path: root/module/web
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-04-10 23:52:09 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-04-12 11:51:08 +0200
commit25918eb049846f29e6e7b53123e647c9051ac5fd (patch)
tree9c5f75fc881b4b97a7dc1e440bfb7a6cc8672628 /module/web
parentUNFINISHED work on data stores and formats. (diff)
Add registry of HTTP status codes.
Guile already includes such a registry, but it's incomplete (it lacks WebDAV extension, for one). This also adds a dedicated procedure to generate HTTP status lines, which besides the regular HTTP header are also needed for WebDAV's multistatus responses.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/web')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/http/status-codes.scm b/module/web/http/status-codes.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86be694f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/web/http/status-codes.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(define-module (web http status-codes)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :export (http-status-codes
+ http-status-phrase
+ http-status-line))
+;;; https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
+;;; DAV: RFC4918
+(define http-status-codes
+ '((100 . "Continue")
+ (101 . "Switching Protocols")
+ (102 . "Processing") ;RFC2518
+ (103 . "Early Hints") ;RFC8297
+ (200 . "OK")
+ (201 . "Created")
+ (202 . "Accepted")
+ (203 . "Non-Authoritative Information")
+ (204 . "No Content")
+ (205 . "Reset Content")
+ (206 . "Partial Content")
+ (207 . "Multi-Status") ;DAV
+ (208 . "Already Reported") ;RFC5842
+ (226 . "IM Used") ;RFC3229
+ (300 . "Multiple Choices")
+ (301 . "Moved Permanently")
+ (302 . "Found")
+ (303 . "See Other")
+ (304 . "Not Modified")
+ (305 . "Use Proxy")
+ (306 . "(Unused)")
+ (307 . "Temporary Redirect")
+ (308 . "Permanent Redirect")
+ (400 . "Bad Request")
+ (401 . "Unauthorized")
+ (402 . "Payment Required")
+ (403 . "Forbidden")
+ (404 . "Not Found")
+ (405 . "Method Not Allowed")
+ (406 . "Not Acceptable")
+ (407 . "Proxy Authentication Required")
+ (408 . "Request Timeout")
+ (409 . "Conflict")
+ (410 . "Gone")
+ (411 . "Length Required")
+ (412 . "Precondition Failed") ;Extended by DAV
+ (413 . "Request Entity Too Large")
+ (414 . "Request-URI Too Long") ;Extended by DAV
+ (415 . "Unsupported Media Type")
+ (416 . "Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
+ (417 . "Expectation Failed")
+ (418 . "I'm a teapot") ;RFC7168
+ (421 . "Misdirection Request")
+ (422 . "Unprocessable Content")
+ (423 . "Locked") ;DAV
+ (424 . "Failed Dependency") ;DAV
+ (425 . "Too Early") ;RFC8470
+ (426 . "Upgrade Required")
+ (428 . "Precondition Failed") ;RFC6585
+ (429 . "Too Many Requests") ;RFC6585
+ (431 . "Request Header Fields Too Large") ;RFC6585
+ (451 . "Unavailable For Legal Reasons") ;RFC7225
+ (500 . "Internal Server Error")
+ (501 . "Not Implemented")
+ (502 . "Bad Gateway")
+ (503 . "Service Unavailable")
+ (504 . "Gateway Timeout")
+ (505 . "HTTP Version Not Supported")
+ (506 . "Variant Also Negotiates") ;RFC2295
+ (507 . "Insufficient Storage") ;DAV
+ (508 . "Loop Detected") ;RFC5842
+ (510 . "Not Extended") ;RFC2774 (OBSOLETED)
+ (511 . "Network Authentication Required") ;RFC6585
+ ))
+(define (http-status-phrase code)
+ (or (assoc-ref http-status-codes code)
+ ""))
+(define* (http-status-line code optional: msg)
+ (format #f "HTTP/1.1 ~a ~a" code
+ (or msg (http-status-phrase code))))