path: root/module/web/http.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-03-18 23:07:07 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2023-04-10 22:58:54 +0200
commit1341aea50272cfa2c57a8f6f56e34c2f2361e8ba (patch)
tree0de9e19abef825f6258c7a8e1a5fbf7aa0f61c6e /module/web/http.scm
parentFix guile3 deprecation notices. (diff)
Vendor (web http) from Guile 3.0.9.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/web/http.scm')
1 files changed, 2070 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/http.scm b/module/web/http.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29736f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/web/http.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,2070 @@
+;;; HTTP messages
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+;; 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This module has a number of routines to parse textual
+;;; representations of HTTP data into native Scheme data structures.
+;;; It tries to follow RFCs fairly strictly---the road to perdition
+;;; being paved with compatibility hacks---though some allowances are
+;;; made for not-too-divergent texts (like a quality of .2 which should
+;;; be 0.2, etc).
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (web http)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (append-map! map!))
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 q)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (web uri)
+ #:export (string->header
+ header->string
+ declare-header!
+ declare-opaque-header!
+ known-header?
+ header-parser
+ header-validator
+ header-writer
+ read-header
+ parse-header
+ valid-header?
+ write-header
+ read-headers
+ write-headers
+ parse-http-method
+ parse-http-version
+ parse-request-uri
+ read-request-line
+ write-request-line
+ read-response-line
+ write-response-line
+ &chunked-input-error-prematurely
+ chunked-input-ended-prematurely-error?
+ make-chunked-input-port
+ make-chunked-output-port
+ http-proxy-port?
+ set-http-proxy-port?!))
+(define (put-symbol port sym)
+ (put-string port (symbol->string sym)))
+(define (put-non-negative-integer port i)
+ (put-string port (number->string i)))
+(define (string->header name)
+ "Parse NAME to a symbolic header name."
+ (string->symbol (string-downcase name)))
+(define-record-type <header-decl>
+ (make-header-decl name parser validator writer multiple?)
+ header-decl?
+ (name header-decl-name)
+ (parser header-decl-parser)
+ (validator header-decl-validator)
+ (writer header-decl-writer)
+ (multiple? header-decl-multiple?))
+;; sym -> header
+(define *declared-headers* (make-hash-table))
+(define (lookup-header-decl sym)
+ (hashq-ref *declared-headers* sym))
+(define* (declare-header! name
+ parser
+ validator
+ writer
+ #:key multiple?)
+ "Declare a parser, validator, and writer for a given header."
+ (unless (and (string? name) parser validator writer)
+ (error "bad header decl" name parser validator writer multiple?))
+ (let ((decl (make-header-decl name parser validator writer multiple?)))
+ (hashq-set! *declared-headers* (string->header name) decl)
+ decl))
+(define (header->string sym)
+ "Return the string form for the header named SYM."
+ (let ((decl (lookup-header-decl sym)))
+ (if decl
+ (header-decl-name decl)
+ (string-titlecase (symbol->string sym)))))
+(define (known-header? sym)
+ "Return ‘#t’ iff SYM is a known header, with associated
+parsers and serialization procedures."
+ (and (lookup-header-decl sym) #t))
+(define (header-parser sym)
+ "Return the value parser for headers named SYM. The result is a
+procedure that takes one argument, a string, and returns the parsed
+value. If the header isn't known to Guile, a default parser is returned
+that passes through the string unchanged."
+ (let ((decl (lookup-header-decl sym)))
+ (if decl
+ (header-decl-parser decl)
+ (lambda (x) x))))
+(define (header-validator sym)
+ "Return a predicate which returns ‘#t’ if the given value is valid
+for headers named SYM. The default validator for unknown headers
+is ‘string?’."
+ (let ((decl (lookup-header-decl sym)))
+ (if decl
+ (header-decl-validator decl)
+ string?)))
+(define (header-writer sym)
+ "Return a procedure that writes values for headers named SYM to a
+port. The resulting procedure takes two arguments: a value and a port.
+The default writer will call ‘put-string’."
+ (let ((decl (lookup-header-decl sym)))
+ (if decl
+ (header-decl-writer decl)
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (put-string port val)))))
+(define (read-header-line port)
+ "Read an HTTP header line and return it without its final CRLF or LF.
+Raise a 'bad-header' exception if the line does not end in CRLF or LF,
+or if EOF is reached."
+ (match (%read-line port)
+ (((? string? line) . #\newline)
+ ;; '%read-line' does not consider #\return a delimiter; so if it's
+ ;; there, remove it. We are more tolerant than the RFC in that we
+ ;; tolerate LF-only endings.
+ (if (string-suffix? "\r" line)
+ (string-drop-right line 1)
+ line))
+ ((line . _) ;EOF or missing delimiter
+ (bad-header 'read-header-line line))))
+(define (read-continuation-line port val)
+ (match (peek-char port)
+ ((or #\space #\tab)
+ (read-continuation-line port
+ (string-append val (read-header-line port))))
+ (_ val)))
+(define *eof* (call-with-input-string "" read))
+(define (read-header port)
+ "Read one HTTP header from PORT. Return two values: the header
+name and the parsed Scheme value. May raise an exception if the header
+was known but the value was invalid.
+Returns the end-of-file object for both values if the end of the message
+body was reached (i.e., a blank line)."
+ (let ((line (read-header-line port)))
+ (if (or (string-null? line)
+ (string=? line "\r"))
+ (values *eof* *eof*)
+ (let* ((delim (or (string-index line #\:)
+ (bad-header '%read line)))
+ (sym (string->header (substring line 0 delim))))
+ (values
+ sym
+ (parse-header
+ sym
+ (read-continuation-line
+ port
+ (string-trim-both line char-set:whitespace (1+ delim)))))))))
+(define (parse-header sym val)
+ "Parse VAL, a string, with the parser registered for the header
+named SYM. Returns the parsed value."
+ ((header-parser sym) val))
+(define (valid-header? sym val)
+ "Returns a true value iff VAL is a valid Scheme value for the
+header with name SYM."
+ (unless (symbol? sym)
+ (error "header name not a symbol" sym))
+ ((header-validator sym) val))
+(define (write-header sym val port)
+ "Write the given header name and value to PORT, using the writer
+from ‘header-writer’."
+ (put-string port (header->string sym))
+ (put-string port ": ")
+ ((header-writer sym) val port)
+ (put-string port "\r\n"))
+(define (read-headers port)
+ "Read the headers of an HTTP message from PORT, returning them
+as an ordered alist."
+ (let lp ((headers '()))
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (read-header port))
+ (lambda (k v)
+ (if (eof-object? k)
+ (reverse! headers)
+ (lp (acons k v headers)))))))
+(define (write-headers headers port)
+ "Write the given header alist to PORT. Doesn't write the final
+‘\\r\\n’, as the user might want to add another header."
+ (let lp ((headers headers))
+ (match headers
+ (((k . v) . headers)
+ (write-header k v port)
+ (lp headers))
+ (()
+ (values)))))
+;;; Utilities
+(define (bad-header sym val)
+ (throw 'bad-header sym val))
+(define (bad-header-component sym val)
+ (throw 'bad-header-component sym val))
+(define (bad-header-printer port key args default-printer)
+ (apply (case-lambda
+ ((sym val)
+ (format port "Bad ~a header: ~a\n" (header->string sym) val))
+ (_ (default-printer)))
+ args))
+(define (bad-header-component-printer port key args default-printer)
+ (apply (case-lambda
+ ((sym val)
+ (format port "Bad ~a header component: ~a\n" sym val))
+ (_ (default-printer)))
+ args))
+(set-exception-printer! 'bad-header bad-header-printer)
+(set-exception-printer! 'bad-header-component bad-header-component-printer)
+(define (parse-opaque-string str)
+ str)
+(define (validate-opaque-string val)
+ (string? val))
+(define (write-opaque-string val port)
+ (put-string port val))
+(define separators-without-slash
+ (string->char-set "[^][()<>@,;:\\\"?= \t]"))
+(define (validate-media-type str)
+ (let ((idx (string-index str #\/)))
+ (and idx (= idx (string-rindex str #\/))
+ (not (string-index str separators-without-slash)))))
+(define (parse-media-type str)
+ (unless (validate-media-type str)
+ (bad-header-component 'media-type str))
+ (string->symbol str))
+(define* (skip-whitespace str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start))
+ (if (and (< i end) (char-whitespace? (string-ref str i)))
+ (lp (1+ i))
+ i)))
+(define* (trim-whitespace str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i end))
+ (if (and (< start i) (char-whitespace? (string-ref str (1- i))))
+ (lp (1- i))
+ i)))
+(define* (split-and-trim str #:optional (delim #\,)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start))
+ (if (< i end)
+ (let* ((idx (string-index str delim i end))
+ (tok (string-trim-both str char-set:whitespace i (or idx end))))
+ (cons tok (split-and-trim str delim (if idx (1+ idx) end) end)))
+ '())))
+(define (list-of-strings? val)
+ (list-of? val string?))
+(define (write-list-of-strings val port)
+ (put-list port val put-string ", "))
+(define (split-header-names str)
+ (map string->header (split-and-trim str)))
+(define (list-of-header-names? val)
+ (list-of? val symbol?))
+(define (write-header-list val port)
+ (put-list port val
+ (lambda (port x)
+ (put-string port (header->string x)))
+ ", "))
+(define (collect-escaped-string from start len escapes)
+ (let ((to (make-string len)))
+ (let lp ((start start) (i 0) (escapes escapes))
+ (match escapes
+ (()
+ (substring-move! from start (+ start (- len i)) to i)
+ to)
+ ((e . escapes)
+ (let ((next-start (+ start (- e i) 2)))
+ (substring-move! from start (- next-start 2) to i)
+ (string-set! to e (string-ref from (- next-start 1)))
+ (lp next-start (1+ e) escapes)))))))
+;; in incremental mode, returns two values: the string, and the index at
+;; which the string ended
+(define* (parse-qstring str #:optional
+ (start 0) (end (trim-whitespace str start))
+ #:key incremental?)
+ (unless (and (< start end) (eqv? (string-ref str start) #\"))
+ (bad-header-component 'qstring str))
+ (let lp ((i (1+ start)) (qi 0) (escapes '()))
+ (if (< i end)
+ (case (string-ref str i)
+ ((#\\)
+ (lp (+ i 2) (1+ qi) (cons qi escapes)))
+ ((#\")
+ (let ((out (collect-escaped-string str (1+ start) qi escapes)))
+ (cond
+ (incremental? (values out (1+ i)))
+ ((= (1+ i) end) out)
+ (else (bad-header-component 'qstring str)))))
+ (else
+ (lp (1+ i) (1+ qi) escapes)))
+ (bad-header-component 'qstring str))))
+(define (put-list port items put-item delim)
+ (match items
+ (() (values))
+ ((item . items)
+ (put-item port item)
+ (let lp ((items items))
+ (match items
+ (() (values))
+ ((item . items)
+ (put-string port delim)
+ (put-item port item)
+ (lp items)))))))
+(define (write-qstring str port)
+ (put-char port #\")
+ (if (string-index str #\")
+ ;; optimize me
+ (put-list port (string-split str #\") put-string "\\\"")
+ (put-string port str))
+ (put-char port #\"))
+(define* (parse-quality str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (define (char->decimal c)
+ (let ((i (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))))
+ (unless (and (<= 0 i) (< i 10))
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))
+ i))
+ (cond
+ ((not (< start end))
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))
+ ((eqv? (string-ref str start) #\1)
+ (unless (or (string= str "1" start end)
+ (string= str "1." start end)
+ (string= str "1.0" start end)
+ (string= str "1.00" start end)
+ (string= str "1.000" start end))
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))
+ 1000)
+ ((eqv? (string-ref str start) #\0)
+ (if (or (string= str "0" start end)
+ (string= str "0." start end))
+ 0
+ (if (< 2 (- end start) 6)
+ (let lp ((place 1) (i (+ start 4)) (q 0))
+ (if (= i (1+ start))
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref str (1+ start)) #\.)
+ q
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))
+ (lp (* 10 place) (1- i)
+ (if (< i end)
+ (+ q (* place (char->decimal (string-ref str i))))
+ q))))
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))))
+ ;; Allow the nonstandard .2 instead of 0.2.
+ ((and (eqv? (string-ref str start) #\.)
+ (< 1 (- end start) 5))
+ (let lp ((place 1) (i (+ start 3)) (q 0))
+ (if (= i start)
+ q
+ (lp (* 10 place) (1- i)
+ (if (< i end)
+ (+ q (* place (char->decimal (string-ref str i))))
+ q)))))
+ (else
+ (bad-header-component 'quality str))))
+(define (valid-quality? q)
+ (and (non-negative-integer? q) (<= q 1000)))
+(define (write-quality q port)
+ (define (digit->char d)
+ (integer->char (+ (char->integer #\0) d)))
+ (put-char port (digit->char (modulo (quotient q 1000) 10)))
+ (put-char port #\.)
+ (put-char port (digit->char (modulo (quotient q 100) 10)))
+ (put-char port (digit->char (modulo (quotient q 10) 10)))
+ (put-char port (digit->char (modulo q 10))))
+(define (list-of? val pred)
+ (match val
+ (((? pred) ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+(define* (parse-quality-list str)
+ (map (lambda (part)
+ (cond
+ ((string-rindex part #\;)
+ => (lambda (idx)
+ (let ((qpart (string-trim-both part char-set:whitespace (1+ idx))))
+ (unless (string-prefix? "q=" qpart)
+ (bad-header-component 'quality qpart))
+ (cons (parse-quality qpart 2)
+ (string-trim-both part char-set:whitespace 0 idx)))))
+ (else
+ (cons 1000 (string-trim-both part char-set:whitespace)))))
+ (string-split str #\,)))
+(define (validate-quality-list l)
+ (match l
+ ((((? valid-quality?) . (? string?)) ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+(define (write-quality-list l port)
+ (put-list port l
+ (lambda (port x)
+ (let ((q (car x))
+ (str (cdr x)))
+ (put-string port str)
+ (when (< q 1000)
+ (put-string port ";q=")
+ (write-quality q port))))
+ ","))
+(define* (parse-non-negative-integer val #:optional (start 0)
+ (end (string-length val)))
+ (define (char->decimal c)
+ (let ((i (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))))
+ (unless (and (<= 0 i) (< i 10))
+ (bad-header-component 'non-negative-integer val))
+ i))
+ (unless (< start end)
+ (bad-header-component 'non-negative-integer val))
+ (let lp ((i start) (out 0))
+ (if (< i end)
+ (lp (1+ i)
+ (+ (* out 10) (char->decimal (string-ref val i))))
+ out)))
+(define (non-negative-integer? code)
+ (and (number? code) (>= code 0) (exact? code) (integer? code)))
+(define (default-val-parser k val)
+ val)
+(define (default-val-validator k val)
+ (or (not val) (string? val)))
+(define (default-val-writer k val port)
+ (if (or (string-index val #\;)
+ (string-index val #\,)
+ (string-index val #\"))
+ (write-qstring val port)
+ (put-string port val)))
+(define* (parse-key-value-list str #:optional
+ (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start))
+ (if (not (< i end))
+ '()
+ (let* ((i (skip-whitespace str i end))
+ (eq (string-index str #\= i end))
+ (comma (string-index str #\, i end))
+ (delim (min (or eq end) (or comma end)))
+ (k (string->symbol
+ (substring str i (trim-whitespace str i delim)))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (and eq (or (not comma) (< eq comma)))
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace str (1+ eq) end)))
+ (if (and (< i end) (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\"))
+ (parse-qstring str i end #:incremental? #t)
+ (values (substring str i
+ (trim-whitespace str i
+ (or comma end)))
+ (or comma end))))
+ (values #f delim)))
+ (lambda (v-str next-i)
+ (let ((v (val-parser k v-str))
+ (i (skip-whitespace str next-i end)))
+ (unless (or (= i end) (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\,))
+ (bad-header-component 'key-value-list
+ (substring str start end)))
+ (cons (if v (cons k v) k)
+ (lp (1+ i))))))))))
+(define* (key-value-list? list #:optional
+ (valid? default-val-validator))
+ (list-of? list
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (match elt
+ (((? symbol? k) . v) (valid? k v))
+ ((? symbol? k) (valid? k #f))
+ (_ #f)))))
+(define* (write-key-value-list list port #:optional
+ (val-writer default-val-writer) (delim ", "))
+ (put-list
+ port list
+ (lambda (port x)
+ (match x
+ ((k . #f)
+ (put-symbol port k))
+ ((k . v)
+ (put-symbol port k)
+ (put-char port #\=)
+ (val-writer k v port))
+ (k
+ (put-symbol port k))))
+ delim))
+;; param-component = token [ "=" (token | quoted-string) ] \
+;; *(";" token [ "=" (token | quoted-string) ])
+(define param-delimiters (char-set #\, #\; #\=))
+(define param-value-delimiters (char-set-adjoin char-set:whitespace #\, #\;))
+(define* (parse-param-component str #:optional
+ (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start) (out '()))
+ (if (not (< i end))
+ (values (reverse! out) end)
+ (let ((delim (string-index str param-delimiters i)))
+ (let ((k (string->symbol
+ (substring str i (trim-whitespace str i (or delim end)))))
+ (delimc (and delim (string-ref str delim))))
+ (case delimc
+ ((#\=)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace str (1+ delim) end)))
+ (if (and (< i end) (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\"))
+ (parse-qstring str i end #:incremental? #t)
+ (let ((delim
+ (or (string-index str param-value-delimiters
+ i end)
+ end)))
+ (values (substring str i delim)
+ delim)))))
+ (lambda (v-str next-i)
+ (let* ((v (val-parser k v-str))
+ (x (if v (cons k v) k))
+ (i (skip-whitespace str next-i end)))
+ (case (and (< i end) (string-ref str i))
+ ((#f)
+ (values (reverse! (cons x out)) end))
+ ((#\;)
+ (lp (skip-whitespace str (1+ i) end)
+ (cons x out)))
+ (else ; including #\,
+ (values (reverse! (cons x out)) i)))))))
+ ((#\;)
+ (let ((v (val-parser k #f)))
+ (lp (skip-whitespace str (1+ delim) end)
+ (cons (if v (cons k v) k) out))))
+ (else ;; either the end of the string or a #\,
+ (let ((v (val-parser k #f)))
+ (values (reverse! (cons (if v (cons k v) k) out))
+ (or delim end))))))))))
+(define* (parse-param-list str #:optional
+ (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start) (out '()))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (parse-param-component str val-parser i end))
+ (lambda (item i)
+ (if (< i end)
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\,)
+ (lp (skip-whitespace str (1+ i) end)
+ (cons item out))
+ (bad-header-component 'param-list str))
+ (reverse! (cons item out)))))))
+(define* (validate-param-list list #:optional
+ (valid? default-val-validator))
+ (list-of? list
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (key-value-list? elt valid?))))
+(define* (write-param-list list port #:optional
+ (val-writer default-val-writer))
+ (put-list
+ port list
+ (lambda (port item)
+ (write-key-value-list item port val-writer ";"))
+ ","))
+(define-syntax string-match?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ str pat) (string? (syntax->datum #'pat))
+ (let ((p (syntax->datum #'pat)))
+ #`(let ((s str))
+ (and
+ (= (string-length s) #,(string-length p))
+ #,@(let lp ((i 0) (tests '()))
+ (if (< i (string-length p))
+ (let ((c (string-ref p i)))
+ (lp (1+ i)
+ (case c
+ ((#\.) ; Whatever.
+ tests)
+ ((#\d) ; Digit.
+ (cons #`(char-numeric? (string-ref s #,i))
+ tests))
+ ((#\a) ; Alphabetic.
+ (cons #`(char-alphabetic? (string-ref s #,i))
+ tests))
+ (else ; Literal.
+ (cons #`(eqv? (string-ref s #,i) #,c)
+ tests)))))
+ tests)))))))))
+;; "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun"
+;; "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
+(define (parse-month str start end)
+ (define (bad)
+ (bad-header-component 'month (substring str start end)))
+ (if (not (= (- end start) 3))
+ (bad)
+ (let ((a (string-ref str (+ start 0)))
+ (b (string-ref str (+ start 1)))
+ (c (string-ref str (+ start 2))))
+ (case a
+ ((#\J)
+ (case b
+ ((#\a) (case c ((#\n) 1) (else (bad))))
+ ((#\u) (case c ((#\n) 6) ((#\l) 7) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\F)
+ (case b
+ ((#\e) (case c ((#\b) 2) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\M)
+ (case b
+ ((#\a) (case c ((#\r) 3) ((#\y) 5) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\A)
+ (case b
+ ((#\p) (case c ((#\r) 4) (else (bad))))
+ ((#\u) (case c ((#\g) 8) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\S)
+ (case b
+ ((#\e) (case c ((#\p) 9) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\O)
+ (case b
+ ((#\c) (case c ((#\t) 10) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\N)
+ (case b
+ ((#\o) (case c ((#\v) 11) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ ((#\D)
+ (case b
+ ((#\e) (case c ((#\c) 12) (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))
+ (else (bad))))))
+;; "GMT" | "+" 4DIGIT | "-" 4DIGIT
+;; RFC 2616 requires date values to use "GMT", but recommends accepting
+;; the others as they are commonly generated by e.g. RFC 822 sources.
+(define (parse-zone-offset str start)
+ (let ((s (substring str start)))
+ (define (bad)
+ (bad-header-component 'zone-offset s))
+ (cond
+ ((string=? s "GMT")
+ 0)
+ ((string=? s "UTC")
+ 0)
+ ((string-match? s ".dddd")
+ (let ((sign (case (string-ref s 0)
+ ((#\+) +1)
+ ((#\-) -1)
+ (else (bad))))
+ (hours (parse-non-negative-integer s 1 3))
+ (minutes (parse-non-negative-integer s 3 5)))
+ (* sign 60 (+ (* 60 hours) minutes)))) ; seconds east of Greenwich
+ (else (bad)))))
+;; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
+;; Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
+;; 01234567890123456789012345678
+;; 0 1 2
+(define (parse-rfc-822-date str space zone-offset)
+ ;; We could verify the day of the week but we don't.
+ (cond ((string-match? (substring str 0 space) "aaa, dd aaa dddd dd:dd:dd")
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer str 5 7))
+ (month (parse-month str 8 11))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer str 12 16))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer str 17 19))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer str 20 22))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer str 23 25)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month year zone-offset)))
+ ((string-match? (substring str 0 space) "aaa, d aaa dddd dd:dd:dd")
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer str 5 6))
+ (month (parse-month str 7 10))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer str 11 15))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer str 16 18))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer str 19 21))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer str 22 24)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month year zone-offset)))
+ ;; The next two clauses match dates that have a space instead of
+ ;; a leading zero for hours, like " 8:49:37".
+ ((string-match? (substring str 0 space) "aaa, dd aaa dddd d:dd:dd")
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer str 5 7))
+ (month (parse-month str 8 11))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer str 12 16))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer str 18 19))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer str 20 22))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer str 23 25)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month year zone-offset)))
+ ((string-match? (substring str 0 space) "aaa, d aaa dddd d:dd:dd")
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer str 5 6))
+ (month (parse-month str 7 10))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer str 11 15))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer str 17 18))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer str 19 21))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer str 22 24)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month year zone-offset)))
+ (else
+ (bad-header 'date str) ; prevent tail call
+ #f)))
+;; RFC 850, updated by RFC 1036
+;; Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT
+;; 0123456789012345678901
+;; 0 1 2
+(define (parse-rfc-850-date str comma space zone-offset)
+ ;; We could verify the day of the week but we don't.
+ (let ((tail (substring str (1+ comma) space)))
+ (unless (string-match? tail " dd-aaa-dd dd:dd:dd")
+ (bad-header 'date str))
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer tail 1 3))
+ (month (parse-month tail 4 7))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer tail 8 10))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer tail 11 13))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer tail 14 16))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer tail 17 19)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month
+ (let* ((now (date-year (current-date)))
+ (then (+ now year (- (modulo now 100)))))
+ (cond ((< (+ then 50) now) (+ then 100))
+ ((< (+ now 50) then) (- then 100))
+ (else then)))
+ zone-offset))))
+;; ANSI C's asctime() format
+;; Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994
+;; 012345678901234567890123
+;; 0 1 2
+(define (parse-asctime-date str)
+ (unless (string-match? str "aaa aaa .d dd:dd:dd dddd")
+ (bad-header 'date str))
+ (let ((date (parse-non-negative-integer
+ str
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref str 8) #\space) 9 8)
+ 10))
+ (month (parse-month str 4 7))
+ (year (parse-non-negative-integer str 20 24))
+ (hour (parse-non-negative-integer str 11 13))
+ (minute (parse-non-negative-integer str 14 16))
+ (second (parse-non-negative-integer str 17 19)))
+ (make-date 0 second minute hour date month year 0)))
+;; Convert all date values to GMT time zone, as per RFC 2616 appendix C.
+(define (normalize-date date)
+ (if (zero? (date-zone-offset date))
+ date
+ (time-utc->date (date->time-utc date) 0)))
+(define (parse-date str)
+ (let* ((space (string-rindex str #\space))
+ (zone-offset (and space (false-if-exception
+ (parse-zone-offset str (1+ space))))))
+ (normalize-date
+ (if zone-offset
+ (let ((comma (string-index str #\,)))
+ (cond ((not comma) (bad-header 'date str))
+ ((= comma 3) (parse-rfc-822-date str space zone-offset))
+ (else (parse-rfc-850-date str comma space zone-offset))))
+ (parse-asctime-date str)))))
+(define (write-date date port)
+ (define (put-digits port n digits)
+ (define zero (char->integer #\0))
+ (let lp ((tens (expt 10 (1- digits))))
+ (when (> tens 0)
+ (put-char port
+ (integer->char (+ zero (modulo (truncate/ n tens) 10))))
+ (lp (floor/ tens 10)))))
+ (let ((date (if (zero? (date-zone-offset date))
+ date
+ (time-tai->date (date->time-tai date) 0))))
+ (put-string port
+ (case (date-week-day date)
+ ((0) "Sun, ") ((1) "Mon, ") ((2) "Tue, ")
+ ((3) "Wed, ") ((4) "Thu, ") ((5) "Fri, ")
+ ((6) "Sat, ") (else (error "bad date" date))))
+ (put-digits port (date-day date) 2)
+ (put-string port
+ (case (date-month date)
+ ((1) " Jan ") ((2) " Feb ") ((3) " Mar ")
+ ((4) " Apr ") ((5) " May ") ((6) " Jun ")
+ ((7) " Jul ") ((8) " Aug ") ((9) " Sep ")
+ ((10) " Oct ") ((11) " Nov ") ((12) " Dec ")
+ (else (error "bad date" date))))
+ (put-digits port (date-year date) 4)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (put-digits port (date-hour date) 2)
+ (put-char port #\:)
+ (put-digits port (date-minute date) 2)
+ (put-char port #\:)
+ (put-digits port (date-second date) 2)
+ (put-string port " GMT")))
+;; Following https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-2.3, an entity
+;; tag should really be a qstring. However there are a number of
+;; servers that emit etags as unquoted strings. Assume that if the
+;; value doesn't start with a quote, it's an unquoted strong etag.
+(define* (parse-entity-tag val #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length val))
+ #:key sloppy-delimiters)
+ (define (parse-proper-etag-at start strong?)
+ (cond
+ (sloppy-delimiters
+ (call-with-values (lambda ()
+ (parse-qstring val start end #:incremental? #t))
+ (lambda (tag next)
+ (values (cons tag strong?) next))))
+ (else
+ (values (cons (parse-qstring val start end) strong?) end))))
+ (cond
+ ((string-prefix? "W/" val 0 2 start end)
+ (parse-proper-etag-at (+ start 2) #f))
+ ((string-prefix? "\"" val 0 1 start end)
+ (parse-proper-etag-at start #t))
+ (else
+ (let ((delim (or (and sloppy-delimiters
+ (string-index val sloppy-delimiters start end))
+ end)))
+ (values (cons (substring val start delim) #t) delim)))))
+(define (entity-tag? val)
+ (match val
+ (((? string?) . _) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+(define (put-entity-tag port val)
+ (match val
+ ((tag . strong?)
+ (unless strong? (put-string port "W/"))
+ (write-qstring tag port))))
+(define* (parse-entity-tag-list val #:optional
+ (start 0) (end (string-length val)))
+ (call-with-values (lambda ()
+ (parse-entity-tag val start end #:sloppy-delimiters #\,))
+ (lambda (etag next)
+ (cons etag
+ (let ((next (skip-whitespace val next end)))
+ (if (< next end)
+ (if (eqv? (string-ref val next) #\,)
+ (parse-entity-tag-list
+ val
+ (skip-whitespace val (1+ next) end)
+ end)
+ (bad-header-component 'entity-tag-list val))
+ '()))))))
+(define (entity-tag-list? val)
+ (list-of? val entity-tag?))
+(define (put-entity-tag-list port val)
+ (put-list port val put-entity-tag ", "))
+;; credentials = auth-scheme #auth-param
+;; auth-scheme = token
+;; auth-param = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )
+;; That's what the spec says. In reality the Basic scheme doesn't have
+;; k-v pairs, just one auth token, so we give that token as a string.
+(define* (parse-credentials str #:optional (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let* ((start (skip-whitespace str start end))
+ (delim (or (string-index str char-set:whitespace start end) end)))
+ (when (= start end)
+ (bad-header-component 'authorization str))
+ (let ((scheme (string->symbol
+ (string-downcase (substring str start (or delim end))))))
+ (case scheme
+ ((basic)
+ (let* ((start (skip-whitespace str delim end)))
+ (unless (< start end)
+ (bad-header-component 'credentials str))
+ (cons scheme (substring str start end))))
+ (else
+ (cons scheme (parse-key-value-list str default-val-parser delim end)))))))
+(define (validate-credentials val)
+ (match val
+ (('basic . (? string?)) #t)
+ (((? symbol?) . (? key-value-list?)) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+;; While according to RFC 7617 Schemes are case-insensitive:
+;; 'Note that both scheme and parameter names are matched
+;; case-insensitive'
+;; some software (*) incorrectly assumes title case for scheme
+;; names, so use the more titlecase.
+;; (*): See, e.g.,
+;; https://community.spotify.com/t5/Spotify-for-Developers/API-Authorization-header-doesn-t-follow-HTTP-spec/m-p/5397381#M4917
+(define (write-credentials val port)
+ (match val
+ (('basic . cred)
+ (put-string port "Basic ")
+ (put-string port cred))
+ ((scheme . params)
+ (put-string port (string-titlecase (symbol->string scheme)))
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (write-key-value-list params port))))
+;; challenges = 1#challenge
+;; challenge = auth-scheme 1*SP 1#auth-param
+;; A pain to parse, as both challenges and auth params are delimited by
+;; commas, and qstrings can contain anything. We rely on auth params
+;; necessarily having "=" in them.
+(define* (parse-challenge str #:optional
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let* ((start (skip-whitespace str start end))
+ (sp (string-index str #\space start end))
+ (scheme (if sp
+ (string->symbol (string-downcase (substring str start sp)))
+ (bad-header-component 'challenge str))))
+ (let lp ((i sp) (out (list scheme)))
+ (if (not (< i end))
+ (values (reverse! out) end)
+ (let* ((i (skip-whitespace str i end))
+ (eq (string-index str #\= i end))
+ (comma (string-index str #\, i end))
+ (delim (min (or eq end) (or comma end)))
+ (token-end (trim-whitespace str i delim)))
+ (if (string-index str #\space i token-end)
+ (values (reverse! out) i)
+ (let ((k (string->symbol (substring str i token-end))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (and eq (or (not comma) (< eq comma)))
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace str (1+ eq) end)))
+ (if (and (< i end) (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\"))
+ (parse-qstring str i end #:incremental? #t)
+ (values (substring
+ str i
+ (trim-whitespace str i
+ (or comma end)))
+ (or comma end))))
+ (values #f delim)))
+ (lambda (v next-i)
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace str next-i end)))
+ (unless (or (= i end) (eqv? (string-ref str i) #\,))
+ (bad-header-component 'challenge
+ (substring str start end)))
+ (lp (1+ i) (cons (if v (cons k v) k) out))))))))))))
+(define* (parse-challenges str #:optional (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i start))
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace str i end)))
+ (if (< i end)
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (parse-challenge str i end))
+ (lambda (challenge i)
+ (cons challenge (lp i))))
+ '()))))
+(define (validate-challenges val)
+ (match val
+ ((((? symbol?) . (? key-value-list?)) ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+(define (put-challenge port val)
+ (match val
+ ((scheme . params)
+ (put-symbol port scheme)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (write-key-value-list params port))))
+(define (write-challenges val port)
+ (put-list port val put-challenge ", "))
+;;; Request-Line and Response-Line
+;; Hmm.
+(define (bad-request message . args)
+ (throw 'bad-request message args))
+(define (bad-response message . args)
+ (throw 'bad-response message args))
+(define *known-versions* '())
+(define* (parse-http-version str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ "Parse an HTTP version from STR, returning it as a major–minor
+pair. For example, ‘HTTP/1.1’ parses as the pair of integers,
+‘(1 . 1)’."
+ (let lp ((known *known-versions*))
+ (match known
+ (((version-str . version-val) . known)
+ (if (string= str version-str start end)
+ version-val
+ (lp known)))
+ (()
+ (let ((dot-idx (string-index str #\. start end)))
+ (unless (and (string-prefix? "HTTP/" str 0 5 start end)
+ dot-idx
+ (= dot-idx (string-rindex str #\. start end)))
+ (bad-header-component 'http-version (substring str start end)))
+ (cons (parse-non-negative-integer str (+ start 5) dot-idx)
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str (1+ dot-idx) end)))))))
+(define (write-http-version val port)
+ "Write the given major-minor version pair to PORT."
+ (put-string port "HTTP/")
+ (put-non-negative-integer port (car val))
+ (put-char port #\.)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port (cdr val)))
+ (lambda (v)
+ (set! *known-versions*
+ (acons v (parse-http-version v 0 (string-length v))
+ *known-versions*)))
+ '("HTTP/1.0" "HTTP/1.1"))
+;; Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority
+;; The `authority' form is only permissible for the CONNECT method, so
+;; because we don't expect people to implement CONNECT, we save
+;; ourselves the trouble of that case, and disallow the CONNECT method.
+(define* (parse-http-method str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ "Parse an HTTP method from STR. The result is an upper-case
+symbol, like ‘GET’."
+ (cond
+ ((string= str "GET" start end) 'GET)
+ ((string= str "HEAD" start end) 'HEAD)
+ ((string= str "POST" start end) 'POST)
+ ((string= str "PUT" start end) 'PUT)
+ ((string= str "DELETE" start end) 'DELETE)
+ ((string= str "OPTIONS" start end) 'OPTIONS)
+ ((string= str "TRACE" start end) 'TRACE)
+ ((string= str "CONNECT" start end) 'CONNECT)
+ ((string= str "PATCH" start end) 'PATCH)
+ (else (bad-request "Invalid method: ~a" (substring str start end)))))
+(define* (parse-request-uri str #:optional (start 0) (end (string-length str)))
+ "Parse a URI from an HTTP request line. Note that URIs in requests do
+not have to have a scheme or host name. The result is a URI-reference
+ (cond
+ ((= start end)
+ (bad-request "Missing Request-URI"))
+ ((string= str "*" start end)
+ #f)
+ ((eqv? (string-ref str start) #\/)
+ (let* ((q (string-index str #\? start end))
+ (f (string-index str #\# start end))
+ (q (and q (or (not f) (< q f)) q)))
+ (build-uri-reference
+ #:path (substring str start (or q f end))
+ #:query (and q (substring str (1+ q) (or f end)))
+ #:fragment (and f (substring str (1+ f) end)))))
+ (else
+ (or (string->uri (substring str start end))
+ (bad-request "Invalid URI: ~a" (substring str start end))))))
+(define (read-request-line port)
+ "Read the first line of an HTTP request from PORT, returning
+three values: the method, the URI, and the version."
+ (let* ((line (read-header-line port))
+ (d0 (string-index line char-set:whitespace)) ; "delimiter zero"
+ (d1 (string-rindex line char-set:whitespace)))
+ (unless (and d0 d1 (< d0 d1))
+ (bad-request "Bad Request-Line: ~s" line))
+ (values (parse-http-method line 0 d0)
+ (parse-request-uri line (skip-whitespace line (1+ d0) d1) d1)
+ (parse-http-version line (1+ d1) (string-length line)))))
+(define (write-uri uri port)
+ (put-string port (uri->string uri #:include-fragment? #f)))
+(define (write-request-line method uri version port)
+ "Write the first line of an HTTP request to PORT."
+ (put-symbol port method)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (when (http-proxy-port? port)
+ (let ((scheme (uri-scheme uri))
+ (host (uri-host uri))
+ (host-port (uri-port uri)))
+ (when (and scheme host)
+ (put-symbol port scheme)
+ (put-string port "://")
+ (cond
+ ((string-index host #\:)
+ (put-char port #\[)
+ (put-string port host)
+ (put-char port #\]))
+ (else
+ (put-string port host)))
+ (unless ((@@ (web uri) default-port?) scheme host-port)
+ (put-char port #\:)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port host-port)))))
+ (let ((path (uri-path uri))
+ (query (uri-query uri)))
+ (if (string-null? path)
+ (put-string port "/")
+ (put-string port path))
+ (when query
+ (put-string port "?")
+ (put-string port query)))
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (write-http-version version port)
+ (put-string port "\r\n"))
+(define (read-response-line port)
+ "Read the first line of an HTTP response from PORT, returning three
+values: the HTTP version, the response code, and the (possibly empty)
+\"reason phrase\"."
+ (let* ((line (read-header-line port))
+ (d0 (string-index line char-set:whitespace)) ; "delimiter zero"
+ (d1 (and d0 (string-index line char-set:whitespace
+ (skip-whitespace line d0)))))
+ (unless (and d0 d1)
+ (bad-response "Bad Response-Line: ~s" line))
+ (values (parse-http-version line 0 d0)
+ (parse-non-negative-integer line (skip-whitespace line d0 d1)
+ d1)
+ (string-trim-both line char-set:whitespace d1))))
+(define (write-response-line version code reason-phrase port)
+ "Write the first line of an HTTP response to PORT."
+ (write-http-version version port)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port code)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (put-string port reason-phrase)
+ (put-string port "\r\n"))
+;;; Helpers for declaring headers
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-opaque!-header 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-opaque-header! name)
+ "Declares a given header as \"opaque\", meaning that its value is not
+treated specially, and is just returned as a plain string."
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-opaque-string validate-opaque-string write-opaque-string))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-date-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-date-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-date date? write-date))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-string-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-string-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ split-and-trim list-of-strings? write-list-of-strings))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-symbol-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-symbol-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ (lambda (str)
+ (map string->symbol (split-and-trim str)))
+ (lambda (v)
+ (list-of? v symbol?))
+ (lambda (v port)
+ (put-list port v put-symbol ", "))))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-header-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-header-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ split-header-names list-of-header-names? write-header-list))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-integer-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-integer-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-non-negative-integer non-negative-integer?
+ (lambda (val port) (put-non-negative-integer port val))))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-uri-reference-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-uri-reference-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ (lambda (str)
+ (or (string->uri-reference str)
+ (bad-header-component 'uri-reference str)))
+ uri-reference?
+ write-uri))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-quality-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-quality-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-quality-list validate-quality-list write-quality-list))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-param-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define* (declare-param-list-header! name #:optional
+ (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (val-validator default-val-validator)
+ (val-writer default-val-writer))
+ (declare-header! name
+ (lambda (str) (parse-param-list str val-parser))
+ (lambda (val) (validate-param-list val val-validator))
+ (lambda (val port) (write-param-list val port val-writer))))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-key-value-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define* (declare-key-value-list-header! name #:optional
+ (val-parser default-val-parser)
+ (val-validator default-val-validator)
+ (val-writer default-val-writer))
+ (declare-header! name
+ (lambda (str) (parse-key-value-list str val-parser))
+ (lambda (val) (key-value-list? val val-validator))
+ (lambda (val port) (write-key-value-list val port val-writer))))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-entity-tag-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-entity-tag-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ (lambda (str) (if (string=? str "*") '* (parse-entity-tag-list str)))
+ (lambda (val) (or (eq? val '*) (entity-tag-list? val)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (if (eq? val '*)
+ (put-string port "*")
+ (put-entity-tag-list port val)))))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-credentials-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-credentials-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-credentials validate-credentials write-credentials))
+;; emacs: (put 'declare-challenge-list-header! 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+(define (declare-challenge-list-header! name)
+ (declare-header! name
+ parse-challenges validate-challenges write-challenges))
+;;; General headers
+;; Cache-Control = 1#(cache-directive)
+;; cache-directive = cache-request-directive | cache-response-directive
+;; cache-request-directive =
+;; "no-cache" ; Section 14.9.1
+;; | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2
+;; | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3, 14.9.4
+;; | "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ] ; Section 14.9.3
+;; | "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3
+;; | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5
+;; | "only-if-cached" ; Section 14.9.4
+;; | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6
+;; cache-response-directive =
+;; "public" ; Section 14.9.1
+;; | "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ] ; Section 14.9.1
+;; | "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]; Section 14.9.1
+;; | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2
+;; | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5
+;; | "must-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4
+;; | "proxy-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4
+;; | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3
+;; | "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3
+;; | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6
+;; cache-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
+(declare-key-value-list-header! "Cache-Control"
+ (lambda (k v-str)
+ (case k
+ ((max-age min-fresh s-maxage)
+ (parse-non-negative-integer v-str))
+ ((max-stale)
+ (and v-str (parse-non-negative-integer v-str)))
+ ((private no-cache)
+ (and v-str (split-header-names v-str)))
+ (else v-str)))
+ (lambda (k v)
+ (case k
+ ((max-age min-fresh s-maxage)
+ (non-negative-integer? v))
+ ((max-stale)
+ (or (not v) (non-negative-integer? v)))
+ ((private no-cache)
+ (or (not v) (list-of-header-names? v)))
+ ((no-store no-transform only-if-cache must-revalidate proxy-revalidate)
+ (not v))
+ (else
+ (or (not v) (string? v)))))
+ (lambda (k v port)
+ (cond
+ ((string? v) (default-val-writer k v port))
+ ((pair? v)
+ (put-char port #\")
+ (write-header-list v port)
+ (put-char port #\"))
+ ((integer? v)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port v))
+ (else
+ (bad-header-component 'cache-control v)))))
+;; Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token)
+;; connection-token = token
+;; e.g.
+;; Connection: close, Foo-Header
+(declare-header! "Connection"
+ split-header-names
+ list-of-header-names?
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (put-list port val
+ (lambda (port x)
+ (put-string port
+ (if (eq? x 'close)
+ "close"
+ (header->string x))))
+ ", ")))
+;; Date = "Date" ":" HTTP-date
+;; e.g.
+;; Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT
+(declare-date-header! "Date")
+;; Pragma = "Pragma" ":" 1#pragma-directive
+;; pragma-directive = "no-cache" | extension-pragma
+;; extension-pragma = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
+(declare-key-value-list-header! "Pragma")
+;; Trailer = "Trailer" ":" 1#field-name
+(declare-header-list-header! "Trailer")
+;; Transfer-Encoding = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding
+(declare-param-list-header! "Transfer-Encoding")
+;; Upgrade = "Upgrade" ":" 1#product
+(declare-string-list-header! "Upgrade")
+;; Via = "Via" ":" 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] )
+;; received-protocol = [ protocol-name "/" ] protocol-version
+;; protocol-name = token
+;; protocol-version = token
+;; received-by = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym
+;; pseudonym = token
+(declare-header! "Via"
+ split-and-trim
+ list-of-strings?
+ write-list-of-strings
+ #:multiple? #t)
+;; Warning = "Warning" ":" 1#warning-value
+;; warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text
+;; [SP warn-date]
+;; warn-code = 3DIGIT
+;; warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym
+;; ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding
+;; ; the Warning header, for use in debugging
+;; warn-text = quoted-string
+;; warn-date = <"> HTTP-date <">
+(declare-header! "Warning"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (let ((len (string-length str)))
+ (let lp ((i (skip-whitespace str 0)))
+ (let* ((idx1 (string-index str #\space i))
+ (idx2 (string-index str #\space (1+ idx1))))
+ (when (and idx1 idx2)
+ (let ((code (parse-non-negative-integer str i idx1))
+ (agent (substring str (1+ idx1) idx2)))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (parse-qstring str (1+ idx2) #:incremental? #t))
+ (lambda (text i)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((c (and (< i len) (string-ref str i))))
+ (case c
+ ((#\space)
+ ;; we have a date.
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (parse-qstring str (1+ i)
+ #:incremental? #t))
+ (lambda (date i)
+ (values text (parse-date date) i))))
+ (else
+ (values text #f i)))))
+ (lambda (text date i)
+ (let ((w (list code agent text date))
+ (c (and (< i len) (string-ref str i))))
+ (case c
+ ((#f) (list w))
+ ((#\,) (cons w (lp (skip-whitespace str (1+ i)))))
+ (else (bad-header 'warning str))))))))))))))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (list-of? val
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (match elt
+ ((code host text date)
+ (and (non-negative-integer? code) (< code 1000)
+ (string? host)
+ (string? text)
+ (or (not date) (date? date))))
+ (_ #f)))))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (put-list
+ port val
+ (lambda (port w)
+ (match w
+ ((code host text date)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port code)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (put-string port host)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (write-qstring text port)
+ (when date
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (put-char port #\")
+ (write-date date port)
+ (put-char port #\")))))
+ ", "))
+ #:multiple? #t)
+;;; Entity headers
+;; Allow = #Method
+(declare-symbol-list-header! "Allow")
+;; Content-Disposition = disposition-type *( ";" disposition-parm )
+;; disposition-type = "attachment" | disp-extension-token
+;; disposition-parm = filename-parm | disp-extension-parm
+;; filename-parm = "filename" "=" quoted-string
+;; disp-extension-token = token
+;; disp-extension-parm = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )
+(declare-header! "Content-Disposition"
+ (lambda (str)
+ ;; Lazily reuse the param list parser.
+ (match (parse-param-list str default-val-parser)
+ ((disposition) disposition)
+ (_ (bad-header-component 'content-disposition str))))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (match val
+ (((? symbol?) ((? symbol?) . (? string?)) ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (write-param-list (list val) port)))
+;; Content-Encoding = 1#content-coding
+(declare-symbol-list-header! "Content-Encoding")
+;; Content-Language = 1#language-tag
+(declare-string-list-header! "Content-Language")
+;; Content-Length = 1*DIGIT
+(declare-integer-header! "Content-Length")
+;; Content-Location = URI-reference
+(declare-uri-reference-header! "Content-Location")
+;; Content-MD5 = <base64 of 128 bit MD5 digest as per RFC 1864>
+(declare-opaque-header! "Content-MD5")
+;; Content-Range = content-range-spec
+;; content-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec
+;; byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP
+;; byte-range-resp-spec "/"
+;; ( instance-length | "*" )
+;; byte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos)
+;; | "*"
+;; instance-length = 1*DIGIT
+(declare-header! "Content-Range"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (let ((dash (string-index str #\-))
+ (slash (string-index str #\/)))
+ (unless (and (string-prefix? "bytes " str) slash)
+ (bad-header 'content-range str))
+ (list 'bytes
+ (cond
+ (dash
+ (cons
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str 6 dash)
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str (1+ dash) slash)))
+ ((string= str "*" 6 slash)
+ '*)
+ (else
+ (bad-header 'content-range str)))
+ (if (string= str "*" (1+ slash))
+ '*
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str (1+ slash))))))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (match val
+ (((? symbol?)
+ (or '* ((? non-negative-integer?) . (? non-negative-integer?)))
+ (or '* (? non-negative-integer?)))
+ #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (match val
+ ((unit range instance-length)
+ (put-symbol port unit)
+ (put-char port #\space)
+ (match range
+ ('*
+ (put-char port #\*))
+ ((start . end)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port start)
+ (put-char port #\-)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port end)))
+ (put-char port #\/)
+ (match instance-length
+ ('* (put-char port #\*))
+ (len (put-non-negative-integer port len)))))))
+;; Content-Type = media-type
+(declare-header! "Content-Type"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (let ((parts (string-split str #\;)))
+ (cons (parse-media-type (car parts))
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (let ((eq (string-index x #\=)))
+ (unless (and eq (= eq (string-rindex x #\=)))
+ (bad-header 'content-type str))
+ (cons
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-trim x char-set:whitespace 0 eq))
+ (string-trim-right x char-set:whitespace (1+ eq)))))
+ (cdr parts)))))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (match val
+ (((? symbol?) ((? symbol?) . (? string?)) ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (match val
+ ((type . args)
+ (put-symbol port type)
+ (match args
+ (() (values))
+ (args
+ (put-string port ";")
+ (put-list
+ port args
+ (lambda (port pair)
+ (match pair
+ ((k . v)
+ (put-symbol port k)
+ (put-char port #\=)
+ (put-string port v))))
+ ";")))))))
+;; Expires = HTTP-date
+(define *date-in-the-past* (parse-date "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"))
+(declare-header! "Expires"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (if (member str '("0" "-1"))
+ *date-in-the-past*
+ (parse-date str)))
+ date?
+ write-date)
+;; Last-Modified = HTTP-date
+(declare-date-header! "Last-Modified")
+;;; Request headers
+;; Accept = #( media-range [ accept-params ] )
+;; media-range = ( "*/*" | ( type "/" "*" ) | ( type "/" subtype ) )
+;; *( ";" parameter )
+;; accept-params = ";" "q" "=" qvalue *( accept-extension )
+;; accept-extension = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
+(declare-param-list-header! "Accept"
+ ;; -> (type/subtype (sym-prop . str-val) ...) ...)
+ ;;
+ ;; with the exception of prop `q', in which case the val will be a
+ ;; valid quality value
+ ;;
+ (lambda (k v)
+ (if (eq? k 'q)
+ (parse-quality v)
+ v))
+ (lambda (k v)
+ (if (eq? k 'q)
+ (valid-quality? v)
+ (or (not v) (string? v))))
+ (lambda (k v port)
+ (if (eq? k 'q)
+ (write-quality v port)
+ (default-val-writer k v port))))
+;; Accept-Charset = 1#( ( charset | "*" )[ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] )
+(declare-quality-list-header! "Accept-Charset")
+;; Accept-Encoding = 1#( codings [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] )
+;; codings = ( content-coding | "*" )
+(declare-quality-list-header! "Accept-Encoding")
+;; Accept-Language = 1#( language-range [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] )
+;; language-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) | "*" )
+(declare-quality-list-header! "Accept-Language")
+;; Authorization = credentials
+;; credentials = auth-scheme #auth-param
+;; auth-scheme = token
+;; auth-param = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )
+(declare-credentials-header! "Authorization")
+;; Expect = 1#expectation
+;; expectation = "100-continue" | expectation-extension
+;; expectation-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string )
+;; *expect-params ]
+;; expect-params = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
+(declare-param-list-header! "Expect")
+;; From = mailbox
+;; Should be an email address; we just pass on the string as-is.
+(declare-opaque-header! "From")
+;; Host = host [ ":" port ]
+(declare-header! "Host"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (let* ((rbracket (string-index str #\]))
+ (colon (string-index str #\: (or rbracket 0)))
+ (host (cond
+ (rbracket
+ (unless (eqv? (string-ref str 0) #\[)
+ (bad-header 'host str))
+ (substring str 1 rbracket))
+ (colon
+ (substring str 0 colon))
+ (else
+ str)))
+ (port (and colon
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str (1+ colon)))))
+ (cons host port)))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (match val
+ (((? string?) . (or #f (? non-negative-integer?))) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (match val
+ ((host-name . host-port)
+ (cond
+ ((string-index host-name #\:)
+ (put-char port #\[)
+ (put-string port host-name)
+ (put-char port #\]))
+ (else
+ (put-string port host-name)))
+ (when host-port
+ (put-char port #\:)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port host-port))))))
+;; If-Match = ( "*" | 1#entity-tag )
+(declare-entity-tag-list-header! "If-Match")
+;; If-Modified-Since = HTTP-date
+(declare-date-header! "If-Modified-Since")
+;; If-None-Match = ( "*" | 1#entity-tag )
+(declare-entity-tag-list-header! "If-None-Match")
+;; If-Range = ( entity-tag | HTTP-date )
+(declare-header! "If-Range"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (if (or (string-prefix? "\"" str)
+ (string-prefix? "W/" str))
+ (parse-entity-tag str)
+ (parse-date str)))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (or (date? val) (entity-tag? val)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (if (date? val)
+ (write-date val port)
+ (put-entity-tag port val))))
+;; If-Unmodified-Since = HTTP-date
+(declare-date-header! "If-Unmodified-Since")
+;; Max-Forwards = 1*DIGIT
+(declare-integer-header! "Max-Forwards")
+;; Proxy-Authorization = credentials
+(declare-credentials-header! "Proxy-Authorization")
+;; Range = "Range" ":" ranges-specifier
+;; ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier
+;; byte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit "=" byte-range-set
+;; byte-range-set = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec )
+;; byte-range-spec = first-byte-pos "-" [last-byte-pos]
+;; first-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT
+;; last-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT
+;; suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length
+;; suffix-length = 1*DIGIT
+(declare-header! "Range"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (unless (string-prefix? "bytes=" str)
+ (bad-header 'range str))
+ (cons
+ 'bytes
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (let ((dash (string-index x #\-)))
+ (cond
+ ((not dash)
+ (bad-header 'range str))
+ ((zero? dash)
+ (cons #f (parse-non-negative-integer x 1)))
+ ((= dash (1- (string-length x)))
+ (cons (parse-non-negative-integer x 0 dash) #f))
+ (else
+ (cons (parse-non-negative-integer x 0 dash)
+ (parse-non-negative-integer x (1+ dash)))))))
+ (string-split (substring str 6) #\,))))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (match val
+ (((? symbol?)
+ (or (#f . (? non-negative-integer?))
+ ((? non-negative-integer?) . (? non-negative-integer?))
+ ((? non-negative-integer?) . #f))
+ ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (match val
+ ((unit . ranges)
+ (put-symbol port unit)
+ (put-char port #\=)
+ (put-list
+ port ranges
+ (lambda (port range)
+ (match range
+ ((start . end)
+ (when start (put-non-negative-integer port start))
+ (put-char port #\-)
+ (when end (put-non-negative-integer port end)))))
+ ",")))))
+;; Referer = URI-reference
+(declare-uri-reference-header! "Referer")
+;; TE = #( t-codings )
+;; t-codings = "trailers" | ( transfer-extension [ accept-params ] )
+(declare-param-list-header! "TE")
+;; User-Agent = 1*( product | comment )
+(declare-opaque-header! "User-Agent")
+;;; Reponse headers
+;; Accept-Ranges = acceptable-ranges
+;; acceptable-ranges = 1#range-unit | "none"
+(declare-symbol-list-header! "Accept-Ranges")
+;; Age = age-value
+;; age-value = delta-seconds
+(declare-integer-header! "Age")
+;; ETag = entity-tag
+(declare-header! "ETag"
+ parse-entity-tag
+ entity-tag?
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (put-entity-tag port val)))
+;; Location = URI-reference
+;; In RFC 2616, Location was specified as being an absolute URI. This
+;; was changed in RFC 7231 to permit URI references generally, which
+;; matches web reality.
+(declare-uri-reference-header! "Location")
+;; Proxy-Authenticate = 1#challenge
+(declare-challenge-list-header! "Proxy-Authenticate")
+;; Retry-After = ( HTTP-date | delta-seconds )
+(declare-header! "Retry-After"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (if (and (not (string-null? str))
+ (char-numeric? (string-ref str 0)))
+ (parse-non-negative-integer str)
+ (parse-date str)))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (or (date? val) (non-negative-integer? val)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (if (date? val)
+ (write-date val port)
+ (put-non-negative-integer port val))))
+;; Server = 1*( product | comment )
+(declare-opaque-header! "Server")
+;; Vary = ( "*" | 1#field-name )
+(declare-header! "Vary"
+ (lambda (str)
+ (if (equal? str "*")
+ '*
+ (split-header-names str)))
+ (lambda (val)
+ (or (eq? val '*) (list-of-header-names? val)))
+ (lambda (val port)
+ (if (eq? val '*)
+ (put-string port "*")
+ (write-header-list val port))))
+;; WWW-Authenticate = 1#challenge
+(declare-challenge-list-header! "WWW-Authenticate")
+;; Chunked Responses
+(define &chunked-input-ended-prematurely
+ (make-exception-type '&chunked-input-error-prematurely
+ &external-error
+ '()))
+(define make-chunked-input-ended-prematurely-error
+ (record-constructor &chunked-input-ended-prematurely))
+(define chunked-input-ended-prematurely-error?
+ (record-predicate &chunked-input-ended-prematurely))
+(define (read-chunk-header port)
+ "Read a chunk header from PORT and return the size in bytes of the
+upcoming chunk."
+ (match (read-line port)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ ;; Connection closed prematurely: there's nothing left to read.
+ 0)
+ (str
+ (let ((extension-start (string-index str
+ (lambda (c)
+ (or (char=? c #\;)
+ (char=? c #\return))))))
+ (string->number (if extension-start ; unnecessary?
+ (substring str 0 extension-start)
+ str)
+ 16)))))
+(define* (make-chunked-input-port port #:key (keep-alive? #f))
+ "Returns a new port which translates HTTP chunked transfer encoded
+data from PORT into a non-encoded format. Returns eof when it has
+read the final chunk from PORT. This does not necessarily mean
+that there is no more data on PORT. When the returned port is
+closed it will also close PORT, unless the KEEP-ALIVE? is true."
+ (define (close)
+ (unless keep-alive?
+ (close-port port)))
+ (define chunk-size 0) ;size of the current chunk
+ (define remaining 0) ;number of bytes left from the current chunk
+ (define finished? #f) ;did we get all the chunks?
+ (define (read! bv idx to-read)
+ (define (loop to-read num-read)
+ (cond ((or finished? (zero? to-read))
+ num-read)
+ ((zero? remaining) ;get a new chunk
+ (let ((size (read-chunk-header port)))
+ (set! chunk-size size)
+ (set! remaining size)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? size)
+ (set! finished? #t)
+ (get-bytevector-n port 2) ; \r\n follows the last chunk
+ num-read)
+ (else
+ (loop to-read num-read)))))
+ (else ;read from the current chunk
+ (let* ((ask-for (min to-read remaining))
+ (read (get-bytevector-n! port bv (+ idx num-read)
+ ask-for)))
+ (cond
+ ((eof-object? read) ;premature termination
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-chunked-input-ended-prematurely-error)))
+ (else
+ (let ((left (- remaining read)))
+ (set! remaining left)
+ (when (zero? left)
+ ;; We're done with this chunk; read CR and LF.
+ (get-u8 port) (get-u8 port))
+ (loop (- to-read read)
+ (+ num-read read)))))))))
+ (loop to-read 0))
+ (make-custom-binary-input-port "chunked input port" read! #f #f close))
+(define* (make-chunked-output-port port #:key (keep-alive? #f)
+ (buffering 1200))
+ "Returns a new port which translates non-encoded data into a HTTP
+chunked transfer encoded data and writes this to PORT. Data written to
+this port is buffered until the port is flushed, at which point it is
+all sent as one chunk. The port will otherwise be flushed every
+BUFFERING bytes, which defaults to 1200. Take care to close the port
+when done, as it will output the remaining data, and encode the final
+zero chunk. When the port is closed it will also close PORT, unless
+KEEP-ALIVE? is true."
+ (define (q-for-each f q)
+ (while (not (q-empty? q))
+ (f (deq! q))))
+ (define queue (make-q))
+ (define (%put-char c)
+ (enq! queue c))
+ (define (%put-string s)
+ (string-for-each (lambda (c) (enq! queue c))
+ s))
+ (define (flush)
+ ;; It is important that we do _not_ write a chunk if the queue is
+ ;; empty, since it will be treated as the final chunk.
+ (unless (q-empty? queue)
+ (let ((len (q-length queue)))
+ (put-string port (number->string len 16))
+ (put-string port "\r\n")
+ (q-for-each (lambda (elem) (put-char port elem))
+ queue)
+ (put-string port "\r\n"))))
+ (define (close)
+ (flush)
+ (put-string port "0\r\n\r\n")
+ (force-output port)
+ (unless keep-alive?
+ (close-port port)))
+ (let ((ret (make-soft-port (vector %put-char %put-string flush #f close) "w")))
+ (setvbuf ret 'block buffering)
+ ret))
+(define %http-proxy-port? (make-object-property))
+(define (http-proxy-port? port) (%http-proxy-port? port))
+(define (set-http-proxy-port?! port flag)
+ (set! (%http-proxy-port? port) flag))