year fri #2022-01-01))
- (test-equal "year, if starting from the middle"
- (list #2022-06-03 #2022-06-10 #2022-06-17 #2022-06-24 #2022-07-01 #2022-07-08 #2022-07-15 #2022-07-22 #2022-07-29 #2022-08-05 #2022-08-12 #2022-08-19 #2022-08-26 #2022-09-02 #2022-09-09 #2022-09-16 #2022-09-23 #2022-09-30 #2022-10-07 #2022-10-14 #2022-10-21 #2022-10-28 #2022-11-04 #2022-11-11 #2022-11-18 #2022-11-25 #2022-12-02 #2022-12-09 #2022-12-16 #2022-12-23 #2022-12-30)
- (all-wday-in-year fri #2022-06-01)))
-;; TODO
-(test-equal "weekday-list" (list wed thu fri sat sun mon tue) (weekday-list wed))
-(test-equal "start of week" #2022-06-20 (start-of-week #2022-06-23 mon))
-(test-equal "end of week" #2022-06-26 (end-of-week #2022-06-23 mon))
-(test-group "month-days"
- (call-with-values (lambda () (month-days #2022-06-01 mon))
- (lambda (before actual after)
- (test-equal "before" (list #2022-05-30 #2022-05-31) before)
- (test-equal "actual" (stream->list 30 (day-stream #2022-06-01)) actual)
- (test-equal "after" (list #2022-07-01 #2022-07-02 #2022-07-03) after))))
-(test-group "Days in interval"
- (test-equal "Steps from start to end of month" 31 (days-in-interval #2022-01-01 #2022-01-31))
- (test-error "Negative intervals should fail" 'misc-error (days-in-interval #2022-01-01 #2020-01-31)))
-(test-equal "Year day" 191 (year-day #2020-07-09))
-(test-group "Convertions to decimal time"
- (test-group "Time->decimal-hour"
- (test-equal "Exact number of hours is whole number" 5.0 (time->decimal-hour (time hour: 5)))
- (test-equal "Minutes are \"base\" 60" 5.5 (time->decimal-hour (time hour: 5 minute: 30)))
- (test-equal "60 Minutes gives a whole hour" 6.0 (time->decimal-hour (time hour: 5 minute: 60)))
- (test-equal "A second is the right length" (/ 1.0 3600) (time->decimal-hour (time second: 1))))
- (test-group "Datetime->decimal-hour"
- (test-equal "Datetimes without dates work as times"
- 5.5 (datetime->decimal-hour (datetime hour: 5 minute: 30)))
- (test-equal "Full day" 24.0 (datetime->decimal-hour (datetime day: 1)))
- (test-error "Can't get length of month without information about which month"
- 'misc-error (datetime->decimal-hour (datetime month: 1)))
- (test-equal "Can get length of month if we have a month"
- (* 31 24.0) (datetime->decimal-hour (datetime month: 1) #2020-01-01))))
-;; TODO
-(test-group "To string"
- (test-group "Datetime->string"
- (test-equal "A letter becomes itself"
- "H" (datetime->string (datetime) "H"))
- (test-group "Single rules"
- (test-equal "~" (datetime->string (datetime) "~~"))
- (test-equal "01" (datetime->string (datetime hour: 1) "~H"))
- (test-equal " 1" (datetime->string (datetime hour: 1) "~k"))
- (test-equal "02" (datetime->string (datetime minute: 2) "~M"))
- (test-equal "03" (datetime->string (datetime second: 3) "~S"))
- (test-equal "0002" (datetime->string (datetime year: 2) "~Y"))
- (test-equal "02" (datetime->string (datetime month: 2) "~m"))
- (test-equal "04" (datetime->string (datetime day: 4) "~d"))
- (test-equal " 4" (datetime->string (datetime day: 4) "~e"))
- (test-equal "1600000000" (datetime->string #2020-09-13T12:26:40Z "~s"))
- (test-equal "2022-10-20" (datetime->string (datetime date: #2022-10-20) "~1"))
- (test-equal "10:20:30" (datetime->string (datetime time: #10:20:30) "~3"))
- (test-group "Locale dependant (en_US)"
- (test-equal "Saturday" (datetime->string (datetime date: (find-first-week-day sat #2020-01-01)) "~A" en_US))
- (test-equal "Sat" (datetime->string (datetime date: (find-first-week-day sat #2020-01-01)) "~a" en_US))
- (test-equal "January" (datetime->string (datetime date: (date month: 1)) "~B" en_US))
- (test-equal "Jan" (datetime->string (datetime date: (date month: 1)) "~b" en_US)))
- (test-group "Locale dependant (sv_SE)"
- (test-equal "lördag" (datetime->string (datetime date: (find-first-week-day sat #2020-01-01)) "~A" sv_SE))
- (test-equal "lör" (datetime->string (datetime date: (find-first-week-day sat #2020-01-01)) "~a" sv_SE))
- (test-equal "januari" (datetime->string (datetime date: (date month: 1)) "~B" sv_SE))
- (test-equal "jan" (datetime->string (datetime date: (date month: 1)) "~b" sv_SE)))
- (test-group "Timezone"
- (test-equal "Z" (datetime->string (datetime tz: "UTC") "~Z"))
- (test-equal "" (datetime->string (datetime tz: #f) "~Z"))
- (test-equal "" (datetime->string (datetime tz: "Anything else") "~Z"))))
- (test-equal "Default fomat specifier gives ISO-formatted date"
- "2006-01-02T15:04:05" (datetime->string #2006-01-02T15:04:05))
- (test-group "Invalid specifiers"
- (test-equal "" (datetime->string (datetime) "~x" allow-unknown?: #t))
- (test-error 'misc-error (datetime->string (datetime) "~x")))
- (test-group "Print syntax for datatypes"
- (test-equal "Date writer" "#2020-01-02" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write #2020-01-02))))
- (test-equal "Time writer" "#20:30:40" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write #20:30:40))))
- (test-equal "Datetime writer" "#2020-01-02T20:30:40" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write #2020-01-02T20:30:40))))
- (test-equal "Datetime writer (with tz)" "#2020-01-02T20:30:40Z" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write #2020-01-02T20:30:40Z))))))
- ;; Really basic tests, since these are rather thin wrappers
- (test-equal "date->string" "0000-00-00" (date->string (date)))
- (test-equal "time->string" "00:00:00" (time->string (time))))
-(test-group "Equals"
- ;; date=?, time=?, and datetime=? are alias to their non-question-mark
- ;; alternatives. Using them interchangably below.
- (test-group "date"
- (test-assert "Zero dates are all equal"
- (date=))
- (test-assert "A single date is equal to itself"
- (date=? #2020-10-20))
- (test-assert "Two dates are equal to each other"
- (date= #2020-10-20 #2020-10-20))
- (test-assert "Two dates which are NOT equal to each other"
- (not (date= #2020-10-20 #2020-10-21)))
- (test-assert "More than two dates which are all equal"
- (date=? #2020-10-20 #2020-10-20 #2020-10-20)))
- (test-group "time"
- (test-assert "Zero times are all equal"
- (time=))
- (test-assert "A single time is equal to itself"
- (time=? #20:30:40))
- (test-assert "Two times are equal to each other"
- (time= #20:30:40 #20:30:40))
- (test-assert "Two times which are NOT equal to each other"
- (not (time= #20:30:40 #10:30:40)))
- (test-assert "More than two times which are all equal"
- (time=? #20:30:40 #20:30:40 #20:30:40)))
- (test-group "Datetime"
- (test-assert "Zero datetimes \"all\" are equal"
- (datetime=))
- (test-assert "A single datetime is equal to itself"
- (datetime= (datetime)))
- (test-assert "Two equal datetimes are equal"
- (datetime= (datetime hour: 1) (datetime hour: 1)))
- (test-assert "Two dissimmalar datetimes aren't equal"
- (not (datetime= (datetime hour: 1) (datetime hour: 2))))
- ;; NOTE timezone interactions are non-existant
- (test-assert "Two datetimes are equal, regardless of timezone"
- (datetime= (datetime) (datetime tz: "Something Else")))
- (test-assert "Three equal datetimes are equal"
- (datetime= (datetime hour: 1) (datetime hour: 1) (datetime hour: 1)))))
-(test-group "Comparisons"
- (test-group "Zero arguments"
- (test-group "Dates"
- (test-assert "zero dates are greater" (date<))
- (test-assert "zero dates are less" (date>)))
- (test-group "Times"
- (test-assert "zero times are greater" (time<))
- (test-assert "zero times are less" (time>)))
- (test-group "Datetimes"
- (test-assert "zero datetimes are greater" (datetime<))
- (test-assert "zero datetimes are less" (datetime>))))
- (test-group "Single argument"
- (test-group "Dates"
- (test-assert "one date are greater" (date< (date)))
- (test-assert "one date are less" (date> (date))))
- (test-group "Times"
- (test-assert "one time are greater" (time< (time)))
- (test-assert "one time are less" (time> (time))))
- (test-group "Datetimes"
- (test-assert "one datetime are greater" (datetime< (datetime)))
- (test-assert "one datetime are less" (datetime> (datetime)))))
- (test-group "Two arguments"
- (test-group "Dates"
- (test-assert "positive comparison" (date< (date day: 1) (date day: 2)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison" (not (date> (date day: 1) (date day: 2)))))
- (test-group "Times"
- (test-assert "positive comparison" (time< (time hour: 1) (time hour: 2)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison" (not (time> (time hour: 1) (time hour: 2)))))
- (test-group "Datetimes"
- (test-assert "positive comparison" (datetime< (datetime day: 1) (datetime day: 2)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison" (not (datetime> (datetime day: 1) (datetime day: 2))))))
- (test-group "Two arguments"
- (test-group "Dates"
- (test-assert "positive comparison"
- (date< (date day: 1) (date day: 2) (date day: 3)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison"
- (not (date< (date day: 1) (date day: 2) (date day: 1)))))
- (test-group "Times"
- (test-assert "positive comparison"
- (time< (time hour: 1) (time hour: 2) (time hour: 3)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison"
- (not (date< (date day: 1) (date day: 2) (date day: 1)))))
- (test-group "Datetimes"
- (test-assert "positive comparison"
- (datetime< (datetime day: 1) (datetime day: 2) (datetime day: 3)))
- (test-assert "negative comparison"
- (not (datetime< (datetime day: 1) (datetime day: 2) (datetime day: 1)))))))
-;; TODO
-;; TODO
-date/-time< date/-time<? date/-time<= date/-time<=?
-date/-time> date/-time>? date/-time>= date/-time>=?
-(test-group "Arithmetic"
- (test-group "Date"
- (test-group "Unary application"
- (test-equal "Date+ single argument returns itself" (date) (date+ (date)))
- (test-equal "Date- single argument returns itself" (date) (date- (date))))
- (test-group "Simple cases"
- (test-group "Days"
- (test-equal "Add" #2020-01-06 (date+ #2020-01-01 (date day: 5)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #2020-01-01 (date- #2020-01-06 (date day: 5))))
- (test-group "Months"
- (test-equal "Add" #2020-06-01 (date+ #2020-01-01 (date month: 5)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #2020-01-01 (date- #2020-06-01 (date month: 5))))
- (test-group "Years"
- (test-equal "Add" #2022-01-01 (date+ #2020-01-01 (date year: 2)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #2020-01-01 (date- #2022-01-01 (date year: 2)))))
- (test-group "Many operands"
- (test-equal #2021-02-02
- (date+ #2020-01-01
- (date day: 1)
- (date month: 1)
- (date year: 1))))
- (test-group "Overflow"
- ;; Years don't overflow, so no need to test
- (test-equal "Day overflow" #2022-02-01 (date+ #2022-01-31 (date day: 1)))
- (test-equal "Month overflow" #2023-01-01 (date+ #2022-12-01 (date month: 1)))
- (test-equal "Date+Month overflow" #2023-01-01 (date+ #2022-12-31 (date day: 1))))
- ;; NOTE
- (test-equal #2020-02-31 (date+ #2020-01-31 (date month: 1)))
- )
- (test-group "Time"
- (test-group "Unary application"
- (test-equal "Time+ single argument returns itself" (time) (time+ (time)))
- (test-equal "Time- single argument returns itself" (time) (time- (time))))
- (test-group "Simple cases"
- (test-group "Seconds"
- (test-equal "Add" #20:00:40 (time+ #20:00:00 (time second: 40)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #20:00:00 (time- #20:00:40 (time second: 40))))
- (test-group "Minutes"
- (test-equal "Add" #20:10:00 (time+ #20:00:00 (time minute: 10)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #20:00:00 (time- #20:10:00 (time minute: 10))))
- (test-group "Hours"
- (test-equal "Add" #22:00:00 (time+ #20:00:00 (time hour: 2)))
- (test-equal "Remove" #20:00:00 (time- #22:00:00 (time hour: 2)))))
- (test-group "Overflowing cases"
- (test-group "Addition"
- (test-group "Single overflow"
- (call-with-values (lambda () (time+ #20:00:00 (time hour: 5)))
- (lambda (result overflow)
- (test-equal "Time" (time hour: 1) result)
- (test-equal "Overflow" 1 overflow))))
- (test-group "Mulitple overflows"
- (call-with-values (lambda () (time+ #20:00:00 (time hour: 5) (time hour: 24)))
- (lambda (result overflow)
- (test-equal "Time" (time hour: 1) result)
- (test-equal "Overflow" 2 overflow)))))
- (test-group "Subtraction"
- (test-group "Single overflow"
- (call-with-values (lambda () (time- #20:00:00 (time hour: 25)))
- (lambda (result overflow)
- (test-equal "Time" (time hour: 19) result)
- (test-equal "Overflow" 1 overflow))))
- (test-group "Mulitple overflows"
- (call-with-values (lambda () (time- (time hour: 4) (time hour: 10) (time hour: 24)))
- (lambda (result overflow)
- (test-equal "Time" (time hour: 18) result)
- (test-equal "Overflow" 2 overflow))))))))
-;; TODO
-datetime+ datetime-
-(test-group "Date difference"
- (test-assert "The differente between a date and itself is zero"
- (date-zero? (date-difference #2022-02-02 #2022-02-02)))
- (test-error "Later date must be first" 'misc-error
- (date-difference #2020-01-01 #2021-01-01))
- (test-error "Negative months are invalid" 'misc-error
- (date-difference (date) (date month: -1)))
- (test-error "Negative days are invalid" 'misc-error
- (date-difference (date) (date day: -1)))
- (test-equal "Negative years ARE valid"
- (date year: 1) (date-difference (date) (date year: -1))))
-;; TODO
diff --git a/tests/test/hnh-util-env.scm b/tests/test/hnh-util-env.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index c1e0161f..00000000
--- a/tests/test/hnh-util-env.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test hnh-util-env)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((guile) :select (setenv getenv))
- :use-module ((hnh util env) :select (let-env)))
-(setenv "CALP_TEST_ENV" "1")
-(test-equal "Ensure we have set value beforehand"
- "1"
- (getenv "CALP_TEST_ENV"))
- (let-env
- ((CALP_TEST_ENV "2"))
- (test-equal
- "Test our local override"
- "2"
- (getenv "CALP_TEST_ENV")))
- (test-equal
- "Test that we have returned"
- "1"
- (getenv "CALP_TEST_ENV"))
-(catch 'test-error
- (lambda ()
- (let-env
- ((CALP_TEST_ENV "2"))
- (test-equal
- "Test our local override again"
- "2"
- (getenv "CALP_TEST_ENV"))
- (throw 'test-error)))
- list)
- "Test restoration after non-local exit"
- "1"
- (getenv "CALP_TEST_ENV"))
-(test-group "Unsetting environment"
- (setenv "TEST" "A")
- (let-env ((TEST #f))
- (test-assert (not (getenv "TEST"))))
- (test-equal "A" (getenv "TEST")))
diff --git a/tests/test/hnh-util-lens.scm b/tests/test/hnh-util-lens.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0508553a..00000000
--- a/tests/test/hnh-util-lens.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test hnh-util-lens)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util lens))
-(define first (ref 0))
-(test-equal '((1)) (first '(((1)))))
-(test-equal '((2)) (set '(((1))) (compose-lenses first first) 2))
-(test-equal '(((2))) (set '(((1))) (compose-lenses first first first) 2))
-;; (list-change (iota 10) 5 'Hello)
-;; => (0 1 2 3 4 Hello 6 7 8 9)
-(test-equal '(1 (10) 3) (set '(1 (2) 3) (compose-lenses (ref 1) (ref 0)) 10))
-(test-equal '(1 (10) 3) (set '(1 (2) 3) (ref 1) (ref 0) 10))
-;; (set (list (iota 10)) first first 11)
-(define cadr* (compose-lenses cdr* car*))
-(test-group "Primitive lenses get and set"
- (define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (test-equal 1 (car* lst))
- (test-equal '(2 3 4 5) (cdr* lst))
- (test-equal '(10 2 3 4 5)
- (car* lst 10)))
-(test-group "Primitive lens composition"
- (define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (test-equal 2 (cadr* lst))
- (test-equal '(1 10 3 4 5) (cadr* lst 10)))
-(test-group "Modify"
- (define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (test-equal '(10 2 3 4 5) (modify lst car* * 10))
- (test-equal '(1 20 3 4 5) (modify lst cadr* * 10))
- )
-(test-group "Modify*"
- (define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (test-equal '(1 2 4 4 5) (modify* lst cdr* cdr* car* 1+)))
-;; modify
-;; modify*
-;; set
-;; get
-;; identity-lens
-;; compose-lenses
-;; lens-compose
-;; ref car* cdr*
-;; each
diff --git a/tests/test/hnh-util-path.scm b/tests/test/hnh-util-path.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index de4bf8e3..00000000
--- a/tests/test/hnh-util-path.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test hnh-util-path)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((hnh util env) :select (with-working-directory))
- :use-module (hnh util path))
- "no slashes"
- "home/user"
- (path-append "home" "user"))
- "no slashes, absolute"
- "/home/user"
- (path-append "" "home" "user"))
- "slashes in one component, absolute"
- "/home/user"
- (path-append "" "/home/" "user"))
- "slashes in one component, absolute due to first"
- "/home/user"
- (path-append "/home/" "user"))
- "Slashes in both"
- "home/user"
- (path-append "home/" "/user"))
-(test-equal "root" "/" (path-append ""))
- '("usr" "lib" "test")
- (path-split "usr/lib/test"))
- '("usr" "lib" "test")
- (path-split "usr/lib/test/"))
- '("" "usr" "lib" "test")
- (path-split "/usr/lib/test"))
- '("" "usr" "lib" "test")
- (path-split "//usr////lib/test"))
-(test-assert (file-hidden? ".just-filename"))
-(test-assert (file-hidden? "/path/to/.hidden"))
-(test-assert (not (file-hidden? "/visible/.in/hidden")))
-(test-assert (not (file-hidden? "")))
-;; TODO test realpath with .. and similar
-(test-equal "Realpath for path fragment"
- "/home/hugo"
- (with-working-directory
- "/home"
- (lambda () (realpath "hugo"))))
-(test-equal "Realpath for already absolute path"
- "/home/hugo"
- (with-working-directory
- "/tmp"
- (lambda () (realpath "/home/hugo"))))
-(test-equal "Realpath for already absolute path"
- "/home/hugo"
- (with-working-directory
- "/tmp"
- (lambda () (realpath "/home/hugo"))))
-(test-group "Relative to"
- (test-group "With relative child"
- (test-equal "/some/path" (relative-to "/some" "path")))
- ;; Relative parent just adds (getcwd) to start of parent,
- ;; but this is "hard" to test.
- ;; (test-group "With relative parent")
- (test-group "With absolute child"
- (test-error 'misc-error (relative-to "" "/some/path"))
- (test-equal "some/path" (relative-to "/" "/some/path"))
- (test-group "Without trailing slashes"
- (test-equal "path" (relative-to "/some" "/some/path"))
- (test-equal "../path" (relative-to "/some" "/other/path")))
- (test-group "With trailing slashes"
- (test-equal "path" (relative-to "/some" "/some/path/"))
- (test-equal "../path" (relative-to "/some" "/other/path/"))))
- (test-equal "/a/b" (relative-to "/a/b/c" "/a/b"))
- )
-(test-equal "Extension of simple file"
- "txt" (filename-extension "file.txt"))
-(test-equal "Extension of file with directory"
- "txt" (filename-extension "/direcotry/file.txt"))
-(test-equal "Extension of file with multiple"
- "gz" (filename-extension "filename.tar.gz"))
-(test-equal "Filename extension when none is present"
- "" (filename-extension "filename"))
-(test-equal "Filename extension when none is present, but directory has"
- "" (filename-extension "config.d/filename"))
-(test-equal "Filename extension of directory"
- "d" (filename-extension "config.d/"))
-(test-equal "Extension of hidden file"
- "sh" (filename-extension ".bashrc.sh"))
-(test-equal "Extension of hidden file without extension"
- "bashrc" (filename-extension ".bashrc"))
diff --git a/tests/test/hnh-util-state-monad.scm b/tests/test/hnh-util-state-monad.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 353c47e9..00000000
--- a/tests/test/hnh-util-state-monad.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test hnh-util-state-monad)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (hnh util state-monad))
-(call-with-values (lambda () ((return 1) 2))
- (lambda (value state)
- (test-equal "Return returns the value unmodified" 1 value)
- (test-equal "Return also returns the state as a second value" 2 state)))
-(test-equal "Get returns the current state as primary value, while kepping the state"
- '(state state)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((get) 'state)) list))
-;; Return value of put untested, since it's undefined
-(test-equal "Put replaces the old state with a new one, and return old one"
- '(old-state new-state)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((put 'new-state) 'old-state))
- list))
-(test-equal "A simple do is effectively a `values' call"
- '(value initial-state)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((do (return 'value)) 'initial-state))
- list))
-(test-equal "Let statement in do"
- '(10 state)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((do x = 10
- (return x))
- 'state))
- list))
-;; TODO let statement with multiple binds
-;; (do let (a b) = (values 10 20) ...)
-(test-equal "Set and get through do, along with <- in do."
- '(5 1)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((do old <- (get)
- (put (1+ old))
- (return 5))
- 0))
- list))
-(test-equal "<$> Updates stuff before being removed from the monad context"
- '(11 10)
- (call-with-values (lambda ()
- ((do x <- (<$> 1+ (get))
- (return x))
- 10))
- list))
-(test-equal "Sequence should update the state accordingly"
- 3
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- ((sequence
- (list (mod 1+)
- (mod 1+)
- (mod 1+)))
- 0))
- (lambda (_ st) st)))
-(test-equal "Sequence should also act as map on the primary value"
- '((0 1 2) 3)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- ((sequence
- (list (mod 1+)
- (mod 1+)
- (mod 1+)))
- 0))
- list))
-(test-equal "Get returns a single value when only a single value is in the state"
- '(1 1) (call-with-values (lambda () ((get) 1))
- list))
-(test-equal "Get returns a list of values when multiple items are in the state"
- '((1 2 3) 1 2 3)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((get) 1 2 3))
- list))
-(test-equal "Get with multiple values"
- '((1 2) 1 2)
- (call-with-values (lambda () ((get) 1 2))
- list))
-(test-equal "Get with multiple values in do"
- '((1 2) 1 2)
- (call-with-values (lambda ()
- ((do (a b) <- (get)
- (return (list a b)))
- 1 2))
- list))
-((do (put 0)
- (with-temp-state
- (list 10)
- (do a <- (get)
- (return (test-equal "Temporary state is set"
- 10 a))
- (put 20)))
- a <- (get)
- (return (test-equal "Pre-temp state is restored" 0 a)))
- 'init)
-;; TODO test for do where the number of implicit arguments changes
-(test-equal "Something" 30
- ((do (with-temp-state
- '(10 20)
- ;; todo (lift +)
- (do (a b) <- (get)
- (return (+ a b)))))
- 0 1))
diff --git a/tests/test/hnh-util.scm b/tests/test/hnh-util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index c4a20443..00000000
--- a/tests/test/hnh-util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Checks some prodecuders from (hnh util)
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test hnh-util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (hnh util)
- :use-module (hnh util env)
- )
-(define (unreachable)
- (throw 'unreachable))
-;;; Changed core bindings
-(test-group "set!"
- (let ((x 10))
- (set! x 20)
- (test-eqv "Regular set! still works" 20 x))
- (test-group "Multiple set! at once works"
- (let ((x 10) (y 20))
- (set! x 20
- y 30)
- (test-eqv x 20)
- (test-eqv y 30)))
- (test-group "Set! is ordered"
- (let ((x 10))
- (set! x 20
- x (* x 2))
- (test-eqv x 40)))
- ;; TODO
- ;; (test-group "set! ="
- ;; )
- )
-;;; Nonscensical to test
-;; (test-group "define-syntax"
-;; )
-(test-group "Conditionals"
- (test-equal "when"
- 1 (when #t 1))
- (test-equal "'() when #f"
- '() (when #f 1))
- (test-equal "unless"
- 1 (unless #f 1))
- (test-equal "'() unless #t"
- '() (unless #t 1))
-;;; New bindings
-(test-group "aif"
- (aif (+ 1 2)
- (test-eqv 3 it)
- (unreachable))
- (aif #f
- (unreachable)
- (test-assert #t)))
- (test-equal "awhen it"
- '(3 4 5)
- (awhen (memv 2 '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (cdr it)))
- (test-equal "awhen not"
- '()
- (awhen (memv 0 '(1 2 3 4 5))
- (cdr it))))
-(test-group "for"
- (test-equal "for simple"
- (iota 10)
- (for x in (iota 10)
- x))
- (test-equal "for matching"
- (iota 12)
- (for (x c) in (zip (iota 12) (string->list "Hello, World"))
- x))
- (test-equal "for with improper list elements"
- `(3 7)
- (for (a . b) in '((1 . 2) (3 . 4))
- (+ a b)))
- (test-equal "for with longer improper list elements"
- '(1 2 4)
- (for (a b . c) in '((1 -1 . 1) (2 -2 . 2) (4 -4 . 4))
- (* c (+ 1 a b))))
- (test-equal "for break"
- 'x
- (for x in (iota 10)
- (break 'x)
- (test-assert "This should never happen" #f)))
- (test-equal "for continue"
- '(x #f 2)
- (for x in (iota 3)
- (case x
- ((0)
- (continue 'x)
- (test-assert "Continue with value failed" #f))
- ((1)
- (continue)
- (test-assert "Continue without value failed" #f))
- (else x)))))
-(test-group "print-and-return"
- (let ((p (open-output-string)))
- (let ((v (with-error-to-port p
- (lambda () (print-and-return (+ 1 2))))))
- (test-equal "Printed value"
- "3 [(+ 1 2)]\n" (get-output-string p))
- (test-eqv "Returned value"
- 3 v))))
-(test-group "swap"
- (test-equal
- '(3 2 1)
- ((swap list) 1 2 3)))
-(test-equal "procedure label"
- 120
- ((label factorial (lambda (n)
- (if (zero? n)
- 1 (* n (factorial (1- n))))))
- 5))
-;; we can't test if sort*! destroys the list, since its only /allowed/ to do it,
-;; not required.
-(test-equal "sort*!"
- '("a" "Hello" "Assparagus")
- (sort*! '("Hello" "a" "Assparagus")
- < string-length))
-(test-assert "not equal"
- (!= 1 2))
-(test-equal "Take to"
- '() (take-to '() 5))
-(test-group "string-take-to"
- (test-equal "Hello"
- (string-take-to "Hello, World!" 5)))
-(test-group "string-first"
- (test-eqv #\H (string-first "Hello, World!")))
-(test-group "string-last"
- (test-eqv #\! (string-last "Hello, World!")))
-(test-group "as-symb"
- (test-eq "From string" 'hello (as-symb "hello"))
- (test-eq "From symbol" 'hello (as-symb 'hello))
- (test-eq "NOTE that others pass right through"
- '() (as-symb '())))
-(test-equal "Enumerate"
- '((0 #\H) (1 #\e) (2 #\l) (3 #\l) (4 #\o) (5 #\,) (6 #\space) (7 #\W) (8 #\o) (9 #\r) (10 #\l) (11 #\d) (12 #\!))
- (enumerate (string->list "Hello, World!")))
-(test-equal "unval first"
- 1
- ((unval (lambda () (values 1 2 3)))))
-(test-equal "unval other"
- 2
- ((unval car+cdr 1)
- (cons 1 2)))
-(test-group "Flatten"
- (test-equal "flatten already flat"
- (iota 10)
- (flatten (iota 10)))
- (test-equal "flatten really deep"
- '(1)
- (flatten '(((((((((((((((1)))))))))))))))))
- (test-equal "flatten mixed"
- '(1 2 3 4 5)
- (flatten '((((((1(((((2((((3))))))4))))))))5))))
-;; TODO test let-lazy
-(test-group "map/dotted"
- (test-equal "map/dotted without dot"
- '(1 2 3 4)
- (map/dotted 1+ '(0 1 2 3)))
- (test-equal "map/dotted with dot"
- '(1 2 3 . 4)
- (map/dotted 1+ '(0 1 2 . 3)))
- (test-equal "map/dotted direct value"
- 1 (map/dotted 1+ 0)))
-(test-group "group-by"
- ;; Extra roundabout tests since groups-by doesn't guarantee order of the keys
- (test-group "Two simple groups"
- (let ((groups (group-by even? (iota 10))))
- (test-assert (lset= eq? '(#f #t) (map car groups)))
- (test-assert (lset= = '(0 2 4 6 8) (assq-ref groups #t)))
- (test-assert (lset= = '(1 3 5 7 9) (assq-ref groups #f)))))
- (test-group "Identity groups"
- (let ((groups (group-by identity (iota 5))))
- (test-assert "Correct keys"
- (lset= = (iota 5) (map car groups)))
- (test-group "Correct amount in each group"
- (for-each (lambda (g) (test-equal 1 (length (cdr g)))) groups))))
- (test-equal "Null case"
- '()
- (group-by (lambda _ (unreachable)) '())))
-(test-group "split-by"
- 'TODO)
-(test-group "cross-product"
- (test-equal "Basic case"
- '((1 4)
- (1 5)
- (1 6)
- (2 4)
- (2 5)
- (2 6)
- (3 4)
- (3 5)
- (3 6))
- (cross-product
- '(1 2 3)
- '(4 5 6)))
- (test-equal "Single input list"
- '((1) (2) (3))
- (cross-product '(1 2 3)))
- (test-equal "More than two"
- '((1 3 5) (1 3 6)
- (1 4 5) (1 4 6)
- (2 3 5) (2 3 6)
- (2 4 5) (2 4 6))
- (cross-product
- '(1 2)
- '(3 4)
- '(5 6))))
-(test-group "Arrows"
- (test-equal "->" 9 (-> 1 (+ 2) (* 3)))
- (test-equal "-> order dependant" -1 (-> 1 (- 2)))
- (test-equal "->> order dependant" 1 (->> 1 (- 2))))
-;; TODO set and set->
-;; TODO and=>>
-;; downcase-symbol
-;; TODO test failure when grouping isn't possible?
-(test-equal "Group"
- '((0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (6 7) (8 9))
- (group (iota 10) 2))
-;; TODO test failure when grouping isn't possible?
-(test-group "Associations"
- (test-equal "assoc-ref-all" '(1 3) (assoc-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a))
- (test-equal "assq-ref-all" '(1 3) (assq-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a))
- (test-equal "assv-ref-all" '(1 3) (assv-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a))
- ;; TODO assq-limit ?
- (test-equal "assq merge"
- '((k 2 1) (v 2))
- (assq-merge '((k 1) (v 2)) '((k 2))))
- (test-equal "kvlist->assq"
- '((a . 1) (b . 2))
- (kvlist->assq '(a: 1 b: 2)))
- (test-equal "kvlist->assq repeated key"
- '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3))
- (kvlist->assq '(a: 1 b: 2 a: 3))))
-(test-equal "vector-last"
- 1 (vector-last #(0 2 3 1)))
-;; TODO test catch*
- "Filter sorted"
- '(3 4 5)
- (filter-sorted (lambda (x) (<= 3 x 5)) (iota 10)))
- "set/r! = single"
- #f
- (let ((x #t)) (set/r! x = not)))
- 'syntax-error
- (test-read-eval-string "(set/r! x err not)"))
-(test-group "Find extremes"
- (test-error 'wrong-type-arg (find-extreme '()))
- (test-group "find-min"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (find-min (iota 10)))
- (lambda (extreme rest)
- (test-equal "Found correct minimum" 0 extreme)
- (test-equal
- "Removed \"something\" from the set"
- 9
- (length rest)))))
- (test-group "find-max"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (find-max
- '("Hello" "Test" "Something long")
- string-length))
- (lambda (extreme rest)
- (test-equal
- "Found the longest string"
- "Something long"
- extreme)
- (test-equal "Removed the string" 2 (length rest))
- (test-assert
- "Other members left 1"
- (member "Hello" rest))
- (test-assert
- "Other members left 2"
- (member "Test" rest))))))
-(test-group "Span upto"
- (test-group "Case 1"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (span-upto
- 2
- char-numeric?
- (string->list "123456")))
- (lambda (head tail)
- (test-equal '(#\1 #\2) head)
- (test-equal '(#\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) tail))))
- (test-group "Case 2"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (span-upto
- 2
- char-numeric?
- (string->list "H123456")))
- (lambda (head tail)
- (test-equal '() head)
- (test-equal '(#\H #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) tail)))))
-(test-group "Begin1"
- (let ((value #f))
- (test-equal
- "begin1 return value"
- "Hello"
- (begin1 "Hello" (set! value "World")))
- (test-equal "begin1 side effects" "World" value))
- (let ((x 1))
- (test-eqv "begin1 set! after return"
- 1 (begin1 x (set! x 10)))
- (test-eqv "Updates value"
- 10 x)))
-(test-equal 0 (iterate 1- zero? 10))
-(test-group "->string"
- (test-equal "5" (->string 5))
- (test-equal "5" (->string "5")))
diff --git a/tests/test/html/caltable.scm b/tests/test/html/caltable.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index fec1ace4..00000000
--- a/tests/test/html/caltable.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test html caltable)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp html caltable)
- :use-module (datetime)
- ;; causes translated parts of the generated document to work
- :use-module (calp translation)
- )
-;; Not the most robust test, but at least it shows us when we break something
-(test-equal "Whole fucking caltable"
- `(div (@ (class "small-calendar"))
- (div (@ (class "column-head row-head")) ,(G_ "v."))
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "Må")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "Ti")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "On")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "To")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "Fr")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "Lö")
- (div (@ (class "column-head")) "Sö")
- (div (@ (class "row-head")) 13)
- (div (@ (class "row-head")) 14)
- (div (@ (class "row-head")) 15)
- (div (@ (class "row-head")) 16)
- (div (@ (class "row-head")) 17)
- (a (@ (class "prev")
- (href "2022-03-01.html" "#" "2022-03-28"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-03-28")) 28))
- (a (@ (class "prev")
- (href "2022-03-01.html" "#" "2022-03-29"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-03-29")) 29))
- (a (@ (class "prev")
- (href "2022-03-01.html" "#" "2022-03-30"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-03-30")) 30))
- (a (@ (class "prev")
- (href "2022-03-01.html" "#" "2022-03-31"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-03-31")) 31))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-01"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-01")) 1))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-02"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-02")) 2))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-03"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-03")) 3))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-04"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-04")) 4))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-05"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-05")) 5))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-06"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-06")) 6))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-07"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-07")) 7))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-08"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-08")) 8))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-09"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-09")) 9))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-10"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-10")) 10))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-11"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-11")) 11))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-12"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-12")) 12))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-13"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-13")) 13))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-14"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-14")) 14))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-15"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-15")) 15))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-16"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-16")) 16))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-17"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-17")) 17))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-18"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-18")) 18))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-19"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-19")) 19))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-20"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-20")) 20))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-21"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-21")) 21))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-22"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-22")) 22))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-23"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-23")) 23))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-24"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-24")) 24))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-25"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-25")) 25))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-26"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-26")) 26))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-27"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-27")) 27))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-28"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-28")) 28))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-29"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-29")) 29))
- (a (@ (href "#" "2022-04-30"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-04-30")) 30))
- (a (@ (class "next")
- (href "2022-05-01.html" "#" "2022-05-01"))
- (time (@ (datetime "2022-05-01")) 1)))
- (parameterize ((week-start mon))
- (cal-table start-date: #2022-04-01
- end-date: #2022-04-30
- next-start: (lambda (d) (date+ d (date month: 1)))
- prev-start: (lambda (d) (date- d (date month: 1))))))
diff --git a/tests/test/html/component.scm b/tests/test/html/component.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a1fbdfbc..00000000
--- a/tests/test/html/component.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test html caltable)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp translation)
- :use-module (calp html components)
- )
- '(button (@ (class "btn") (onclick "onclick")) "Body")
- (btn onclick: "onclick" "Body"))
-(test-equal "href button, without body"
- '(a (@ (class "btn") (href "href")))
- (btn href: "href"))
-(test-error 'wrong-type-arg
- (btn href: "a" onclick: "b"))
-(test-equal "btn no specifier, but class"
- '(button (@ (class "btn test")) "body")
- (btn class: '("test") "body"))
-;; tabset
-(test-equal '(link (@ (type "text/css") (rel "stylesheet") (href "style.css")))
- (include-css "style.css"))
- '(link (@ (type "text/css") (rel "stylesheet") (href "style.css") (class "test")))
- (include-css "style.css" '(class "test")))
- '(link (@ (type "text/css") (rel "alternate stylesheet") (href "style.css")))
- (include-alt-css "style.css"))
diff --git a/tests/test/object.scm b/tests/test/object.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 701c45c0..00000000
--- a/tests/test/object.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test object)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util object)
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (->)))
-(define-type (f) x)
-(test-group "Created procedures"
- (test-assert "Constructor" (procedure? f))
- (test-assert "Predicate" (procedure? f?))
- (test-assert "Field access" (procedure? x)))
-;; (f)
-;; (f x: 10)
-;; (f? (f))
-(test-equal "Accessors are getters"
- 10 (x (f x: 10)))
-(test-assert "Accessors update, returning a object of the original type"
- (f? (x (f x: 10) 20)))
-(test-equal "A get after an update returns the new value"
- 20 (-> (f x: 10)
- (x 20)
- x))
-(define-type (g) x)
-(test-assert "Second type can be created"
- (g x: 10))
-(test-assert "Second type isn't first type"
- (not (f? (g x: 10))))
-(test-assert "First type isn't second type"
- (not (g? (f x: 10))))
-;; Tests that the old x gets shadowed
-;; (test-equal 10 (x (f x: 10)))
-;; (test-equal 10 (x (g x: 10)))
-;; field-level arguments
-;; - init:
-(define-type (f2) (f2-x default: 0 type: integer?))
-(test-equal 0 (f2-x (f2)))
-;; - type:
-(test-error "Giving an invalid type to the constructor throws an error"
- 'wrong-type-arg (f2 f2-x: 'hello))
-(test-error "Giving an invalid type to a setter throws an error"
- 'wrong-type-arg (f2-x (f2) 'hello))
-(test-equal "The error includes the name of the field, the expected type, and the given value"
- '(f2-x integer? hello)
- (catch 'wrong-type-arg (lambda () (f2-x (f2) 'hello))
- (lambda (err proc fmt args data) args)))
-(test-equal "Typed setter updates the value"
- (f2 f2-x: 10) (f2-x (f2) 10))
-;; type-level arguments
-;; - constructor:
-(define-type (f3 constructor: (lambda (make check)
- (lambda* (#:key f3-x f3-y)
- (check f3-x f3-y)
- (make f3-x f3-y))))
- (f3-x type: integer?)
- (f3-y type: string?))
-(test-assert "Custom constructors create objcets"
- (f3? (f3 f3-x: 10 f3-y: "Hello")))
-(test-error "Bad arguments to custom constructor"
- 'wrong-type-arg (f3 f3-x: 'hello f3-y: 'world))
-;; - printer:
-(define-type (f4 printer: (lambda (r p) (display "something" p))))
-(test-equal "something" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (f4)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/param.scm b/tests/test/param.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 431a8f46..00000000
--- a/tests/test/param.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Checks that parameters (1) are correctly parsed and stored.
-;; (1): 'A', and 'B' in the line "KEY;A=1;B=2:Some text"
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test param)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((vcomponent base)
- :select (param prop* parameters prop vline?))
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats ical parse)
- :select (parse-calendar))
- :use-module ((vcomponent) :select (vcomponent properties set-properties))
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (sort* set!))
- :use-module ((ice-9 ports) :select (call-with-input-string))
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats xcal output)
- :select (vcomponent->sxcal))
- )
-;; TODO clean up this whole test
-;; TODO possibly change parsing
-(define v
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
-X-KEY;A=1;B=2:Some text
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-equal '("1") (param (prop* v 'X-KEY) 'A))
-(test-equal '("2") (param (prop* v 'X-KEY) 'B))
-(test-equal #f (param (prop* v 'X-KEY) 'C))
-(test-group "Properties"
- (let ((p (properties v)))
- (test-assert (list? p))
- (test-eqv 1 (length p))
- (test-eq 'X-KEY (caar p))
- (test-assert (vline? (cadar p)))))
-;; TODO possibly move this.
-;; Checks that a warning is properly raised for
-;; unkonwn keys (without an X-prefix)
-(test-error "Ensure parse-calendar warns on unknown keys"
- 'warning
- (call-with-input-string
-KEY:Some Text
- parse-calendar))
-;; Similar thing happens for sxcal, but during serialization instead
-(let ((component (set-properties (vcomponent type: 'DUMMY)
- (cons 'KEY "Anything"))))
- (test-error
- 'warning
- (vcomponent->sxcal component)))
diff --git a/tests/test/recurrence-advanced.scm b/tests/test/recurrence-advanced.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d71e61..00000000
--- a/tests/test/recurrence-advanced.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1550 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests of recurrence rule generation with focus on correct instances
-;; being generated. For tests of basic recurrence functionallity, see
-;; recurrence-simple.scm.
-;; This file also tests format-recurrence-rule, which checks that human
-;; readable representations of the RRULES work.
-;; Also contains the tests for EXDATE.
-;; Most examples copied from RFC5545, some home written.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test recurrence-advanced)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence)
- :select (make-recur-rule))
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence generate)
- :select (generate-recurrence-set))
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence display)
- :select (format-recurrence-rule))
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence internal)
- :select (count until))
- :use-module ((vcomponent base)
- :select (prop prop* extract))
- :use-module (vcomponent create)
- :use-module ((datetime)
- :select (parse-ics-datetime
- datetime
- datetime-date
- time
- date
- jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
- mon tue wed thu fri sat sun
- datetime->string))
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (-> set!))
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-41) :select (stream->list))
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-88) :select (keyword->string)))
-(test-expect-fail "REC: The third instance into the month of one of Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, for the next 3 months")
-(test-expect-fail "STR: The third instance into the month of one of Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, for the next 3 months")
-(test-expect-fail "REC: The second-to-last weekday of the month")
-(test-expect-fail "STR: The second-to-last weekday of the month")
-;; TODO this test is really slow, figure out why (takes approx. 25s to run)
-(test-skip "REC: Every day in January, for 3 years (alt 2)")
-(define (run-test comp)
- (test-equal
- (string-append "REC: " (prop comp 'SUMMARY))
- (prop comp 'X-SET)
- (let ((r (generate-recurrence-set comp)))
- (map (extract 'DTSTART)
- (if (or (until (prop comp 'RRULE))
- (count (prop comp 'RRULE)))
- (stream->list r)
- (stream->list 20 r)))))
- (test-equal
- (string-append "STR: " (prop comp 'SUMMARY))
- (prop comp 'X-SUMMARY)
- ;; TODO setting language='en causes messages to be in english, but date
- ;; strings still format LC_TIME (which I have set to swedish)...
- ;; TODO possibly test with other languages
- (format-recurrence-rule (prop comp 'RRULE) 'sv)))
-(map run-test
- (list (vevent
- summary:
- "Daily for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- count: 10)
- x-summary:
- "dagligen, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-03T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- #1997-09-06T09:00:00
- #1997-09-07T09:00:00
- #1997-09-08T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-10T09:00:00
- #1997-09-11T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Daily until December 24, 1997"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- until: #1997-12-24T00:00:00Z)
- x-summary:
- "dagligen, till och med den 24 december, 1997 kl. 0:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-03T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- #1997-09-06T09:00:00
- #1997-09-07T09:00:00
- #1997-09-08T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-10T09:00:00
- #1997-09-11T09:00:00
- #1997-09-12T09:00:00
- #1997-09-13T09:00:00
- #1997-09-14T09:00:00
- #1997-09-15T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-17T09:00:00
- #1997-09-18T09:00:00
- #1997-09-19T09:00:00
- #1997-09-20T09:00:00
- #1997-09-21T09:00:00
- #1997-09-22T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-24T09:00:00
- #1997-09-25T09:00:00
- #1997-09-26T09:00:00
- #1997-09-27T09:00:00
- #1997-09-28T09:00:00
- #1997-09-29T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-01T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00
- #1997-10-03T09:00:00
- #1997-10-04T09:00:00
- #1997-10-05T09:00:00
- #1997-10-06T09:00:00
- #1997-10-07T09:00:00
- #1997-10-08T09:00:00
- #1997-10-09T09:00:00
- #1997-10-10T09:00:00
- #1997-10-11T09:00:00
- #1997-10-12T09:00:00
- #1997-10-13T09:00:00
- #1997-10-14T09:00:00
- #1997-10-15T09:00:00
- #1997-10-16T09:00:00
- #1997-10-17T09:00:00
- #1997-10-18T09:00:00
- #1997-10-19T09:00:00
- #1997-10-20T09:00:00
- #1997-10-21T09:00:00
- #1997-10-22T09:00:00
- #1997-10-23T09:00:00
- #1997-10-24T09:00:00
- #1997-10-25T09:00:00
- #1997-10-26T09:00:00
- #1997-10-27T09:00:00
- #1997-10-28T09:00:00
- #1997-10-29T09:00:00
- #1997-10-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-31T09:00:00
- #1997-11-01T09:00:00
- #1997-11-02T09:00:00
- #1997-11-03T09:00:00
- #1997-11-04T09:00:00
- #1997-11-05T09:00:00
- #1997-11-06T09:00:00
- #1997-11-07T09:00:00
- #1997-11-08T09:00:00
- #1997-11-09T09:00:00
- #1997-11-10T09:00:00
- #1997-11-11T09:00:00
- #1997-11-12T09:00:00
- #1997-11-13T09:00:00
- #1997-11-14T09:00:00
- #1997-11-15T09:00:00
- #1997-11-16T09:00:00
- #1997-11-17T09:00:00
- #1997-11-18T09:00:00
- #1997-11-19T09:00:00
- #1997-11-20T09:00:00
- #1997-11-21T09:00:00
- #1997-11-22T09:00:00
- #1997-11-23T09:00:00
- #1997-11-24T09:00:00
- #1997-11-25T09:00:00
- #1997-11-26T09:00:00
- #1997-11-27T09:00:00
- #1997-11-28T09:00:00
- #1997-11-29T09:00:00
- #1997-11-30T09:00:00
- #1997-12-01T09:00:00
- #1997-12-02T09:00:00
- #1997-12-03T09:00:00
- #1997-12-04T09:00:00
- #1997-12-05T09:00:00
- #1997-12-06T09:00:00
- #1997-12-07T09:00:00
- #1997-12-08T09:00:00
- #1997-12-09T09:00:00
- #1997-12-10T09:00:00
- #1997-12-11T09:00:00
- #1997-12-12T09:00:00
- #1997-12-13T09:00:00
- #1997-12-14T09:00:00
- #1997-12-15T09:00:00
- #1997-12-16T09:00:00
- #1997-12-17T09:00:00
- #1997-12-18T09:00:00
- #1997-12-19T09:00:00
- #1997-12-20T09:00:00
- #1997-12-21T09:00:00
- #1997-12-22T09:00:00
- #1997-12-23T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other day - forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- interval: 2)
- x-summary:
- "varannan dag"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-06T09:00:00
- #1997-09-08T09:00:00
- #1997-09-10T09:00:00
- #1997-09-12T09:00:00
- #1997-09-14T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-18T09:00:00
- #1997-09-20T09:00:00
- #1997-09-22T09:00:00
- #1997-09-24T09:00:00
- #1997-09-26T09:00:00
- #1997-09-28T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00
- #1997-10-04T09:00:00
- #1997-10-06T09:00:00
- #1997-10-08T09:00:00
- #1997-10-10T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 10 days, 5 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- interval: 10
- count: 5)
- x-summary:
- "var tionde dag, totalt 5 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-12T09:00:00
- #1997-09-22T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00
- #1997-10-12T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every day in January, for 3 years (alt 1)"
- dtstart:
- #1998-01-01T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- until: #2000-01-31T14:00:00Z
- bymonth: (list jan)
- byday: (list sun mon tue wed thu fri sat))
- x-summary:
- "varje lördag, fredag, torsdag, onsdag, tisdag, måndag & söndag i januari, årligen, till och med den 31 januari, 2000 kl. 14:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1998-01-01T09:00:00
- #1998-01-02T09:00:00
- #1998-01-03T09:00:00
- #1998-01-04T09:00:00
- #1998-01-05T09:00:00
- #1998-01-06T09:00:00
- #1998-01-07T09:00:00
- #1998-01-08T09:00:00
- #1998-01-09T09:00:00
- #1998-01-10T09:00:00
- #1998-01-11T09:00:00
- #1998-01-12T09:00:00
- #1998-01-13T09:00:00
- #1998-01-14T09:00:00
- #1998-01-15T09:00:00
- #1998-01-16T09:00:00
- #1998-01-17T09:00:00
- #1998-01-18T09:00:00
- #1998-01-19T09:00:00
- #1998-01-20T09:00:00
- #1998-01-21T09:00:00
- #1998-01-22T09:00:00
- #1998-01-23T09:00:00
- #1998-01-24T09:00:00
- #1998-01-25T09:00:00
- #1998-01-26T09:00:00
- #1998-01-27T09:00:00
- #1998-01-28T09:00:00
- #1998-01-29T09:00:00
- #1998-01-30T09:00:00
- #1998-01-31T09:00:00
- #1999-01-01T09:00:00
- #1999-01-02T09:00:00
- #1999-01-03T09:00:00
- #1999-01-04T09:00:00
- #1999-01-05T09:00:00
- #1999-01-06T09:00:00
- #1999-01-07T09:00:00
- #1999-01-08T09:00:00
- #1999-01-09T09:00:00
- #1999-01-10T09:00:00
- #1999-01-11T09:00:00
- #1999-01-12T09:00:00
- #1999-01-13T09:00:00
- #1999-01-14T09:00:00
- #1999-01-15T09:00:00
- #1999-01-16T09:00:00
- #1999-01-17T09:00:00
- #1999-01-18T09:00:00
- #1999-01-19T09:00:00
- #1999-01-20T09:00:00
- #1999-01-21T09:00:00
- #1999-01-22T09:00:00
- #1999-01-23T09:00:00
- #1999-01-24T09:00:00
- #1999-01-25T09:00:00
- #1999-01-26T09:00:00
- #1999-01-27T09:00:00
- #1999-01-28T09:00:00
- #1999-01-29T09:00:00
- #1999-01-30T09:00:00
- #1999-01-31T09:00:00
- #2000-01-01T09:00:00
- #2000-01-02T09:00:00
- #2000-01-03T09:00:00
- #2000-01-04T09:00:00
- #2000-01-05T09:00:00
- #2000-01-06T09:00:00
- #2000-01-07T09:00:00
- #2000-01-08T09:00:00
- #2000-01-09T09:00:00
- #2000-01-10T09:00:00
- #2000-01-11T09:00:00
- #2000-01-12T09:00:00
- #2000-01-13T09:00:00
- #2000-01-14T09:00:00
- #2000-01-15T09:00:00
- #2000-01-16T09:00:00
- #2000-01-17T09:00:00
- #2000-01-18T09:00:00
- #2000-01-19T09:00:00
- #2000-01-20T09:00:00
- #2000-01-21T09:00:00
- #2000-01-22T09:00:00
- #2000-01-23T09:00:00
- #2000-01-24T09:00:00
- #2000-01-25T09:00:00
- #2000-01-26T09:00:00
- #2000-01-27T09:00:00
- #2000-01-28T09:00:00
- #2000-01-29T09:00:00
- #2000-01-30T09:00:00
- #2000-01-31T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every day in January, for 3 years (alt 2)"
- dtstart:
- #1998-01-01T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- until: #2000-01-31T14:00:00Z
- bymonth: 1)
- x-summary:
- "dagligen, till och med den 31 januari, 2000 kl. 14:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1998-01-01T09:00:00
- #1998-01-02T09:00:00
- #1998-01-03T09:00:00
- #1998-01-04T09:00:00
- #1998-01-05T09:00:00
- #1998-01-06T09:00:00
- #1998-01-07T09:00:00
- #1998-01-08T09:00:00
- #1998-01-09T09:00:00
- #1998-01-10T09:00:00
- #1998-01-11T09:00:00
- #1998-01-12T09:00:00
- #1998-01-13T09:00:00
- #1998-01-14T09:00:00
- #1998-01-15T09:00:00
- #1998-01-16T09:00:00
- #1998-01-17T09:00:00
- #1998-01-18T09:00:00
- #1998-01-19T09:00:00
- #1998-01-20T09:00:00
- #1998-01-21T09:00:00
- #1998-01-22T09:00:00
- #1998-01-23T09:00:00
- #1998-01-24T09:00:00
- #1998-01-25T09:00:00
- #1998-01-26T09:00:00
- #1998-01-27T09:00:00
- #1998-01-28T09:00:00
- #1998-01-29T09:00:00
- #1998-01-30T09:00:00
- #1998-01-31T09:00:00
- #1999-01-01T09:00:00
- #1999-01-02T09:00:00
- #1999-01-03T09:00:00
- #1999-01-04T09:00:00
- #1999-01-05T09:00:00
- #1999-01-06T09:00:00
- #1999-01-07T09:00:00
- #1999-01-08T09:00:00
- #1999-01-09T09:00:00
- #1999-01-10T09:00:00
- #1999-01-11T09:00:00
- #1999-01-12T09:00:00
- #1999-01-13T09:00:00
- #1999-01-14T09:00:00
- #1999-01-15T09:00:00
- #1999-01-16T09:00:00
- #1999-01-17T09:00:00
- #1999-01-18T09:00:00
- #1999-01-19T09:00:00
- #1999-01-20T09:00:00
- #1999-01-21T09:00:00
- #1999-01-22T09:00:00
- #1999-01-23T09:00:00
- #1999-01-24T09:00:00
- #1999-01-25T09:00:00
- #1999-01-26T09:00:00
- #1999-01-27T09:00:00
- #1999-01-28T09:00:00
- #1999-01-29T09:00:00
- #1999-01-30T09:00:00
- #1999-01-31T09:00:00
- #2000-01-01T09:00:00
- #2000-01-02T09:00:00
- #2000-01-03T09:00:00
- #2000-01-04T09:00:00
- #2000-01-05T09:00:00
- #2000-01-06T09:00:00
- #2000-01-07T09:00:00
- #2000-01-08T09:00:00
- #2000-01-09T09:00:00
- #2000-01-10T09:00:00
- #2000-01-11T09:00:00
- #2000-01-12T09:00:00
- #2000-01-13T09:00:00
- #2000-01-14T09:00:00
- #2000-01-15T09:00:00
- #2000-01-16T09:00:00
- #2000-01-17T09:00:00
- #2000-01-18T09:00:00
- #2000-01-19T09:00:00
- #2000-01-20T09:00:00
- #2000-01-21T09:00:00
- #2000-01-22T09:00:00
- #2000-01-23T09:00:00
- #2000-01-24T09:00:00
- #2000-01-25T09:00:00
- #2000-01-26T09:00:00
- #2000-01-27T09:00:00
- #2000-01-28T09:00:00
- #2000-01-29T09:00:00
- #2000-01-30T09:00:00
- #2000-01-31T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Weekly for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- count: 10)
- x-summary:
- "varje vecka, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-07T09:00:00
- #1997-10-14T09:00:00
- #1997-10-21T09:00:00
- #1997-10-28T09:00:00
- #1997-11-04T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Weekly until December 24, 1997"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- until: #1997-12-24T00:00:00Z)
- x-summary:
- "varje vecka, till och med den 24 december, 1997 kl. 0:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-07T09:00:00
- #1997-10-14T09:00:00
- #1997-10-21T09:00:00
- #1997-10-28T09:00:00
- #1997-11-04T09:00:00
- #1997-11-11T09:00:00
- #1997-11-18T09:00:00
- #1997-11-25T09:00:00
- #1997-12-02T09:00:00
- #1997-12-09T09:00:00
- #1997-12-16T09:00:00
- #1997-12-23T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other week - forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- interval: 2
- wkst: sun)
- x-summary:
- "varannan vecka"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-14T09:00:00
- #1997-10-28T09:00:00
- #1997-11-11T09:00:00
- #1997-11-25T09:00:00
- #1997-12-09T09:00:00
- #1997-12-23T09:00:00
- #1998-01-06T09:00:00
- #1998-01-20T09:00:00
- #1998-02-03T09:00:00
- #1998-02-17T09:00:00
- #1998-03-03T09:00:00
- #1998-03-17T09:00:00
- #1998-03-31T09:00:00
- #1998-04-14T09:00:00
- #1998-04-28T09:00:00
- #1998-05-12T09:00:00
- #1998-05-26T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks (alt 1)"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- until: #1997-10-07T00:00:00Z
- wkst: sun
- byday: (list tue thu))
- x-summary:
- "varje tisdag & torsdag, till och med den 07 oktober, 1997 kl. 0:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-11T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-18T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-25T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks (alt 2)"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- count: 10
- wkst: sun
- byday: (list tue thu))
- x-summary:
- "varje tisdag & torsdag, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-11T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-18T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-25T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until December 24, 1997, starting on Monday, September 1, 1997:"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-01T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- interval: 2
- until: #1997-12-24T00:00:00Z
- wkst: sun
- byday: (list mon wed fri))
- x-summary:
- "varannan måndag, onsdag & fredag, till och med den 24 december, 1997 kl. 0:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-01T09:00:00
- #1997-09-03T09:00:00
- #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- #1997-09-15T09:00:00
- #1997-09-17T09:00:00
- #1997-09-19T09:00:00
- #1997-09-29T09:00:00
- #1997-10-01T09:00:00
- #1997-10-03T09:00:00
- #1997-10-13T09:00:00
- #1997-10-15T09:00:00
- #1997-10-17T09:00:00
- #1997-10-27T09:00:00
- #1997-10-29T09:00:00
- #1997-10-31T09:00:00
- #1997-11-10T09:00:00
- #1997-11-12T09:00:00
- #1997-11-14T09:00:00
- #1997-11-24T09:00:00
- #1997-11-26T09:00:00
- #1997-11-28T09:00:00
- #1997-12-08T09:00:00
- #1997-12-10T09:00:00
- #1997-12-12T09:00:00
- #1997-12-22T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other week on Tuesday and Thursday, for 8 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- interval: 2
- count: 8
- wkst: sun
- byday: (list tue thu))
- x-summary:
- "varannan tisdag & torsdag, totalt 8 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-18T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00
- #1997-10-14T09:00:00
- #1997-10-16T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the first Friday for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- count: 10
- byday: (list (cons 1 fri)))
- x-summary:
- "första fredagen varje månad, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- #1997-10-03T09:00:00
- #1997-11-07T09:00:00
- #1997-12-05T09:00:00
- #1998-01-02T09:00:00
- #1998-02-06T09:00:00
- #1998-03-06T09:00:00
- #1998-04-03T09:00:00
- #1998-05-01T09:00:00
- #1998-06-05T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the first Friday until December 24, 1997"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- until: #1997-12-24T00:00:00Z
- byday: (list (cons 1 fri)))
- x-summary:
- "första fredagen varje månad, till och med den 24 december, 1997 kl. 0:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-05T09:00:00
- #1997-10-03T09:00:00
- #1997-11-07T09:00:00
- #1997-12-05T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other month on the first and last Sunday of the month for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-07T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- interval: 2
- count: 10
- byday: (list (cons 1 sun)
- (cons -1 sun)))
- x-summary:
- "första söndagen samt sista söndagen varannan månad, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-07T09:00:00
- #1997-09-28T09:00:00
- #1997-11-02T09:00:00
- #1997-11-30T09:00:00
- #1998-01-04T09:00:00
- #1998-01-25T09:00:00
- #1998-03-01T09:00:00
- #1998-03-29T09:00:00
- #1998-05-03T09:00:00
- #1998-05-31T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the second-to-last Monday of the month for 6 months"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-22T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- count: 6
- byday: (list (cons -2 mon)))
- x-summary:
- "näst sista måndagen varje månad, totalt 6 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-22T09:00:00
- #1997-10-20T09:00:00
- #1997-11-17T09:00:00
- #1997-12-22T09:00:00
- #1998-01-19T09:00:00
- #1998-02-16T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the third-to-the-last day of the month, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-28T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- bymonthday: (list -3))
- x-summary:
- "den tredje sista varje månad"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-28T09:00:00
- #1997-10-29T09:00:00
- #1997-11-28T09:00:00
- #1997-12-29T09:00:00
- #1998-01-29T09:00:00
- #1998-02-26T09:00:00
- #1998-03-29T09:00:00
- #1998-04-28T09:00:00
- #1998-05-29T09:00:00
- #1998-06-28T09:00:00
- #1998-07-29T09:00:00
- #1998-08-29T09:00:00
- #1998-09-28T09:00:00
- #1998-10-29T09:00:00
- #1998-11-28T09:00:00
- #1998-12-29T09:00:00
- #1999-01-29T09:00:00
- #1999-02-26T09:00:00
- #1999-03-29T09:00:00
- #1999-04-28T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the 2nd and 15th of the month for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- count: 10
- bymonthday: (list 2 15))
- x-summary:
- "den andre & femtonde varje månad, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-15T09:00:00
- #1997-10-02T09:00:00
- #1997-10-15T09:00:00
- #1997-11-02T09:00:00
- #1997-11-15T09:00:00
- #1997-12-02T09:00:00
- #1997-12-15T09:00:00
- #1998-01-02T09:00:00
- #1998-01-15T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monthly on the first and last day of the month for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- count: 10
- bymonthday: (list 1 -1))
- x-summary:
- "den förste & sista varje månad, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-10-01T09:00:00
- #1997-10-31T09:00:00
- #1997-11-01T09:00:00
- #1997-11-30T09:00:00
- #1997-12-01T09:00:00
- #1997-12-31T09:00:00
- #1998-01-01T09:00:00
- #1998-01-31T09:00:00
- #1998-03-01T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 18 months on the 10th thru 15th of the month for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-10T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- interval: 18
- count: 10
- bymonthday: (list 10 11 12 13 14 15))
- x-summary:
- "den tionde, elfte, tolfte, trettonde, fjortonde & femtonde var artonde månad, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-10T09:00:00
- #1997-09-11T09:00:00
- #1997-09-12T09:00:00
- #1997-09-13T09:00:00
- #1997-09-14T09:00:00
- #1997-09-15T09:00:00
- #1999-03-10T09:00:00
- #1999-03-11T09:00:00
- #1999-03-12T09:00:00
- #1999-03-13T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every Tuesday, every other month"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- interval: 2
- byday: (list tue))
- x-summary:
- "varje tisdag varannan månad"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-09T09:00:00
- #1997-09-16T09:00:00
- #1997-09-23T09:00:00
- #1997-09-30T09:00:00
- #1997-11-04T09:00:00
- #1997-11-11T09:00:00
- #1997-11-18T09:00:00
- #1997-11-25T09:00:00
- #1998-01-06T09:00:00
- #1998-01-13T09:00:00
- #1998-01-20T09:00:00
- #1998-01-27T09:00:00
- #1998-03-03T09:00:00
- #1998-03-10T09:00:00
- #1998-03-17T09:00:00
- #1998-03-24T09:00:00
- #1998-03-31T09:00:00
- #1998-05-05T09:00:00
- #1998-05-12T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Yearly in June and July for 10 occurrences:\n: Since none of the BYDAY, BYMONTHDAY, or BYYEARDAY\nonents are specified, the day is gotten from \"DTSTART\""
- dtstart:
- #1997-06-10T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- count: 10
- bymonth: (list 6 7))
- x-summary:
- "juni & juli, årligen, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-06-10T09:00:00
- #1997-07-10T09:00:00
- #1998-06-10T09:00:00
- #1998-07-10T09:00:00
- #1999-06-10T09:00:00
- #1999-07-10T09:00:00
- #2000-06-10T09:00:00
- #2000-07-10T09:00:00
- #2001-06-10T09:00:00
- #2001-07-10T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every other year on January, February, and March for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-03-10T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- interval: 2
- count: 10
- bymonth: (list jan feb mar))
- x-summary:
- "januari, februari & mars vartannat år, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-03-10T09:00:00
- #1999-01-10T09:00:00
- #1999-02-10T09:00:00
- #1999-03-10T09:00:00
- #2001-01-10T09:00:00
- #2001-02-10T09:00:00
- #2001-03-10T09:00:00
- #2003-01-10T09:00:00
- #2003-02-10T09:00:00
- #2003-03-10T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every third year on the 1st, 100th, and 200th day for 10 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-01-01T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- interval: 3
- count: 10
- byyearday: (list 1 100 200))
- x-summary:
- "dag 1, 100 & 200 vart tredje år, totalt 10 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-01-01T09:00:00
- #1997-04-10T09:00:00
- #1997-07-19T09:00:00
- #2000-01-01T09:00:00
- #2000-04-09T09:00:00
- #2000-07-18T09:00:00
- #2003-01-01T09:00:00
- #2003-04-10T09:00:00
- #2003-07-19T09:00:00
- #2006-01-01T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 20th Monday of the year, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-05-19T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- byday: (list (cons 20 mon)))
- x-summary:
- "tjugonde måndagen, årligen"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-05-19T09:00:00
- #1998-05-18T09:00:00
- #1999-05-17T09:00:00
- #2000-05-15T09:00:00
- #2001-05-14T09:00:00
- #2002-05-20T09:00:00
- #2003-05-19T09:00:00
- #2004-05-17T09:00:00
- #2005-05-16T09:00:00
- #2006-05-15T09:00:00
- #2007-05-14T09:00:00
- #2008-05-19T09:00:00
- #2009-05-18T09:00:00
- #2010-05-17T09:00:00
- #2011-05-16T09:00:00
- #2012-05-14T09:00:00
- #2013-05-20T09:00:00
- #2014-05-19T09:00:00
- #2015-05-18T09:00:00
- #2016-05-16T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monday of week number 20 (where the default start of the week is Monday), forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-05-12T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- byweekno: (list 20)
- byday: (list mon))
- x-summary:
- "varje måndag v.20, årligen"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-05-12T09:00:00
- #1998-05-11T09:00:00
- #1999-05-17T09:00:00
- #2000-05-15T09:00:00
- #2001-05-14T09:00:00
- #2002-05-13T09:00:00
- #2003-05-12T09:00:00
- #2004-05-10T09:00:00
- #2005-05-16T09:00:00
- #2006-05-15T09:00:00
- #2007-05-14T09:00:00
- #2008-05-12T09:00:00
- #2009-05-11T09:00:00
- #2010-05-17T09:00:00
- #2011-05-16T09:00:00
- #2012-05-14T09:00:00
- #2013-05-13T09:00:00
- #2014-05-12T09:00:00
- #2015-05-11T09:00:00
- #2016-05-16T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every Thursday in March, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-03-13T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- bymonth: (list mar)
- byday: (list thu))
- x-summary:
- "varje torsdag i mars, årligen"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-03-13T09:00:00
- #1997-03-20T09:00:00
- #1997-03-27T09:00:00
- #1998-03-05T09:00:00
- #1998-03-12T09:00:00
- #1998-03-19T09:00:00
- #1998-03-26T09:00:00
- #1999-03-04T09:00:00
- #1999-03-11T09:00:00
- #1999-03-18T09:00:00
- #1999-03-25T09:00:00
- #2000-03-02T09:00:00
- #2000-03-09T09:00:00
- #2000-03-16T09:00:00
- #2000-03-23T09:00:00
- #2000-03-30T09:00:00
- #2001-03-01T09:00:00
- #2001-03-08T09:00:00
- #2001-03-15T09:00:00
- #2001-03-22T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every Thursday, but only during June, July, and August, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-06-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- byday: (list thu)
- bymonth: (list 6 7 8))
- x-summary:
- "varje torsdag i juni, juli & augusti, årligen"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-06-05T09:00:00
- #1997-06-12T09:00:00
- #1997-06-19T09:00:00
- #1997-06-26T09:00:00
- #1997-07-03T09:00:00
- #1997-07-10T09:00:00
- #1997-07-17T09:00:00
- #1997-07-24T09:00:00
- #1997-07-31T09:00:00
- #1997-08-07T09:00:00
- #1997-08-14T09:00:00
- #1997-08-21T09:00:00
- #1997-08-28T09:00:00
- #1998-06-04T09:00:00
- #1998-06-11T09:00:00
- #1998-06-18T09:00:00
- #1998-06-25T09:00:00
- #1998-07-02T09:00:00
- #1998-07-09T09:00:00
- #1998-07-16T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every Friday the 13th, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- exdate:
- (as-list
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00))
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- byday: (list fri)
- bymonthday: (list 13))
- x-summary:
- "varje fredag den trettonde varje månad"
- x-set:
- (list #1998-02-13T09:00:00
- #1998-03-13T09:00:00
- #1998-11-13T09:00:00
- #1999-08-13T09:00:00
- #2000-10-13T09:00:00
- #2001-04-13T09:00:00
- #2001-07-13T09:00:00
- #2002-09-13T09:00:00
- #2002-12-13T09:00:00
- #2003-06-13T09:00:00
- #2004-02-13T09:00:00
- #2004-08-13T09:00:00
- #2005-05-13T09:00:00
- #2006-01-13T09:00:00
- #2006-10-13T09:00:00
- #2007-04-13T09:00:00
- #2007-07-13T09:00:00
- #2008-06-13T09:00:00
- #2009-02-13T09:00:00
- #2009-03-13T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "The first Saturday that follows the first Sunday of the month, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-13T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- byday: (list sat)
- bymonthday: (list 7 8 9 10 11 12 13))
- x-summary:
- "varje lördag den sjunde, åttonde, nionde, tionde, elfte, tolfte & trettonde varje månad"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-13T09:00:00
- #1997-10-11T09:00:00
- #1997-11-08T09:00:00
- #1997-12-13T09:00:00
- #1998-01-10T09:00:00
- #1998-02-07T09:00:00
- #1998-03-07T09:00:00
- #1998-04-11T09:00:00
- #1998-05-09T09:00:00
- #1998-06-13T09:00:00
- #1998-07-11T09:00:00
- #1998-08-08T09:00:00
- #1998-09-12T09:00:00
- #1998-10-10T09:00:00
- #1998-11-07T09:00:00
- #1998-12-12T09:00:00
- #1999-01-09T09:00:00
- #1999-02-13T09:00:00
- #1999-03-13T09:00:00
- #1999-04-10T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 4 years, the first Tuesday after a Monday in November,\nver (U.S. Presidential Election day)"
- dtstart:
- #1996-11-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- interval: 4
- bymonth: (list nov)
- byday: (list tue)
- bymonthday: (list 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
- x-summary:
- "varje tisdag den andre, tredje, fjärde, femte, sjätte, sjunde eller åttonde i november vart fjärde år"
- x-set:
- (list #1996-11-05T09:00:00
- #2000-11-07T09:00:00
- #2004-11-02T09:00:00
- #2008-11-04T09:00:00
- #2012-11-06T09:00:00
- #2016-11-08T09:00:00
- #2020-11-03T09:00:00
- #2024-11-05T09:00:00
- #2028-11-07T09:00:00
- #2032-11-02T09:00:00
- #2036-11-04T09:00:00
- #2040-11-06T09:00:00
- #2044-11-08T09:00:00
- #2048-11-03T09:00:00
- #2052-11-05T09:00:00
- #2056-11-07T09:00:00
- #2060-11-02T09:00:00
- #2064-11-04T09:00:00
- #2068-11-06T09:00:00
- #2072-11-08T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "The third instance into the month of one of Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, for the next 3 months"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- count: 3
- byday: (list tue wed thu)
- bysetpos: (list 3))
- x-summary:
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-04T09:00:00
- #1997-10-07T09:00:00
- #1997-11-06T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "The second-to-last weekday of the month"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-29T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- byday: (list mon tue wed thu fri)
- bysetpos: (list -2))
- x-summary:
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-29T09:00:00
- #1997-10-30T09:00:00
- #1997-11-27T09:00:00
- #1997-12-30T09:00:00
- #1998-01-29T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 3 hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on a specific day"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'HOURLY
- interval: 3
- until: #1997-09-02T17:00:00Z)
- x-summary:
- "var tredje timme, till och med den 02 september, 1997 kl. 17:00"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-02T12:00:00
- #1997-09-02T15:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 15 minutes for 6 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MINUTELY
- interval: 15
- count: 6)
- x-summary:
- "varje kvart, totalt 6 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-02T09:15:00
- #1997-09-02T09:30:00
- #1997-09-02T09:45:00
- #1997-09-02T10:00:00
- #1997-09-02T10:15:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every hour and a half for 4 occurrences"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MINUTELY
- interval: 90
- count: 4)
- x-summary:
- "var sjätte kvart, totalt 4 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-02T10:30:00
- #1997-09-02T12:00:00
- #1997-09-02T13:30:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 20 minutes from 9:00 AM to 4:40 PM every day (alt 1)"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'DAILY
- byhour: (list 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16)
- byminute: (list 0 20 40))
- x-summary:
- "dagligen kl. 09:00, 09:20, 09:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:40, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, 12:00, 12:20, 12:40, 13:00, 13:20, 13:40, 14:00, 14:20, 14:40, 15:00, 15:20, 15:40, 16:00, 16:20 & 16:40"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-02T09:20:00
- #1997-09-02T09:40:00
- #1997-09-02T10:00:00
- #1997-09-02T10:20:00
- #1997-09-02T10:40:00
- #1997-09-02T11:00:00
- #1997-09-02T11:20:00
- #1997-09-02T11:40:00
- #1997-09-02T12:00:00
- #1997-09-02T12:20:00
- #1997-09-02T12:40:00
- #1997-09-02T13:00:00
- #1997-09-02T13:20:00
- #1997-09-02T13:40:00
- #1997-09-02T14:00:00
- #1997-09-02T14:20:00
- #1997-09-02T14:40:00
- #1997-09-02T15:00:00
- #1997-09-02T15:20:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every 20 minutes from 9:00 AM to 4:40 PM every day (alt 2)"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MINUTELY
- interval: 20
- byhour: (list 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16))
- x-summary:
- "var tjugonde minut kl. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- #1997-09-02T09:20:00
- #1997-09-02T09:40:00
- #1997-09-02T10:00:00
- #1997-09-02T10:20:00
- #1997-09-02T10:40:00
- #1997-09-02T11:00:00
- #1997-09-02T11:20:00
- #1997-09-02T11:40:00
- #1997-09-02T12:00:00
- #1997-09-02T12:20:00
- #1997-09-02T12:40:00
- #1997-09-02T13:00:00
- #1997-09-02T13:20:00
- #1997-09-02T13:40:00
- #1997-09-02T14:00:00
- #1997-09-02T14:20:00
- #1997-09-02T14:40:00
- #1997-09-02T15:00:00
- #1997-09-02T15:20:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "An example where the days generated makes a difference because of WKST"
- dtstart:
- #1997-08-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- interval: 2
- count: 4
- byday: (list tue sun)
- wkst: mon)
- x-summary:
- "varannan tisdag & söndag, totalt 4 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-08-05T09:00:00
- #1997-08-10T09:00:00
- #1997-08-19T09:00:00
- #1997-08-24T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "changing only WKST from MO to SU, yields different results.."
- dtstart:
- #1997-08-05T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'WEEKLY
- interval: 2
- count: 4
- byday: (list tue sun)
- wkst: sun)
- x-summary:
- "varannan tisdag & söndag, totalt 4 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-08-05T09:00:00
- #1997-08-17T09:00:00
- #1997-08-19T09:00:00
- #1997-08-31T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "An example where an invalid date (i.e., February 30) is ignored"
- dtstart:
- #2007-01-15T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- bymonthday: (list 15 30)
- count: 5)
- x-summary:
- "den femtonde & tretionde varje månad, totalt 5 gånger"
- x-set:
- (list #2007-01-15T09:00:00
- #2007-01-30T09:00:00
- #2007-02-15T09:00:00
- #2007-03-15T09:00:00
- #2007-03-30T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Every Friday & Wednesday the 13th, forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-09-02T09:00:00
- exdate:
- (as-list
- (list #1997-09-02T09:00:00))
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'MONTHLY
- byday: (list fri wed)
- bymonthday: (list 13))
- x-summary:
- "varje onsdag & fredag den trettonde varje månad"
- x-set:
- (list #1998-02-13T09:00:00
- #1998-03-13T09:00:00
- #1998-05-13T09:00:00
- #1998-11-13T09:00:00
- #1999-01-13T09:00:00
- #1999-08-13T09:00:00
- #1999-10-13T09:00:00
- #2000-09-13T09:00:00
- #2000-10-13T09:00:00
- #2000-12-13T09:00:00
- #2001-04-13T09:00:00
- #2001-06-13T09:00:00
- #2001-07-13T09:00:00
- #2002-02-13T09:00:00
- #2002-03-13T09:00:00
- #2002-09-13T09:00:00
- #2002-11-13T09:00:00
- #2002-12-13T09:00:00
- #2003-06-13T09:00:00
- #2003-08-13T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary:
- "Monday & Wednesday of week number 20 (where the default start of the week is Monday), forever"
- dtstart:
- #1997-05-12T09:00:00
- rrule:
- (make-recur-rule
- freq: 'YEARLY
- byweekno: (list 20)
- byday: (list mon wed))
- x-summary:
- "varje onsdag & måndag v.20, årligen"
- x-set:
- (list #1997-05-12T09:00:00
- #1997-05-14T09:00:00
- #1998-05-11T09:00:00
- #1998-05-13T09:00:00
- #1999-05-17T09:00:00
- #1999-05-19T09:00:00
- #2000-05-15T09:00:00
- #2000-05-17T09:00:00
- #2001-05-14T09:00:00
- #2001-05-16T09:00:00
- #2002-05-13T09:00:00
- #2002-05-15T09:00:00
- #2003-05-12T09:00:00
- #2003-05-14T09:00:00
- #2004-05-10T09:00:00
- #2004-05-12T09:00:00
- #2005-05-16T09:00:00
- #2005-05-18T09:00:00
- #2006-05-15T09:00:00
- #2006-05-17T09:00:00))
- (vevent
- summary: "Each second, for ever"
- dtstart: #2020-10-10T10:00:00
- rrule: (make-recur-rule freq: 'SECONDLY)
- x-summary: "varje sekund"
- x-set: (list #2020-10-10T10:00:00
- #2020-10-10T10:00:01
- #2020-10-10T10:00:02
- #2020-10-10T10:00:03
- #2020-10-10T10:00:04
- #2020-10-10T10:00:05
- #2020-10-10T10:00:06
- #2020-10-10T10:00:07
- #2020-10-10T10:00:08
- #2020-10-10T10:00:09
- #2020-10-10T10:00:10
- #2020-10-10T10:00:11
- #2020-10-10T10:00:12
- #2020-10-10T10:00:13
- #2020-10-10T10:00:14
- #2020-10-10T10:00:15
- #2020-10-10T10:00:16
- #2020-10-10T10:00:17
- #2020-10-10T10:00:18
- #2020-10-10T10:00:19))
- ;; Exdates are applied after rrule's, meaning that less than count
- ;; instances may be present.
- (vevent
- summary: "Exdates are applied AFTER rrule's"
- dtstart: #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- rrule: (make-recur-rule freq: 'DAILY count: 5)
- exdate: (as-list (list #2022-06-12T10:00:00))
- x-summary: "dagligen, totalt 5 gånger"
- x-set: (list #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- #2022-06-11T10:00:00
- ;; #2022-06-12T10:00:00 ; skipped by exdate
- #2022-06-13T10:00:00
- #2022-06-14T10:00:00
- ))
- (vevent
- summary: "RDATE:s add to the recurrence rule"
- dtstart: #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- rrule: (make-recur-rule freq: 'DAILY count: 5)
- rdate: (as-list (list #2022-06-20T10:00:00))
- x-summary: "dagligen, totalt 5 gånger"
- x-set: (list #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- #2022-06-11T10:00:00
- #2022-06-12T10:00:00
- #2022-06-13T10:00:00
- #2022-06-14T10:00:00
- #2022-06-20T10:00:00 ; added by rdate
- )
- )
- (vevent
- summary: "RDATE:s add to the recurrence rule"
- dtstart: #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- rrule: (make-recur-rule freq: 'DAILY count: 5)
- exdate: (as-list (list #2022-06-20T10:00:00))
- rdate: (as-list (list #2022-06-20T10:00:00))
- x-summary: "dagligen, totalt 5 gånger"
- x-set: (list #2022-06-10T10:00:00
- #2022-06-11T10:00:00
- #2022-06-12T10:00:00
- #2022-06-13T10:00:00
- #2022-06-14T10:00:00
- ;; #2022-06-20T10:00:00 ; added by rdate, removed by exdate
- ))
- ;; TODO rdate with different timezone than dtstart
- ;; TODO rdate with period
- ))
diff --git a/tests/test/recurrence-simple.scm b/tests/test/recurrence-simple.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c3bdea..00000000
--- a/tests/test/recurrence-simple.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Simples tests of recurrence system, ensuring that all parsers and
-;; basic generators work. Some more fully-featured tests are here, but
-;; most are instead in recurrence-advanced.scm.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test recurrence-simple)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-41)
- :select (stream-take stream-map stream->list stream-car))
- :use-module ((datetime) :select (day-stream mon))
- :use-module ((vcomponent base) :select (extract prop))
- :use-module ((sxml namespaced) :select (sxml->namespaced-sxml))
- :use-module ((calp namespaces) :select (xcal))
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (->))
- :use-module ((hnh util exceptions)
- :select (warnings-are-errors warning-handler))
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats ical parse)
- :select (parse-calendar))
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats xcal parse)
- :select (sxcal->vcomponent))
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence)
- :select (parse-recurrence-rule
- make-recur-rule
- generate-recurrence-set)))
-;; TODO evaluate format for direct events
-;;; Test that basic parsing or recurrence rules work.
-(test-equal (make-recur-rule freq: 'HOURLY wkst: mon interval: 1)
- (parse-recurrence-rule "FREQ=HOURLY"))
-(test-equal (make-recur-rule freq: 'HOURLY count: 3 interval: 1 wkst: mon)
- (parse-recurrence-rule "FREQ=HOURLY;COUNT=3"))
-;;; Test that recurrence rule parsing fails where appropriate
-(parameterize ((warnings-are-errors #t)
- (warning-handler (lambda _ "")))
- (test-error "Invalid FREQ"
- 'warning
- (parse-recurrence-rule "FREQ=ERR;COUNT=3"))
- (test-error "Negative COUNT"
- 'warning
- (parse-recurrence-rule "FREQ=HOURLY;COUNT=-1"))
- (test-error "Invalid COUNT"
- 'wrong-type-arg
- (parse-recurrence-rule "FREQ=HOURLY;COUNT=err")))
-;;; Test that basic recurrence works
-;;; also see the neighbour test file recurrence.scm for more tests.
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "Generate at all"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(test-assert "Generate some"
- (stream->list
- (stream-take 5 (generate-recurrence-set ev))))
-(test-equal "Generate First"
- (stream->list
- 5
- (stream-map
- (extract 'DTSTART)
- (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
- (stream->list 5 (day-stream (prop ev 'DTSTART))))
-;; We run the exact same thing a secound time, since I had an error with
-;; that during development.
-(test-equal "Generate Again"
- (stream->list
- (stream-take
- 5
- (stream-map
- (extract 'DTSTART)
- (generate-recurrence-set ev))))
- (stream->list
- (stream-take 5 (day-stream (prop ev 'DTSTART)))))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "daily 10:00"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "daily 10-12"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "weekly 10-12"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "weekly TZ 10-12"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "weekly TZ SEQUENCE 10-12"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "weekly TZ SEQUENCE LOCATION 10-12"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "Just location"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-(test-assert "Same times"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-(define ev
- (car
- (call-with-input-string
- parse-calendar)))
-;; errer in dtend ?
-(test-assert "Full test"
- (stream-car (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-;;; Tests that exceptions (in the recurrence-id meaning)
-;;; in recurrence sets are handled correctly.
-;;; TODO Is however far from done.
-(define uid (symbol->string (gensym "areallyuniqueid")))
-;; TODO standardize vcomponents for tests as xcal, for example:
- (children
- (vevent
- (properties
- (summary
- (text "Changing type on Recurrence-id."))
- (uid (text ,uid))
- (dtstart (date "20090127"))))
- (vevent
- (properties
- (summary
- (text "Changing type on Recurrence-id."))
- (uid (text ,uid))
- (dtstart
- (params (TZID "Europe/Stockholm"))
- (date-time "20100127T120000"))
- (recurrence-id (date "20100127"))
- (summary
- "This instance only has a time component")))))
-(define ev
- (call-with-input-string
- (format
- #f
-SUMMARY:Changing type on Recurrence-id.
-SUMMARY:Changing type on Recurrence-id.
-SUMMARY:This instance only has a time component
- uid
- uid)
- parse-calendar))
-(test-assert "Changing type on Recurrence id."
- (stream->list 10 (generate-recurrence-set ev)))
-;;; Earlier I failed to actually parse the recurrence parts, in short, 1 ≠ "1".
-(test-assert "Test that xcal recur rules are parseable"
- ((@@ (vcomponent formats xcal parse) handle-value)
- 'recur
- 'props-are-unused-for-recur
- '((freq "WEEKLY") (interval "1") (wkst "MO"))))
-(define ev
- (-> '(vevent
- (properties
- (summary (text "reptest"))
- (dtend (date-time "2021-01-13T02:00:00"))
- (dtstart (date-time "2021-01-13T01:00:00"))
- (rrule (recur (freq "WEEKLY")
- (interval "1")
- (wkst "MO")))
- (dtstamp (date-time "2021-01-13T01:42:20Z"))
- (sequence (integer "0")))
- (components))
- (sxml->namespaced-sxml `((#f . ,xcal)))
- sxcal->vcomponent))
- "Check that recurrence rule commint from xcal also works"
- (generate-recurrence-set ev))
-;;; TODO test here, for byday parsing, and multiple byday instances in one recur element
-;;; TODO which should also test serializing and deserializing to xcal.
-;;; For example, the following rules specify every workday
-;; PRODID:-//hugo//calp 0.6.1//EN
-;; VERSION:2.0
-;; SUMMARY:Lunch
-;; DTSTART:20211129T133000
-;; DTEND:20211129T150000
-;; LAST-MODIFIED:20211204T220944Z
-;; UID:3d82c73c-6cdb-4799-beba-5f1d20d55347
diff --git a/tests/test/rrule-serialization.scm b/tests/test/rrule-serialization.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index e616c5a2..00000000
--- a/tests/test/rrule-serialization.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test rrule-serialization)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence internal)
- :select (recur-rule->rrule-string
- recur-rule->rrule-sxml
- byday))
- :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence parse)
- :select (parse-recurrence-rule))
- :use-module ((ice-9 peg) :select (keyword-flatten)))
- "Parse of week day"
- '(#f . 3)
- ((@@ (vcomponent recurrence parse) parse-day-spec)
- "WE"))
- "Parse of week day with positive offset"
- '(1 . 3)
- ((@@ (vcomponent recurrence parse) parse-day-spec)
- "1WE"))
- "Parse of week day with positive offset (and plus)"
- '(2 . 3)
- ((@@ (vcomponent recurrence parse) parse-day-spec)
- "+2WE"))
- "Parse of week day with negative offset"
- '(-3 . 3)
- ((@@ (vcomponent recurrence parse) parse-day-spec)
- "-3WE"))
-;; numeric prefixes in the BYDAY list is only valid when
-;; FREQ={MONTHLY,YEARLY}, but that should be handled in a
-;; later stage since we are just testing the parser here.
-;; (p. 41)
-(define field->string
- (@@ (vcomponent recurrence internal)
- field->string))
-(let ((rule (parse-recurrence-rule "BYDAY=MO,TU,WE")))
- (test-equal
- "Direct return of parsed value"
- "MO,TU,WE"
- (field->string 'byday (byday rule)))
- (test-equal
- "Direct return, but as SXML"
- '((byday "MO") (byday "TU") (byday "WE"))
- (filter
- (lambda (pair) (eq? 'byday (car pair)))
- (keyword-flatten
- '(interval byday wkst)
- (recur-rule->rrule-sxml rule)))))
-(let ((rule (parse-recurrence-rule "BYDAY=+1MO,1TU,-2FR")))
- (test-equal
- "Direct return of parsed value"
- "1MO,1TU,-2FR"
- (field->string 'byday (byday rule)))
- (test-equal
- "Direct return, but as SXML"
- '((byday "1MO") (byday "1TU") (byday "-2FR"))
- (filter
- (lambda (pair) (eq? 'byday (car pair)))
- (keyword-flatten
- '(interval byday wkst)
- (recur-rule->rrule-sxml rule)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/server.scm b/tests/test/server.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a6200cb8..00000000
--- a/tests/test/server.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests parse-endpoint-string, used for defining server routes.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test server)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((web http make-routes)
- :select (parse-endpoint-string)))
-(test-assert "Check that parsing doesn't crash"
- (parse-endpoint-string "/static/:dir/:file"))
-;; Checks that parsing produces correct results
- "Simple parameters"
- (let ((path args (parse-endpoint-string "/static/:dir/:file")))
- (test-equal "Path" "/static/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)" path)
- (test-equal "Parameters" '(dir file) args)))
-;; Checks that parsing with custom regex works
-;; along with literal periods.
- "Custom regex for parameters"
- (let ((path args (parse-endpoint-string "/static/:filename{.*}.:ext")))
- (test-equal "Path" "/static/(.*)\\.([^/.]+)" path)
- (test-equal "Parameters" '(filename ext) args)))
diff --git a/tests/test/srfi-41-util.scm b/tests/test/srfi-41-util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a753b03..00000000
--- a/tests/test/srfi-41-util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests (srfi srfi-41 util).
-;; Currently only tests stream-paginate.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test srfi-41-util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (circular-list))
- :use-module ((ice-9 sandbox) :select (call-with-time-limit)))
-(test-equal "Finite stream"
- '((0 1 2) (3 4 5) (6 7 8) (9))
- (let ((strm (stream-paginate (stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 3)))
- (map stream->list (stream->list strm))))
-(test-equal "slice of infinite"
- '(1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009)
- (let ((strm (stream-paginate (stream-from 0))))
- (stream->list (stream-ref strm 100))))
-(define unique-symbol (gensym))
-(test-equal "time out on infinite 'empty' stream"
- unique-symbol
- ;; defined outside time limit since creation should always
- ;; succeed. Only reference is expected to fail.
- (let ((strm (stream-paginate
- ;; easy way to get stream which never finds
- ;; any elements.
- (stream-filter negative? (stream-from 0)))))
- (call-with-time-limit
- 0.1
- (lambda () (stream-car strm))
- (lambda _ unique-symbol))))
-(test-equal "stream insert"
- '(1 4 5 7 8)
- (stream->list (stream-insert < 5 (stream 1 4 7 8))))
-(test-equal "Filter sorted stream"
- '(4 6 8)
- (stream->list (filter-sorted-stream even? (stream 1 3 4 6 8 9 11))))
-(test-equal "Filter sorted stream (which actually is unsorted)"
- '(4 6 8)
- (stream->list (filter-sorted-stream even? (stream 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 12))))
-;; TODO filter-sorted-stream*
- "Get stream interval"
- '(5 6 7 8 9)
- (stream->list (get-stream-interval (lambda (x) (< 4 x))
- (lambda (x) (< x 10))
- (stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))))
-(test-equal "stream find" 2 (stream-find even? (stream-from 1)))
- "repeating naturals"
- '(1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4)
- (stream->list 10 (repeating-naturals 1 3)))
-;; sleep will return early if a singal arrives, this just resumes sleeping until
-;; the wanted time is hit.
-;; Might sleep longer since sleep always returns a whole number of seconds remaining
-(define (true-sleep n)
- (let loop ((remaining n))
- (unless (zero? remaining)
- (loop (sleep remaining)))))
-(test-skip "time limited stream")
-(let ((strm (stream-map (lambda (x) (when (zero? (modulo x 4)) (true-sleep 1)) x) (stream-from 1))))
- (let ((strm (stream-timeslice-limit strm 0.1)))
- (test-equal "time limited stream"
- '(1 2 3)
- (stream->list strm))))
-(test-group "stream-split-by"
- (let ((hello-chars-stream (stream-unfold
- car
- (const #t)
- cdr
- (apply circular-list
- (string->list "Hello ")))))
- (test-equal "Check that test list looks as expected"
- (string->list "Hello Hell")
- (stream->list 10 hello-chars-stream))
- (test-equal "Check that it splits correctly"
- '("Hello " "Hello " "Hello ")
- (stream->list
- 3
- (stream-map list->string
- (stream-split-by (lambda (c) (char=? c #\space))
- hello-chars-stream))))))
diff --git a/tests/test/sxml-namespaced.scm b/tests/test/sxml-namespaced.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d52798..00000000
--- a/tests/test/sxml-namespaced.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test sxml-namespaced)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (ice-9 match)
- :use-module (sxml namespaced)
- :use-module (hnh util state-monad)
- )
-;;; TODO tests with attributes
-(define (ns x)
- (string->symbol (format #f "http://example.com/~a" x)))
-(define (namespaced-symbol ns symb)
- (string->symbol (format #f "~a:~a" ns symb)))
-(test-group "XML constructor utility procedure"
- (test-equal "3 args"
- (make-xml-element 'tagname 'namespace 'attributes)
- (xml 'namespace 'tagname 'attributes))
- (test-equal "2 args"
- (make-xml-element 'tagname 'namespace '())
- (xml 'namespace 'tagname))
- (test-equal "1 args"
- (make-xml-element 'tagname #f '())
- (xml 'tagname)))
-(test-group "xml->namespaced-sxml"
- (test-equal
- `(*TOP* (,(xml 'tag)))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<tag/>"))
- (test-equal
- `(*TOP* (,(xml 'ns1 'tag)))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<tag xmlns='ns1'/>"))
- (test-equal
- `(*TOP* (,(xml 'ns2 'tag)))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<x:tag xmlns='ns1' xmlns:x='ns2'/>"))
- (test-equal
- `(*TOP* (,(xml 'ns2 'tag)
- (,(xml 'ns1 'tag))))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<x:tag xmlns='ns1' xmlns:x='ns2'><tag/></x:tag>"))
- (test-equal "PI are passed directly"
- `(*TOP* ,(make-pi-element 'xml "encoding=\"utf-8\" version=\"1.0\"")
- (,(xml 'tag)))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<?xml encoding=\"utf-8\" version=\"1.0\"?><tag/>"))
- (test-equal "Document with whitespace in it"
- `(*TOP* ,(make-pi-element 'xml "")
- (,(xml 'root)
- " "
- (,(xml 'a))
- ))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<?xml?><root> <a/></root>"
- trim-whitespace?: #f))
- ;; TODO is this expected? xml->sxml discards it.
- (test-equal "Whitespace before root is kept"
- `(*TOP* ,(make-pi-element 'xml "")
- (,(xml 'root)))
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<?xml?> <root/>")))
-;;; NOTE that sxml->namespaced-sxml currently ignores any existing xmlns
-;;; attributes, since xml->sxml doesn't have those.
-(test-group "sxml->namespaced-sxml"
- (test-equal "Simplest"
- `(,(xml 'a)) (sxml->namespaced-sxml '(a) '()))
- (test-equal "With *TOP*"
- `(*TOP* (,(xml 'a))) (sxml->namespaced-sxml '(*TOP* (a)) '()))
- (test-equal "Simplest with namespace"
- `(,(xml (ns 1) 'a))
- (sxml->namespaced-sxml '(x:a)
- `((x . ,(ns 1)))))
- (test-equal "With pi"
- `(*TOP* ,(make-pi-element 'xml "test")
- (,(xml 'a)))
- (sxml->namespaced-sxml
- `(*TOP*
- (*PI* xml "test")
- (a))
- '()))
- (test-error "With unknown namespace"
- 'missing-namespace
- (sxml->namespaced-sxml '(x:a) '())))
-(test-group "namespaced-sxml->*"
- ;; /namespaces is the most "primitive" one
- (test-group "/namespaces"
- (test-group "Without namespaces"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (namespaced-sxml->sxml/namespaces
- `(*TOP*
- (,(xml 'a)))))
- (lambda (tree namespaces)
- (test-equal `(*TOP* (a)) tree)
- (test-equal '() namespaces))))
- (test-group "With namespaces"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (namespaced-sxml->sxml/namespaces
- `(*TOP*
- (,(xml (ns 1) 'a)
- (,(xml (ns 2) 'a))
- (,(xml 'a))))))
- (lambda (tree nss)
- (test-eqv 2 (length nss))
- (test-equal
- `(*TOP*
- (,(namespaced-symbol (assoc-ref nss (ns 1)) 'a)
- (,(namespaced-symbol (assoc-ref nss (ns 2)) 'a))
- (a)))
- tree))))
- (test-group "*PI*"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (namespaced-sxml->sxml/namespaces
- `(*TOP*
- ,(make-pi-element 'xml "test")
- (,(xml 'a)))))
- (lambda (tree namespaces)
- (test-equal '() namespaces)
- (test-equal `(*TOP* (*PI* xml "test")
- (a))
- tree)))))
- (test-group "namespaced-sxml->sxml"
- (test-equal "Without namespaces"
- '(*TOP* (a (@)))
- (namespaced-sxml->sxml `(*TOP* (,(xml 'a)))))
- (test-group "With namespaces"
- (match (namespaced-sxml->sxml `(*TOP* (,(xml (ns 1) 'a))))
- ;; (ns 1) hard coded to work with match
- (`(*TOP* (,el (@ (,key "http://example.com/1"))))
- (let ((el-pair (string-split (symbol->string el) #\:))
- (key-pair (string-split (symbol->string key) #\:)))
- (test-equal "a" (cadr el-pair))
- (test-equal "xmlns" (car key-pair))
- (test-equal (car el-pair) (cadr key-pair))))
- (any
- (test-assert (format #f "Match failed: ~s" any) #f))))))
-;; (namespaced-sxml->xml)
-;; Literal strings
-(test-error "Namespaces x is missing, note error"
- 'parser-error
- (xml->namespaced-sxml "<x:a xmlns:y=\"http://example.com/1\"><x:b/></x:a>"
- ; `((x . ,(ns 1)))
- ))
diff --git a/tests/test/termios.scm b/tests/test/termios.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f607cc4..00000000
--- a/tests/test/termios.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests that my termios function works, at least somewhat.
-;; Note that this actually modifies the terminal it's run on, and might fail
-;; if the terminal doesn't support the wanted modes. See termios(3).
-;; It might also leave the terminal in a broken state if exited prematurely.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test termios)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (set!))
- :use-module ((vulgar termios)
- :select (make-termios
- copy-termios
- lflag
- tcgetattr!
- tcsetattr!
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-60)
- :select ((bitwise-ior . ||)
- (bitwise-not . ~)
- (bitwise-and . &))))
-(define tty (open-input-file "/dev/tty"))
-(define-syntax-rule (&= lvalue val)
- (set! lvalue = ((lambda (v) (& v val)))))
-(define t (make-termios))
-(test-equal 0 (tcgetattr! t tty))
-(define ifl (lflag t))
-(define copy (copy-termios t))
-#!curly-infix {(lflag t) &= (~ (|| ECHO ICANON))}
-(test-equal 0 (tcsetattr! t tty))
- (& ifl (~ (|| ECHO ICANON)))
- (lflag t))
-(test-equal 0 (tcsetattr! copy tty))
diff --git a/tests/test/timespec.scm b/tests/test/timespec.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 256c01bf..00000000
--- a/tests/test/timespec.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test timespec)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (datetime timespec))
-(test-equal "The empty string parses to the empty timespec"
- (timespec-zero) (parse-time-spec ""))
-(test-group "timespec-add"
- (test-equal "Zero operands gives 0"
- (timespec-zero) (timespec-add))
- (let ((ts (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\z)))
- (test-equal "Single operand gives that operand"
- ts (timespec-add ts)))
- (test-equal "0 + 0 = 0"
- (timespec-zero) (timespec-add (timespec-zero) (timespec-zero)))
- (test-group
- "+ -"
- (test-equal "Remove a number less than the base"
- (make-timespec #10:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #00:20:30 '- #\w)))
- (test-equal "Remove a number greater than the base"
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '- #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #11:00:00 '- #\w)))
- (test-equal "x + -x = 0"
- (timespec-zero) (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\w))))
- (test-group "- +"
- (test-equal "Add a number less than the (negative) base"
- (make-timespec #10:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\w)
- (make-timespec #00:20:30 '+ #\w)))
- (test-equal "Add a number greater than the (negative) base"
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '- #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:00:00 '- #\w)
- (make-timespec #11:00:00 '+ #\w)))
- (test-equal "-x + x = 0"
- (timespec-zero) (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\w)
- (make-timespec #10:20:30 '+ #\w))))
- (test-group "+ +"
- (test-equal "x + x = 2x"
- (make-timespec #20:41:00 '+ #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #10:20:30 '+ #\w))))
- (test-group "- -"
- (test-equal "-x + -x = -2x"
- (make-timespec #20:41:00 '- #\w)
- (timespec-add (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\w)
- (make-timespec #10:20:30 '- #\w))))
- ;; add more than two timespecs
- ;; add timespecs of differing types
- )
-(test-group "parse-time-spec"
- ;; TODO what even is this case?
- (test-equal (make-timespec (time) '+ #\g) (parse-time-spec "-g"))
- (test-equal "Parse direct date, with hour minute and second"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '+ #\w) (parse-time-spec "20:00:00"))
- (test-equal "Parse direct date, with hour and minute"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '+ #\w) (parse-time-spec "20:00"))
- (test-equal "Parse direct date, with just hour"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '+ #\w) (parse-time-spec "20"))
- (test-equal "Parse timespec with letter at end"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '+ #\g) (parse-time-spec "20:00g"))
- (test-equal "Parse negative timespec"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '- #\w) (parse-time-spec "-20"))
- (test-equal "Parse negative timespec with letter at end"
- (make-timespec #20:00:00 '- #\z) (parse-time-spec "-20z")))
diff --git a/tests/test/translation.scm b/tests/test/translation.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb32ab0..00000000
--- a/tests/test/translation.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test translation)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp translation)
- :use-module (ice-9 i18n))
-(define sv (make-locale (list LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES) "sv_SE.UTF-8"))
-;; empty key should give us translation header
-;; this also tests that translations are properly loaded
-(test-assert "translations" (string? (translate "")))
-(test-equal "yes-no yes" 'yes (yes-no-check "y" sv))
-(test-equal "yes-no no" 'no (yes-no-check "n" sv))
-(test-equal "yes-no invalid" #f (yes-no-check "other" sv))
diff --git a/tests/test/tz.scm b/tests/test/tz.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a611b3..00000000
--- a/tests/test/tz.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests that datetime->unix-time correctly converts between Olssen
-;; timezone definitions (e.g. Europe/Stockholm), into correct times
-;; and offsets (in unix time).
-;; Also indirectly tests the Zone Info Compiler (datetime zic), since
-;; the zoneinfo comes from there.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test tz)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((datetime)
- :select (parse-ics-datetime
- datetime
- date
- time
- datetime->unix-time
- unix-time->datetime
- get-datetime))
- :use-module ((hnh util env) :select (let-env)))
-;; London alternates between +0000 and +0100
- ((TZ "Europe/London"))
- (test-equal
- "London winter"
- #2020-01-12T13:30:00
- (get-datetime
- (parse-ics-datetime "20200112T133000Z")))
- (test-equal
- "London summer"
- #2020-06-12T14:30:00
- (get-datetime
- (parse-ics-datetime "20200612T133000Z"))))
-;; Stockholm alternates between +0100 and +0200
- ((TZ "Europe/Stockholm"))
- (test-equal
- "Stockholm winter"
- #2020-01-12T14:30:00
- (get-datetime
- (parse-ics-datetime "20200112T133000Z")))
- (test-equal
- "Stockholm summer"
- #2020-06-12T15:30:00
- (get-datetime
- (parse-ics-datetime "20200612T133000Z"))))
- -10800
- (datetime->unix-time
- (parse-ics-datetime
- "19700101T000000"
- "Europe/Tallinn")))
- -3600
- (datetime->unix-time
- (parse-ics-datetime
- "19700101T000000"
- "Europe/Stockholm")))
- 0
- (datetime->unix-time
- (parse-ics-datetime "19700101T000000Z")))
-;; yes, really
- -3600
- (datetime->unix-time
- (parse-ics-datetime
- "19700101T000000"
- "Europe/London")))
- (datetime
- date:
- #1970-01-01
- time:
- #00:00:00
- tz:
- "UTC")
- (unix-time->datetime 0))
diff --git a/tests/test/uuid.scm b/tests/test/uuid.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cedb59e..00000000
--- a/tests/test/uuid.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test uuid)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util uuid))
-(test-equal "UUIDv4 fixed seed"
- "d19c9347-9a85-4432-a876-5fb9c0d24d2b"
- (parameterize ((seed (seed->random-state 0)))
- (uuid-v4)))
diff --git a/tests/test/vcomponent-control.scm b/tests/test/vcomponent-control.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index cf6995bf..00000000
--- a/tests/test/vcomponent-control.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests that with-replaced-properties work.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test vcomponent-control)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (vcomponent create)
- :use-module ((vcomponent util control)
- :select (with-replaced-properties))
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats ical parse)
- :select (parse-calendar))
- :use-module ((vcomponent base) :select (prop)))
-(define ev (vcomponent 'DUMMY x-key: "value"))
-(test-group "With replaced properties"
- ;; Test that temoraries are set and restored
- (test-equal "value" (prop ev 'X-KEY))
- (with-replaced-properties
- (ev (X-KEY "other"))
- (test-equal "other" (prop ev 'X-KEY)))
- (test-equal "value" (prop ev 'X-KEY)))
-;; Test that they are restored on non-local exit
-(test-group "With replaced properties when throwing"
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (with-replaced-properties
- (ev (X-KEY "other"))
- (throw 'any)))
- (lambda _ (test-equal "value" (prop ev 'X-KEY)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/vcomponent-datetime.scm b/tests/test/vcomponent-datetime.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d1711f..00000000
--- a/tests/test/vcomponent-datetime.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests that event-clamping (checking how long part of an event
-;; overlaps another time span) works.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test vcomponent-datetime)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((datetime) :select (date time datetime))
- :use-module ((vcomponent datetime) :select (event-length/clamped))
- :use-module ((vcomponent create) :select (vevent)))
-(define ev
- (vevent
- dtstart: #2020-03-29T17:00:00
- dtend: #2020-04-01T10:00:00))
-;; |-----------------| test interval
-;; |----------| event interval
- "Correct clamping"
- (datetime time: (time hour: 7)) ; 2020-03-29T17:00 - 2020-03-30T00:00
- (event-length/clamped
- #2020-03-23 ; a time way before the start of the event
- #2020-03-29 ; a time slightly after the end of the event
- ev))
-(define utc-ev
- (vevent
- dtstart: #2020-03-29T15:00:00Z
- dtend: #2020-04-01T08:00:00Z))
- "Correct clamping UTC"
- (datetime time: (time hour: 7))
- (event-length/clamped
- #2020-03-23
- #2020-03-29
- ev))
diff --git a/tests/test/vcomponent-formats-common-types.scm b/tests/test/vcomponent-formats-common-types.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c442461..00000000
--- a/tests/test/vcomponent-formats-common-types.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test vcomponent-formats-common-types)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((vcomponent formats common types)
- :select (get-parser))
- :use-module ((datetime) :select (date time datetime)))
-(define parse-binary (get-parser 'BINARY))
-;; TODO
-(define parse-boolean (get-parser 'BOOLEAN))
-(test-equal #t (parse-boolean #f "TRUE"))
-(test-equal #f (parse-boolean #f "FALSE"))
-(test-error 'warning (parse-boolean #f "ANYTHING ELSE"))
-(define parse-cal-address
- (get-parser 'CAL-ADDRESS))
-(test-equal "Test uri is passthrough"
- 74 (parse-cal-address #f 74))
-(define parse-date (get-parser 'DATE))
- #2021-12-02
- (parse-date #f "20211202"))
-;; TODO negative test here
-(define parse-datetime (get-parser 'DATE-TIME))
- #2021-12-02T10:20:30
- (parse-datetime
- (make-hash-table)
- "20211202T102030"))
-;; TODO tests with timezones here
-;; TODO test -X-HNH-ORIGINAL here
-;; TODO negative test here
-(define parse-duration (get-parser 'DURATION))
-;; assume someone else tests this one
-;; (test-eq (@ (vcomponent duration) parse-duration)
-;; parse-duration)
-(define parse-float (get-parser 'FLOAT))
-(test-equal 1.0 (parse-float #f "1.0"))
-(test-equal 1 (parse-float #f "1"))
-(test-equal 1/2 (parse-float #f "1/2"))
-;; TODO negative test here?
-(define parse-integer (get-parser 'INTEGER))
- "parse integer"
- 123456
- (parse-integer #f "123456"))
- "parse bigint"
- 123451234512345123456666123456
- (parse-integer
- #f
- "123451234512345123456666123456"))
-;; TODO is this expected behaivour?
-(test-error 'warning (parse-integer #f "failure"))
- "Non-integers aren't integers"
- 'warning
- (parse-integer #f "1.1"))
- "But exact floats are"
- 1.0
- (parse-integer #f "1.0"))
-(define parse-period (get-parser 'PERIOD))
-;; TODO
-(define parse-recur (get-parser 'RECUR))
-;; (test-eq (@ (vcomponent recurrence parse) parse-recurrence-rule))
-(define parse-text (get-parser 'TEXT))
-;; TODO
-(define parse-time (get-parser 'TIME))
- #10:20:30
- (parse-time #f "102030"))
-;; TODO negative test here
-(define parse-uri (get-parser 'URI))
-(test-equal "Test uri is passthrough" 74 (parse-uri #f 74))
-(define parse-utc-offset
- (get-parser 'UTC-OFFSET))
-;; TODO
diff --git a/tests/test/vcomponent.scm b/tests/test/vcomponent.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index bdaefa95..00000000
--- a/tests/test/vcomponent.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Test base functionallity of vcomponent structures.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test vcomponent)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-17)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util table)
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (vcomponent base))
-(define ev
- (prop (vcomponent type: 'DUMMY)
- 'X-KEY "value"))
-(test-eqv "Non-existant properties return #f"
- #f (prop ev 'MISSING))
-(test-assert "Existing property is non-false"
- (prop ev 'X-KEY))
-(test-equal "Getting value of existing property"
- "value" (prop ev 'X-KEY))
-(define calendar (add-child (vcomponent type: 'VCALENDAR)
- ev))
-(test-equal 1 (length (children calendar)))
-;;; TODO remove child
-;; (abandon! calendar ev)
-;; (test-equal 0 (length (children calendar)))
-(define vline*
- (vline
- key: 'DTSTART
- vline-value: #2020-01-02
- vline-parameters: (alist->table
- '((VALUE . "DATE")))
- vline-source: "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:2020-01-02"))
-(test-group "vline"
- (test-assert "Type check works as expected"
- (vline? vline*)))
-(define vcomponent*
- (vcomponent type: 'VEVENT))
-(test-assert "Type check works as expected"
- (vcomponent? vcomponent*))
-(define child
- (vcomponent type: 'CHILD))
- "An added component extends length"
- 1 (length (children (add-child vcomponent* child))))
- "But the source isn't modified"
- 0 (length (children vcomponent*)))
-(test-equal "Setting property"
- (list (list 'KEY (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value")))
- (properties
- (prop vcomponent* 'KEY "Value")))
-(let ((vl (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value")))
- (test-equal "Setting property vline"
- (list (list 'KEY vl))
- (properties
- (prop* vcomponent* 'KEY vl))))
-(test-equal "Set properties test"
- '(K1 K2)
- (map car
- (properties
- (apply set-properties
- vcomponent*
- `((K1 . "V1")
- (K2 . "V2"))))))
-;; remove-property
-;; extract extract*
-;; remove-parameter
-;; value
-;; param
-;; parameters
-;; properties
-;; x-property?
-;; internal-field?
diff --git a/tests/test/web-query.scm b/tests/test/web-query.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0555258b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/web-query.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test web-query)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((web query) :select (parse-query)))
-(test-equal "Empty query gives empty assoc list"
- '() (parse-query ""))
-(test-equal "Simple key-value query"
- '(key: "value") (parse-query "key=value"))
-;; Slightly cumbersome check, since keys aren't ordered
- "Simple key-value query, with multiple keys"
- (let ((kv-list (parse-query "k1=value&k2=1")))
- (test-equal "value" (and=> (memv k1: kv-list) cadr))
- (test-equal "1" (and=> (memv k2: kv-list) cadr))))
-(test-equal "Values are HTTP-decoded"
- '(key: " ") (parse-query "key=%20"))
-(test-equal "Keys are HTTP-decoded"
- '(A: "test") (parse-query "%41=test"))
-(test-equal "Query with only key, value becomes key"
- '(key: "key") (parse-query "key"))
- "Some with only key"
- (let ((kv-list (parse-query "k1&k2=10")))
- (test-equal "k1" (and=> (memv k1: kv-list) cadr))
- (test-equal "10" (and=> (memv k2: kv-list) cadr))))
-;; I don't know if HTTP allows this, but my code works like this
-(test-equal "Value with equal in it"
- '(key: "=") (parse-query "key=="))
diff --git a/tests/test/web-server.scm b/tests/test/web-server.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d18536..00000000
--- a/tests/test/web-server.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Checks that HTTP server can start correctly, and that at least some
-;; endpoints return correct information.
-;; NOTE This test, when ran in as `tests/run-tests --only web-server.scm'
-;; segfaults on Guile 2.2.7, but not on Guile 3.0.8. This doesn't happen
-;; when it's run as one of all tests.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (test web-server)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((calp server routes) :select (make-make-routes))
- :use-module ((web server) :select (run-server))
- :use-module ((ice-9 threads)
- :select (call-with-new-thread cancel-thread))
- :use-module ((web client) :select (http-get))
- :use-module ((web response) :select (response-code response-location))
- :use-module ((web uri) :select (build-uri uri-path))
- :use-module ((guile)
- :select (socket
- inet-pton
- bind
- make-socket-address
- setsockopt
- current-error-port))
- :use-module ((ice-9 format) :select (format))
- :use-module ((web response) :select (build-response)))
-(define host "")
-(define sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0))
-(setsockopt sock SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1)
- (port sock)
- (let ((addr (inet-pton AF_INET host)))
- (let loop ((port 8090))
- (catch 'system-error
- (lambda ()
- (bind sock
- (make-socket-address AF_INET addr port))
- (values port sock))
- (lambda (err proc fmt args data)
- (if (and (not (null? data))
- ;; errno address already in use
- (= 98 (car data)))
- (loop (1+ port))
- ;; rethrow
- (throw err fmt args data)))))))
-(define server-thread
- (call-with-new-thread
- (lambda ()
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (run-server
- (make-make-routes)
- 'http
- `(socket: ,sock)))
- (lambda args
- (format #f "~s~%" args)
- (test-assert "Server Crashed" #f)))
- ;; This test should always fail, but should never be run
- (test-assert "Server returned unexpectedly" #f))))
-(let ((response
- _
- (catch 'system-error
- (lambda ()
- (http-get
- (build-uri 'http host: host port: port)))
- (lambda (err proc fmt args data)
- (format
- (current-error-port)
- "~a (in ~a) ~?~%"
- err
- proc
- fmt
- args)
- (values (build-response code: 500) #f)))))
- (test-eqv
- "Basic connect"
- 200
- (response-code response)))
-(let ((response
- body
- (http-get
- (build-uri
- 'http
- host:
- host
- port:
- port
- path:
- "/today"
- query:
- "view=week&date=2020-01-04"))))
- (test-eqv
- "Redirect"
- 302
- (response-code response))
- (test-equal
- "Fully specified redirect position"
- "/week/2020-01-04.html"
- (uri-path (response-location response))))
-(cancel-thread server-thread)
diff --git a/tests/test/webdav-file.scm b/tests/test/webdav-file.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4096016b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/webdav-file.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test webdav-file)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (hnh util)
- :use-module (hnh util path)
- :use-module (ice-9 ftw)
- :use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
- :use-module (oop goops)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource file)
- )
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Tests the specifics of the file backed webdav resource objects.
-;;; Code:
-;;; TODO general helper procedure for this
-(define test-root (mkdtemp (string-copy "/tmp/calp-test-XXXXXX")))
-(define root-resource (make <file-resource>
- root: test-root))
-(test-group "File resource collection"
- (add-collection! root-resource "subdir")
- (test-eqv "Collection correctly added"
- 'directory (-> (path-append test-root "subdir")
- stat stat:type) ))
-;;; TODO this fails, sice <file-resource> doesn't override add-resource!
-;;; <file-resources>'s add resource must at least update root path path of the
-;;; child resource, and possibly also touch the file (so ctime gets set).
-(test-group "File resource with content"
- (let ((fname "file.txt")
- (s "Hello, World!\n"))
- (add-resource! root-resource fname s)
- (let ((p (path-append test-root fname)))
- (test-eqv "File correctly added"
- 'regular (-> p stat stat:type))
- (test-equal "Expected content was written"
- s
- (with-input-from-file p
- (lambda () (read-delimited "")))
- ))))
-(test-group "Copy file"
- 'TODO)
diff --git a/tests/test/webdav-server.scm b/tests/test/webdav-server.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 67747de7..00000000
--- a/tests/test/webdav-server.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test webdav-server)
- ;; :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- ;; :use-module (ice-9 threads)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp server webdav)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource)
- :use-module ((calp webdav property) :select (propstat))
- :use-module (calp webdav resource virtual)
- :use-module (calp namespaces)
- :use-module (oop goops)
- :use-module (web request)
- :use-module (web response)
- :use-module (web uri)
- :use-module (sxml simple)
- :use-module (sxml xpath)
- :use-module (sxml namespaced)
- :use-module (hnh util)
- )
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Tests that handlers for all HTTP Methods works correctly.
-;;; Note that these tests don't have as goal to check that resources and
-;;; properties work correctly. See (test webdav) and (test webdav-tree) for that.
-;;; The namespaces http://ns.example.com/properties is intentionally given
-;;; different prefixes everywhere, to ensure that namespaces are handled correctly.
-;;; Code:
-(define prop-ns (string->symbol "http://ns.example.com/properties"))
-(root-resource (make <virtual-resource> name: "*root*"))
-(add-resource! (root-resource) "a" "Contents of A")
-(add-resource! (root-resource) "b" "Contents of B")
-;;; Connect output of one procedure to input of another
-;;; Both producer and consumer should take exactly one port as argument
-(define (connect producer consumer)
- ;; (let ((in out (car+cdr (pipe))))
- ;; (let ((thread (begin-thread (consumer in))))
- ;; (producer out)
- ;; (join-thread thread)))
- (call-with-input-string
- (call-with-output-string producer)
- consumer))
-(define (xml->sxml* port)
- (xml->sxml port namespaces: `((d . ,(symbol->string webdav))
- (y . ,(symbol->string prop-ns)))))
-(test-group "run-propfind"
- (test-group "Working, depth 0"
- (let* ((request (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/")
- method: 'PROPFIND
- headers: '((depth . 0))
- validate-headers?: #f))
- (head body (run-propfind '() request #f)))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code head))
- (test-equal '(application/xml)
- (response-content-type head))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- (let ((body* (connect body xml->sxml*)))
- ;; Arbitrarily chosen resource
- (test-equal "Resource gets returned as expected"
- '((d:resourcetype (d:collection)))
- ((sxpath '(// d:response
- (d:propstat (// d:status (equal? "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")))
- // d:resourcetype))
- body*)))))
- (test-group "Depth: infinity"
- (let* ((request (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/")
- method: 'PROPFIND
- headers: '((depth . infinity))
- validate-headers?: #f))
- (head body (run-propfind '() request #f)))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code head))
- (test-equal '(application/xml) (response-content-type head))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- (let ((body* (connect body xml->sxml*)))
- (test-equal
- '("/" "/a" "/b")
- (sort* ((sxpath '(// d:href *text*)) body*)
- string<)))))
- (test-group "With body"
- (let ((request (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/")
- method: 'PROPFIND
- headers: '((depth . 0))
- validate-headers?: #f))
- (request-body "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
-<propfind xmlns=\"DAV:\">
- <prop><resourcetype/></prop>
- (let ((head body (run-propfind '() request request-body)))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code head))
- (test-equal '(application/xml) (response-content-type head))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- (let ((body* (connect body xml->sxml*)))
- (test-equal "We only get what we ask for"
- '((d:prop (d:resourcetype (d:collection))))
- ((sxpath '(// d:response
- (d:propstat (// d:status (equal? "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")))
- // d:prop))
- body*)))))))
-(test-group "run-proppatch"
- (let ((request (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/a")
- method: 'PROPPATCH))
- (request-body (format #f "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
-<propertyupdate xmlns=\"DAV:\" xmlns:x=\"~a\">
- <set>
- <prop>
- <displayname>New Displayname</displayname>
- <x:test><x:content/></x:test>
- </prop>
- </set>
- <!-- TODO test remove? -->
-</propertyupdate>" prop-ns)))
- (let ((response body (run-proppatch '("a") request request-body)))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code response))
- (test-equal '(application/xml) (response-content-type response))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- ;; Commit the changes
- (call-with-output-string body)
- ))
- (let ((response body (run-propfind
- '("a")
- (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/a")
- method: 'PROPFIND
- headers: '((depth . 0))
- validate-headers?: #f)
- (format #f "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
-<propfind xmlns=\"DAV:\" xmlns:z=\"~a\">
- <prop>
- <displayname/>
- <z:test/>
- </prop>
-</propfind>" prop-ns))))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code response))
- (test-equal '(application/xml) (response-content-type response))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- ;; (format (current-error-port) "Here~%")
- ;; ;; The crash is after here
- ;; (body (current-error-port))
- (let* ((body* (connect body xml->sxml*))
- (properties ((sxpath '(// d:response
- (d:propstat (// d:status (equal? "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")))))
- body*)))
- ;; ((@ (ice-9 format) format) (current-error-port) "Properties: ~y~%" properties)
- (test-equal "Native active property is properly updated"
- '("New Displayname")
- ((sxpath '(// d:displayname *text*)) properties))
- (test-equal "Custom property is correctly stored and preserved"
- '((y:test (y:content)))
- ((sxpath '(// y:test)) properties))))
- ;; TODO test proppatch atomicity
- )
-(test-group "run-options"
- (let ((head body (run-options #f #f)))
- (test-equal "options head"
- (build-response
- code: 200
- headers: `((dav . (1))
- head)
- (test-equal "options body"
- "" body)))
-(test-group "run-get"
- (let ((head body (run-get '("a")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/a")
- method: 'GET)
- 'GET)))
- (test-equal "Contents of A" body)))
-(test-group "run-put"
- (test-group "Update existing resource"
- (run-put '("a")
- (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/a")
- method: 'PUT
- port: (open-output-string))
- "New Contents of A")
- (let ((head body (run-get '("a")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/a")
- method: 'GET)
- 'GET)))
- (test-equal "Put updates subsequent gets"
- "New Contents of A" body)))
- (test-group "Create new resource"
- (run-put '("c")
- (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/c")
- method: 'PUT
- port: (open-output-string))
- "Created Resource C")
- (let ((head body (run-get '("c")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/c")
- method: 'GET)
- 'GET)))
- (test-equal "Put creates new resources"
- "Created Resource C" body))))
-;;; Run DELETE
-(test-group "run-delete"
- 'TODO)
-(test-group "run-mkcol"
- (run-mkcol '("a" "b")
- (build-request (string->uri "http://localhost/a/b")
- method: 'MKCOL)
- "")
- (let* ((request (build-request
- (string->uri "http://localhost/")
- method: 'PROPFIND
- headers: '((depth . infinity))
- validate-headers?: #f))
- (head body (run-propfind '() request #f)))
- (test-equal 207 (response-code head))
- (test-equal '(application/xml) (response-content-type head))
- (test-assert (procedure? body))
- (let ((body* (connect body xml->sxml*)))
- (test-equal "Check that all created resources now exists"
- '("/" "/a" "/a/b" "/b" "/c")
- (sort* ((sxpath '(// d:href *text*)) body*)
- string<)))))
-;;; TODO test MKCOL indempotence
-;;; Run COPY
-(test-group "run-copy"
- (parameterize ((root-resource (make <virtual-resource> name: "*root*")))
- (add-resource! (root-resource) "a" "Content of A")
- (let ((a (lookup-resource (root-resource) '("a"))))
- (set-property! a `(,(xml prop-ns 'test) "prop-value"))
- ;; Extra child added to ensure deep copy works
- (add-resource! a "d" "Content of d"))
- (test-group "cp /a /c"
- (let ((response _
- (run-copy '("a")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://example.com/a")
- headers: `((destination
- . ,(string->uri "http://example.com/c")))))))
- ;; Created
- (test-eqv "Resource was reported created"
- 201 (response-code response)))
- (let ((c (lookup-resource (root-resource) '("c"))))
- (test-assert "New resource present in tree" c)
- (test-equal "Content was correctly copied"
- "Content of A" (content c))
- (test-equal "Property was correctly copied"
- (propstat 200
- (list `(,(xml prop-ns 'test)
- "prop-value")))
- (get-property c (xml prop-ns 'test)))))
- (test-group "cp --no-clobber /c /a"
- (let ((response _
- (run-copy '("c")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://example.com/c")
- headers: `((destination
- . ,(string->uri "http://example.com/a"))
- (overwrite . #f))))))
- ;; collision
- (test-eqv "Resource collision was reported"
- 412 (response-code response))))
- ;; Copy recursive collection, and onto child of self.
- (test-group "cp -r / /c"
- (let ((response _
- (run-copy '()
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://example.com/")
- headers: `((destination . ,(string->uri "http://example.com/c")))))))
- (test-eqv "Check that reported replaced"
- 204 (response-code response))
- (test-equal "Check that recursive resources where created"
- '("/" "/a" "/a/d" "/c"
- ;; New resources. Note that /c/c doesn't create an infinite loop
- "/c/a" "/c/a/d" "/c/c")
- (map car
- (sort* (map (lambda (p) (cons (href->string (car p)) (cdr p)))
- (all-resources-under (root-resource) '()))
- string< car)))
- ;; TODO we should also check that /c is a copy of the root resource,
- ;; instead of the old /c resource.
- ;; Do this by setting some properties
- ))))
-;;; Run MOVE
-(test-group "run-move"
- (parameterize ((root-resource (make <virtual-resource> name: "*root*")))
- (add-resource! (root-resource) "a" "Content of A")
- (let ((a (lookup-resource (root-resource) '("a"))))
- (set-property! a `(,(xml prop-ns 'test) "prop-value")))
- (test-group "mv /a /c"
- (let ((response _
- (run-move '("a")
- (build-request
- (string->uri "http://example.com/a")
- headers: `((destination
- . ,(string->uri "http://example.com/c")))))))
- ;; Created
- (test-eqv "Resource was reported created"
- 201 (response-code response))
- ;; TODO check that old resource is gone
- ))))
-;;; Run REPORT
diff --git a/tests/test/webdav-tree.scm b/tests/test/webdav-tree.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c2a6a9b..00000000
--- a/tests/test/webdav-tree.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test webdav-tree)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource virtual)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource file)
- :use-module (oop goops)
- :use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
- :use-module (rnrs io ports)
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (sort*))
- :use-module (hnh util path)
- )
-(define* (pretty-print-tree tree
- optional: (formatter (lambda (el) (write el) (newline)))
- key: (depth 0))
- (cond ((null? tree) 'noop)
- ((pair? tree)
- (display (make-string (* depth 2) #\space)) (formatter (car tree))
- (for-each (lambda (el) (pretty-print-tree el formatter depth: (+ depth 1)))
- (cdr tree)))
- (else (formatter tree))))
-(define-method (resource-tree (self <resource>))
- (cons self
- (map resource-tree (children self))))
-(define dir (mkdtemp (string-copy "/tmp/webdav-tree-XXXXXX")))
-(with-output-to-file (path-append dir "greeting")
- (lambda () (display "Hello, World!\n")))
-(define root-resource (make <virtual-resource>
- name: "*root*"))
-(define virtual-resource (make <virtual-resource>
- name: "virtual"
- content: (string->bytevector "I'm Virtual!" (native-transcoder))))
-(define file-tree (make <file-resource>
- root: dir
- name: "files"))
-(mount-resource! root-resource file-tree)
-(mount-resource! root-resource virtual-resource)
-(test-equal "All resources in tree, along with href items"
- (list (cons '() root-resource)
- (cons '("files") file-tree)
- (cons '("files" "greeting") (car (children file-tree)))
- (cons '("virtual") virtual-resource))
- (sort* (all-resources-under root-resource) string< (compose string-concatenate car)))
-;; (pretty-print-tree (resource-tree root-resource))
-;; (test-equal '("") (href root-resource) ) ; /
-;; ;; (test-equal '("" "virtual") (href virtual-resource)) ; /virtual & /virtual/
-;; (test-equal '("virtual") (href virtual-resource)) ; /virtual & /virtual/
-;; ;; (test-equal '("" "files") (href file-tree)) ; /files & /files/
-;; (test-equal '("files") (href file-tree)) ; /files & /files/
-(test-eqv "Correct amount of children are mounted"
- 2 (length (children root-resource)))
-(test-eq "Lookup root"
- root-resource (lookup-resource root-resource '()))
-(test-eq "Lookup of mount works (virtual)"
- virtual-resource (lookup-resource root-resource '("virtual")))
-(test-eq "Lookup of mount works (files)"
- file-tree (lookup-resource root-resource '("files")))
-;; (test-equal "File resource works as expected"
-;; "/home/hugo/tmp"
-;; (path file-tree))
-(let ((resource (lookup-resource root-resource (string->href "/files/greeting"))))
- (test-assert (resource? resource))
- (test-assert (file-resource? resource))
- ;; (test-equal "/files/greeting" (href->string (href resource)))
- (test-equal "Hello, World!\n" (bytevector->string (content resource) (native-transcoder)))
- )
diff --git a/tests/test/webdav-util.scm b/tests/test/webdav-util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c89cf6c..00000000
--- a/tests/test/webdav-util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test webdav-util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource base))
-(test-group "string->href"
- (test-equal "Root path becomes null"
- '() (string->href "/"))
- (test-equal "Trailing slashes are ignored"
- '("a" "b") (string->href "/a/b/")))
-(test-group "href->string"
- (test-equal "Null case becomes root path"
- "/" (href->string '()))
- (test-equal "Trailing slashes are not added"
- "/a/b" (href->string '("a" "b"))))
-(test-group "href-relative"
- (test-equal '("a" "b") (href-relative '() '("a" "b")))
- (test-equal '("b") (href-relative '("a") '("a" "b")))
- (test-equal '() (href-relative '("a" "b") '("a" "b")))
- (test-error 'misc-error
- (href-relative '("c") '("a" "b")))
- (test-error 'misc-error
- (href-relative '("c") '())))
diff --git a/tests/test/webdav.scm b/tests/test/webdav.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0962a89e..00000000
--- a/tests/test/webdav.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test webdav)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (sxml namespaced)
- :use-module (oop goops)
- :use-module (calp namespaces)
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (sort*))
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (calp webdav property)
- :use-module (calp webdav propfind)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource)
- :use-module (calp webdav resource virtual)
- )
-;;; NOTE these tests don't check that XML namespaces work correctly, but only as
-;;; far as not checking that the correct namespace is choosen. They should fail if
-;;; namespacing gets completely broken.
-;;; TODO tests for a missing resource?
-(define (swap p) (xcons (car p) (cdr p)))
-(define dt #2010-11-12T13:14:15)
-(define resource (make <virtual-resource>
- ;; local-path: '("")
- name: "*root"
- content: #vu8(1 2 3 4)
- creation-time: dt))
-(define (sort-propstats propstats)
- (map
- (lambda (propstat)
- (make-propstat (propstat-status-code propstat)
- (sort* (propstat-property propstat)
- string< (compose symbol->string xml-element-tagname car))
- (propstat-error propstat)
- (propstat-response-description propstat)))
- (sort* propstats < propstat-status-code))
- )
-;; (test-equal "/" (href->string (href resource)))
-(test-equal "Basic propstat"
- (propstat 200 (list (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4)))
- (getcontentlength resource))
-(define (sort-symbols symbs)
- (sort* symbs string<=? symbol->string))
-;;; NOTE propstat's return order isn't stable, making this test possibly fail
-(let ((ps (list (propstat 200 (list `(,(xml webdav 'displayname) "Displayname")))
- (propstat 200 (list `(,(xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "text/plain"))))))
- (test-equal "Propstat merger"
- (list (propstat 200
- (list (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "text/plain")
- (list (xml webdav 'displayname) "Displayname"))))
- (merge-propstats ps)))
-(test-group "All live properties"
- (let ((props (live-properties resource)))
- (test-assert (list? props))
- (for-each (lambda (pair)
- ;; (test-assert (xml-element? (car pair)))
- (test-assert (live-property? (cdr pair)))
- (test-assert (procedure? (property-getter (cdr pair))))
- (test-assert (procedure? (property-setter-generator (cdr pair)))))
- props)))
-(test-group "\"All\" live properties"
- (let ((most (propfind-most-live-properties resource)))
- (test-equal "Correct amount of keys" 10 (length most))
- (for-each (lambda (propstat)
- (test-assert "Propstat is propstat" (propstat? propstat))
- (test-equal (format #f "Propstat well formed: ~a" (propstat-property propstat))
- 1 (length (propstat-property propstat)))
- (test-assert "Propstat child is xml"
- (xml-element? (caar (propstat-property propstat)))))
- most)
- (test-equal "Correct keys"
- '(creationdate displayname getcontentlanguage getcontentlength
- getcontenttype getetag getlastmodified
- lockdiscovery resourcetype supportedlock)
- (sort-symbols (map (compose xml-element-tagname caar propstat-property) most)))))
-(define ns1 (string->symbol "http://example.com/namespace"))
-(set-dead-property! resource `(,(xml ns1 'test) "Content"))
-(test-equal "Get dead property"
- (propstat 200 (list (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content")))
- (get-dead-property resource (xml ns1 'test)))
-(test-equal "Get live property"
- (propstat 404 (list (list (xml ns1 'test))))
- (get-live-property resource (xml ns1 'test)))
-(test-group "Dead properties"
- (test-equal "Existing property"
- (propstat 200 (list (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content")))
- (get-property resource (xml ns1 'test)))
- (test-equal "Missing property"
- (propstat 404 (list (list (xml ns1 'test2))))
- (get-property resource (xml ns1 'test2)))
- (test-equal "All dead properties"
- (list (propstat 200 (list (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content"))))
- (propfind-all-dead-properties resource)))
-(test-group "Live Properties"
- ;; TODO these tests were written when displayname always returned 200, but have since changed to test for 404.
- ;; Change to another property which return 200
- (test-equal "Existing live property (through get-live-property)"
- (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname))))
- (get-live-property resource (xml webdav 'displayname)))
- (test-equal "Existing live property (thrtough get-property)"
- (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname))))
- (get-property resource (xml webdav 'displayname)))
- )
-(test-equal "propfind-selected-properties"
- (list (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname)))))
- (propfind-selected-properties resource (list (xml webdav 'displayname))))
-(test-group "parse-propfind"
- (test-group "propname"
- (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind)
- (,(xml webdav 'propname)))
- resource)))
- (test-group "Propfind should NEVER fail for an existing resource"
- (test-equal 1 (length props))
- (test-equal 200 (propstat-status-code (car props))))
- (test-assert "Propstat objects are returned" (propstat? (car props)))
- (for-each (lambda (el)
- (test-assert "Base is list" (list? el))
- (test-eqv "List only contains head el" 1 (length el))
- #;
- (test-assert (format #f "Head is an xml tag: ~a" el)
- (xml-element? (car el))))
- (propstat-property (car props)))
- #;
- (test-equal "Correct property keys"
- (sort-symbols (cons* 'test 'is-virtual webdav-keys))
- (sort-symbols (map (compose xml-element-tagname car)
- (propstat-property (car props)))))
- (test-group "No property should contain any data"
- (for-each (lambda (el)
- (test-eqv (format #f "Propname property: ~s" el)
- 1 (length el)))
- (propstat-property (car props))))))
- (test-group "direct property list"
- (let ((props (parse-propfind `((xml webdav 'propfind)
- (,(xml webdav 'prop)
- (,(xml webdav 'displayname))))
- resource)))
- (test-equal "Simple lookup"
- (list (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname)
- ))))
- props)))
- ;; TODO test that calendar properties are reported by propname
- ;; TODO test that non-native caldav propreties aren't reported by allprop
- (test-group "allprop"
- (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind)
- (,(xml webdav 'allprop)))
- resource)))
- (test-equal "Propfind result"
- (list
- (propstat 200
- (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate)
- (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ"))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength)
- 4)
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype)
- "application/binary")
- (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified)
- "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
- (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '())
- (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype)
- ; (list (xml webdav 'collection))
- )
- (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '())
- (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content")
- ))
- (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage))))
- (propstat 501
- (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag))
- )))
- (sort-propstats props))))
- (test-group "allprop with include"
- (let ((props (parse-propfind `((xml webdav 'propfind)
- (,(xml webdav 'allprop))
- (,(xml webdav 'include)))
- resource)))
- (test-equal "Include NOTHING"
- (list
- (propstat 200
- (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate)
- (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ"))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength)
- 4)
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype)
- "application/binary")
- (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified)
- "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
- (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '())
- (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype)
- ; (list (xml webdav 'collection))
- )
- (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '())
- (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content")
- ))
- (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage))))
- (propstat 501
- (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag))
- )))
- (sort-propstats props)))
- (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind)
- (,(xml webdav 'allprop))
- (,(xml webdav 'include)
- (,(xml virtual-ns 'isvirtual))))
- resource)))
- (test-equal "Include isvirtual"
- (list
- (propstat 200
- (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate) (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ"))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4)
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "application/binary")
- (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
- (list (xml virtual-ns 'isvirtual) "true")
- (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '())
- (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype))
- (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '())
- (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content")
- ))
- (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname))
- (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage))))
- (propstat 501
- (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag))
- )))
- (sort-propstats props)))))
-;;; Setting properties
-;;; We already use set-dead-property! above, but for testing get we need set,
-;;; and for testing set we need get, and get is more independent, so we start there.
-(test-group "Propstat -> namespaced sxml"
- (test-equal "Simple"
- `(,(xml webdav 'propstat)
- (,(xml webdav 'prop) (,(xml webdav 'displayname) "test"))
- (,(xml webdav 'status) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"))
- (propstat->namespaced-sxml (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname) "test")) )))
- ;; TODO populated error field
- (test-equal "With response description"
- `(,(xml webdav 'propstat)
- (,(xml webdav 'prop) (,(xml webdav 'displayname) "test"))
- (,(xml webdav 'status) "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden")
- (,(xml webdav 'responsedescription) "Try logging in"))
- (propstat->namespaced-sxml (propstat 403 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname) "test"))
- responsedescription: "Try logging in"))))
-;;; TODO what am I doing here?
- (list (propstat 200
- `((,(xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4)
- (,(xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
- (,(xml webdav 'resourcetype))))
- (propstat 404
- `((,(xml webdav 'checked-in))
- (,(xml webdav 'checked-out))
- (,(xml (string->symbol "http://apache.org/dav/props/") 'executable)))))
- (let ((request (xml->namespaced-sxml
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
-<propfind xmlns=\"DAV:\">
- <prop>
- <getcontentlength/>
- <getlastmodified/>
- <executable xmlns=\"http://apache.org/dav/props/\"/>
- <resourcetype/>
- <checked-in/>
- <checked-out/>
- </prop>
- (sort-propstats (parse-propfind (caddr request) resource))))
-(test-group "lookup-resource"
- (let* ((root (make <virtual-resource> name: "*root*"))
- (a (add-collection! root "a"))
- (b (add-collection! a "b"))
- (c (add-resource! b "c" "~~Nothing~~")))
- (test-eq "Lookup root"
- root (lookup-resource root '()))
- (test-eq "Lookup direct child"
- a (lookup-resource root '("a")))
- (test-eq "Lookup deep child"
- c (lookup-resource root '("a" "b" "c")))
- (test-assert "Lookup missing"
- (not (lookup-resource root '("a" "d" "c"))))))
-(test-group "mkcol"
- (let ((root (make <virtual-resource> name: "*root*")))
- (add-collection! root "child")
- (test-eqv "Child got added" 1 (length (children root)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/xdg-basedir.scm b/tests/test/xdg-basedir.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 682c1347..00000000
--- a/tests/test/xdg-basedir.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test xdg-basedir)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module ((xdg basedir) :prefix xdg-)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((hnh util env) :select (let-env))
- )
-(let-env ((HOME "/home/user")
- (test-group "Defaults"
- (test-equal "XDG_DATA_HOME" "/home/user/.local/share"
- (xdg-data-home))
- (test-equal "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "/home/user/.config"
- (xdg-config-home))
- (test-equal "XDG_STATE_HOME" "/home/user/.local/state"
- (xdg-state-home))
- (test-equal "XDG_DATA_DIRS" (xdg-data-dirs)
- '("/usr/local/share" "/usr/share"))
- (test-equal "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" '("/etc/xdg")
- (xdg-config-dirs))
- (test-equal "XDG_CACHE_HOME" "/home/user/.cache"
- (xdg-cache-home))
- (let ((warning
- (with-error-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (test-equal "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"
- "/tmp" (xdg-runtime-dir))))))
- (test-assert "The warning actually contains something"
- (< 0 (string-length warning)))))
- (test-group "Custom values"
- (let-env ((XDG_DATA_HOME "/a"))
- (test-equal "XDG_DATA_HOME" "/a" (xdg-data-home)))
- (let-env ((XDG_CONFIG_HOME "/b"))
- (test-equal "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "/b" (xdg-config-home)))
- (let-env ((XDG_STATE_HOME "/c"))
- (test-equal "XDG_STATE_HOME" "/c" (xdg-state-home)))
- (let-env ((XDG_DATA_DIRS "/d:/e"))
- (test-equal "XDG_DATA_DIRS" '("/d" "/e") (xdg-data-dirs)))
- (let-env ((XDG_CONFIG_DIRS "/f:/g"))
- (test-equal "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" '("/f" "/g") (xdg-config-dirs)))
- (let-env ((XDG_CACHE_HOME "/h"))
- (test-equal "XDG_CACHE_HOME" "/h" (xdg-cache-home)))
- (let ((warning
- (with-error-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (let-env ((XDG_RUNTIME_DIR "/i"))
- (test-equal "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" "/i" (xdg-runtime-dir)))))))
- (test-assert "No error was emitted"
- (string-null? warning)))))
diff --git a/tests/test/xml-namespace.scm b/tests/test/xml-namespace.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 09402ceb..00000000
--- a/tests/test/xml-namespace.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test xml-namespace)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module ((sxml namespace) :select (move-to-namespace)))
- "Move unnamespaced to namespace"
- '(NEW:test)
- (move-to-namespace '(test) '((#f . NEW))))
- "Swap namespaces"
- '(b:a (a:b))
- (move-to-namespace
- '(a:a (b:b))
- '((a . b) (b . a))))
- "Remove all namespaces"
- '(a (b))
- (move-to-namespace '(a:a (b:b)) #f))
- "Move everything to one namespace"
- '(c:a (c:b))
- (move-to-namespace '(a:a (b:b)) 'c))
- "Partial namespace change"
- '(c:a (b:b))
- (move-to-namespace '(a:a (b:b)) '((a . c))))
- "Remove specific namespace"
- '(a:a (b))
- (move-to-namespace '(a:a (b:b)) '((b . #f))))
diff --git a/tests/test/zic.scm b/tests/test/zic.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 99247cf1..00000000
--- a/tests/test/zic.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (test zic)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (every))
- :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (datetime timespec)
- :use-module (datetime zic))
-(test-expect-fail "Simple Leap")
-(test-expect-fail "Simple Expire")
-(define big-sample
-Rule Swiss 1941 1942 - May Mon>=1 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Swiss 1941 1942 - Oct Mon>=1 2:00 0 -
-Rule EU 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00u 1:00 S
-Rule EU 1977 only - Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1978 only - Oct 1 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
-Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Zone Europe/Zurich 0:34:08 - LMT 1853 Jul 16
- 0:29:45.50 - BMT 1894 Jun
- 1:00 Swiss CE%sT 1981
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Link Europe/Zurich Europe/Vaduz
-(define parse-zic-file (@@ (datetime zic) parse-zic-file))
-;; Some of the tests are slightly altered to score better on the coverage
-(test-group "From zic(8)"
- (test-equal "Basic Rule"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule)
- 'US 1967 1973 4 '(last 0)
- ((@ (datetime zic) make-timespec) #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- ((@ (datetime zic) make-timespec) #01:00:00 '+ #\d)
- "D"))
- (call-with-input-string "Rule US 1967 1973 - Apr lastSun 2:00w 1:00d D"
- parse-zic-file))
- ;; Technically not from zic(8), since that example has an until field
- (test-equal "Basic Zone"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone) "Asia/Amman"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- 'Jordan "EE%sT" #f))))
- (call-with-input-string
- "Zone Asia/Amman 2:00 Jordan EE%sT"
- parse-zic-file))
- ;; Modified from the following example
- (test-equal "Basic Zone with continuation"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone) "America/Menominee"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #05:00:00 '- #\w)
- #f "EST" #1973-04-29T02:00:00)
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #06:00:00 '- #\w)
- 'US "C%sT" #f))))
- ;; Why can't I single read a zone with an until field?
- (call-with-input-string
- "Zone America/Menominee -5:00 - EST 1973 Apr 29 2:00
- -6:00 US C%sT"
- parse-zic-file))
- (test-equal "Rules and Zone"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone) "America/Menominee"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #05:00:00 '- #\w)
- #f "EST" #1973-04-29T02:00:00)
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #06:00:00 '- #\w)
- 'US "C%sT" #f)))
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule)
- 'US 1967 1973 dec '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "D")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule)
- 'US 1967 2006 nov '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S"))
- (call-with-input-string
-Rule US 1967 2006 - Nov lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule US 1967 1973 - Dec lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Menominee -5:00 - EST 1973 Apr 29 2:00
- -6:00 US C%sT
-" parse-zic-file))
- (test-equal "Simple Link"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-link) "Asia/Istanbul" "Europe/Istanbul"))
- (call-with-input-string "Link Europe/Istanbul Asia/Istanbul"
- parse-zic-file))
- (test-equal "Simple Leap"
- 'not-yet-implemented
- (call-with-input-string "Leap 2016 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S"
- parse-zic-file))
- (test-equal "Simple Expire"
- 'not-yet-implemented
- (call-with-input-string "Expires 2020 Dec 28 00:00:00"
- parse-zic-file))
- (test-equal "Extended example"
- ;; Items are in reverse order of discovery
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-link) "Europe/Vaduz" "Europe/Zurich")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone) "Europe/Zurich"
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #00:34:08 '+ #\w)
- #f "LMT" #1853-07-16T00:00:00)
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #00:29:45 '+ #\w) ; NOTE that the .50 is discarded
- #f "BMT" #1894-06-01T00:00:00)
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- 'Swiss "CE%sT" #1981-01-01T00:00:00)
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-zone-entry)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- 'EU "CE%sT" #f)))
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'maximum 10 '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1981 'maximum 3 '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1979 1995 9 `(last ,sun)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1978 'only 10 1
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1977 'only 9 `(last ,sun)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1977 1980 4 `(> ,sun 1)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'Swiss 1941 1942 10 `(> ,mon 1)
- (make-timespec #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'Swiss 1941 1942 5 `(> ,mon 1)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S"))
- (call-with-input-string big-sample
- parse-zic-file)))
-(test-group "rule->dtstart"
- (test-equal "last sunday"
- #1967-04-30T02:00:00
- (rule->dtstart
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule)
- 'US 1967 1973 4 '(last 0)
- ((@ (datetime zic) make-timespec) #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- ((@ (datetime zic) make-timespec) #01:00:00 '+ #\d)
- "D")))
- (test-equal "sunday >= 1"
- #1977-04-03T01:00:00Z
- (rule->dtstart
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1977 1980 4 `(> ,sun 1)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S")))
- ;; Max and min uses dummy dates, which is slightly wrong
- ;; but shouldn't cause any real problems
- (test-equal "Minimum time"
- #0000-10-30T01:00:00Z
- (rule->dtstart
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 'minimum 2000 10 '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- (test-equal "Maximum time"
- (datetime year: 9999 month: oct day: 27
- hour: 1 tz: "UTC")
- (rule->dtstart
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 'maximum 2000 10 '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- ""))))
-(test-group "zone-format"
- (test-equal "Zone format with argument" "CEST" (zone-format "CE%sT" "S"))
- (test-equal "Zone format with empty" "CET" (zone-format "CE%sT" ""))
- ;; TODO zone-format %z is not yet implemented, and therefore untested
- ;; TODO this error message is currently translatable...
- (test-equal "Invalid format specifier"
- '(misc-error "zone-format" "Invalid format char ~s in ~s at position ~a" (#\S "%S" 1) #f)
- (catch 'misc-error (lambda () (zone-format "%S" "A"))
- list)))
-(test-group "Actual object"
- ;; NOTE this doesn't test read-zoneinfos ability to
- ;; - take filenames
- ;; - take multiple items
- (let ((zoneinfo (call-with-input-string big-sample (compose read-zoneinfo list))))
- (test-assert "get-zone returns a zone-entry object"
- (every zone-entry? (get-zone zoneinfo "Europe/Zurich")))
- (test-equal "A link resolves to the same object as its target"
- (get-zone zoneinfo "Europe/Zurich") (get-zone zoneinfo "Europe/Vaduz"))
- (test-equal "Get rules returns correctly, and in order"
- ;; Rules are sorted
- (list ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'Swiss 1941 1942 5 `(> ,mon 1)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "S")
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'Swiss 1941 1942 10 `(> ,mon 1)
- (make-timespec #02:00:00 '+ #\w)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- ""))
- (get-rule zoneinfo 'Swiss))))
-(test-group "rule->rrule"
- (test-equal "Basic example, and to = maximum"
- ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) make-recur-rule)
- freq: 'YEARLY interval: 1 wkst: mon
- byday: (list (cons -1 sun))
- bymonth: (list oct))
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'maximum 10 '(last 0)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")
- ))
- (test-equal "with to = only"
- #f
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'only 10 '(last 2)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- (test-equal "with definitive to year"
- ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) make-recur-rule)
- freq: 'YEARLY interval: 1 wkst: mon
- byday: (list (cons -1 tue))
- bymonth: (list oct)
- until: #2000-01-01T00:00:00)
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 2000 10 '(last 2)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- (test-equal "on being a month day"
- ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) make-recur-rule)
- freq: 'YEARLY interval: 1 wkst: mon
- bymonthday: (list 2)
- bymonth: (list oct))
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'maximum 10 2
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- (test-equal "on being first day after date"
- ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) make-recur-rule)
- freq: 'YEARLY interval: 1 wkst: mon
- byday: (list (cons 1 mon))
- bymonth: (list oct))
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'maximum 10 `(> ,mon 2)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- (test-equal "Crash on counting backwards from date"
- '(misc-error "rule->rrule" "Counting backward for RRULES unsupported" #f #f)
- (catch 'misc-error
- (lambda ()
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'maximum 10 `(< ,mon 2)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- list))
- (test-equal "Crash on to = minimum"
- '(misc-error "rule->rrule" "Check your input" #f #f)
- (catch 'misc-error
- (lambda ()
- (rule->rrule
- ((@@ (datetime zic) make-rule) 'EU 1996 'minimum 10 `(< ,mon 2)
- (make-timespec #01:00:00 '+ #\u)
- (make-timespec #00:00:00 '+ #\w)
- "")))
- list))
- )