path: root/module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-05-09 22:19:01 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-05-09 22:19:01 +0200
commitf56daa40756cb4f356c283567de9cbc050bd86b1 (patch)
tree778a1bbada2a00acc854a85721f36618b6ce4f6b /module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm
parentClean up util header. (diff)
parentAdd short commentary on difference between parse and parse/component. (diff)
Replace iCalendar parser.
The old iCalendar parser was a direct port of my C parser, which unfortunately clashed with guile's evaluation model, and was therefore really slow. This new one is much schemier [sic?], and therefore much faster. On my laptop the parse time went from around 10s to 2.5s, so a 4x speedup!
Diffstat (limited to 'module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm b/module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..565c129d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/vcomponent/parse/component.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(define-module (vcomponent parse component)
+ :use-module (util)
+ :use-module (util exceptions)
+ :use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) :select (read-line))
+ :use-module (vcomponent base)
+ :use-module (datetime)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ )
+(define-public (parse-calendar port)
+ (parse (map tokenize (read-file port))))
+;; port → (list string)
+(define (read-file port)
+ (let loop ((done '()))
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ (reverse! done)
+ (let ((line (string-trim-right line)))
+ (loop
+ (if (char=? #\space (string-ref line 0))
+ (cons (string-append (car done)
+ (string-drop line 1))
+ (cdr done))
+ (cons line done))))))))
+;; (list string) → (list (key kv ... value))
+(define (tokenize line)
+ (define colon-idx (string-index line #\:))
+ (define semi-idxs
+ (let loop ((idx 0))
+ (aif (string-index line #\; idx colon-idx)
+ (cons it (loop (1+ it)))
+ (list colon-idx (string-length line)))))
+ (map (lambda (start end)
+ (substring line (1+ start) end))
+ (cons -1 semi-idxs)
+ semi-idxs))
+;; params could be made optional, with an empty hashtable as default
+(define (build-vline key value params)
+ (case key
+ ;; '("Africa/Ceuta" "Europe/Stockholm" "local")
+ (let ((tz (or (hashq-ref params 'TZID)
+ (and (string= "Z" (string-take-right value 1)) "UTC"))))
+ (let ((type (hashq-ref params 'VALUE)))
+ (if (or (and=> type (cut string=? <> "DATE-TIME"))
+ (string-index value #\T))
+ ;; we move all parsed datetimes to local time here. This
+ ;; gives a MASSIVE performance boost over calling get-datetime
+ ;; in all procedures which want to guarantee local time for proper calculations.
+ ;; 20s vs 70s runtime on my laptop.
+ (let ((datetime (parse-ics-datetime value tz)))
+ (hashq-set! params 'VALUE 'DATE-TIME)
+ (values (make-vline key (get-datetime datetime) params)
+ (make-vline (symbol-append 'X-ORIGINAL- key) datetime params)))
+ (begin (hashq-set! params 'VALUE 'DATE)
+ (make-vline key (parse-ics-date value) params)))))]
+ [else
+ (make-vline key
+ (list->string
+ (let loop ((rem (string->list value)))
+ (if (null? rem)
+ '()
+ (if (char=? #\\ (car rem))
+ (case (cadr rem)
+ [(#\n #\N) (cons #\newline (loop (cddr rem)))]
+ [(#\; #\, #\\) => (lambda (c) (cons c (loop (cddr rem))))]
+ [else => (lambda (c) (warning "Non-escapable character: ~a" c)
+ (loop (cddr rem)))])
+ (cons (car rem) (loop (cdr rem)))))))
+ params)]))
+;; (parse-itemline '("DTEND" "20200407T130000"))
+;; => DTEND
+;; => "20200407T130000"
+;; => #<hash-table 7f76b5f82a60 0/31>
+(define (parse-itemline itemline)
+ (define key (string->symbol (car itemline)))
+ (define parameters (make-hash-table))
+ (let loop ((rem (cdr itemline)))
+ (if (null? (cdr rem))
+ (values key (car rem) parameters )
+ (let* ((kv (car rem))
+ (idx (string-index kv #\=)))
+ (hashq-set! parameters (string->symbol (substring kv 0 idx))
+ (substring kv (1+ idx)))
+ (loop (cdr rem))))))
+;; (list (key kv ... value)) → <vcomponent>
+(define (parse lst)
+ (let loop ((lst lst)
+ (stack '()))
+ (if (null? lst)
+ stack
+ (let ((head (car lst)))
+ (cond [(string=? "BEGIN" (car head))
+ (loop (cdr lst) (cons (make-vcomponent (string->symbol (cadr head))) stack))]
+ [(string=? "END" (car head))
+ ;; TODO This is an ugly hack until the rest of the code is updated
+ ;; to work on events without an explicit DTEND attribute.
+ (when (and (eq? (type (car stack)) 'VEVENT)
+ (not (attr (car stack) 'DTEND)))
+ (set! (attr (car stack) 'DTEND)
+ (let ((start (attr (car stack) 'DTSTART)))
+ ;; p. 54, 3.6.1
+ ;; If DTSTART is a date then it's an all
+ ;; day event. If DTSTART instead is a
+ ;; datetime then the event has a length
+ ;; of 0?
+ (if (date? start)
+ (date+ start (date day: 1))
+ (datetime+ start (datetime time: (time hour: 1)))))))
+ (loop (cdr lst)
+ (if (null? (cdr stack))
+ ;; return
+ (car stack)
+ (begin (add-child! (cadr stack) (car stack))
+ (cdr stack))))]
+ [else
+ (let* ((key value params (parse-itemline head)))
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (build-vline key value params))
+ (lambda vlines
+ (for vline in vlines
+ (define key (vline-key vline))
+ ;; Which types are allowed to be given multiple times
+ (if (memv (vline-key vline) '(EXDATE ATTENDEE))
+ (aif (attr* (car stack) key)
+ (set! (attr* (car stack) key) (cons vline it))
+ (set! (attr* (car stack) key) (list vline)))
+ ;; else
+ (set! (attr* (car stack) key) vline))))))
+ (loop (cdr lst) stack)])))))