path: root/module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@hornquist.se>2020-02-18 02:03:55 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@hornquist.se>2020-02-18 02:03:55 +0100
commit3d7e1cf403961d03bb08af1332c8226c0b0cef6d (patch)
tree2398875b38fca55c8e2e045e9e801efa1c93015b /module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm
parentDocumentation. (diff)
Freed datetime from its srfi-19 prison.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm b/module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3957190f..00000000
--- a/module/srfi/srfi-19/alt/util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (srfi srfi-19 alt util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-19 alt)
- :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (fold))
- :use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41)
- :use-module (util)
- )
-(define-public (start-of-month date)
- (set (day date) 1))
-(define-public (parse-freeform-date str)
- (let* (((year month day) (map string->number (string-split str #\-))))
- (date year: year month: month day: day)
- ))
-(define-public (day-stream start-day)
- (stream-iterate (cut date+ <> #0-0-1)
- start-day))
-(define-public (month-stream start-day)
- (stream-iterate (cut date+ <> #0-1-0)
- start-day))
-(define-public (time-min a b)
- (if (time<? a b) a b))
-(define-public (time-max a b)
- (if (time<? a b) b a))
-;; https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.acta/1485888738
-;; 1. Begel.
-;; J sei die Zahl des Jahrhunderts,
-;; K die Jahrszahl innerhalb desselben,
-;; m die Zahl des Monats,
-;; q die Zahl des Monatstags,
-;; h die Zahl des Wochentags;
-(define (zeller J K m q)
- (modulo (+ q
- (floor-quotient (* 13 (1+ m))
- 5)
- K
- (floor-quotient K 4)
- 5
- (- J))
- 7))
-;; 0 indexed, starting at sunday.
-(define-public (week-day date)
- (let* ((J K (floor/ (year date) 100))
- (m (month date)))
- (if (memv m '(1 2))
- (zeller J (1- K) (+ m 12) (day date))
- (zeller J K (month date) (day date)))))
-(define-many define-public
- (sun) 0
- (mon) 1
- (tue) 2
- (wed) 3
- (thu) 4
- (fri) 5
- (sat) 6
- )
-(define-public (week-day-name week-day-number)
- ;; TODO internationalization
- (case* week-day-number
- [(sun 7) "Sön"]
- [(mon) "Mån"]
- [(tue) "Tis"]
- [(wed) "Ons"]
- [(thu) "Tor"]
- [(fri) "Fre"]
- [(sat) "Lör"]))
-(define*-public (date->string date optional: (fmt "~Y-~m-~d") key: allow-unknown?)
- (with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (fold (lambda (token state)
- (case state
- ((#\~)
- (case token
- ((#\~) (display "~"))
- ((#\Y) (format #t "~4'0d" (year date)))
- ((#\m) (format #t "~2'0d" (month date)))
- ((#\d) (format #t "~2'0d" (day date)))
- ((#\1) (format #t "~4'0d-~2'0d-~2'0d"
- (year date) (month date) (day date)))
- ((#\a) (display (week-day-name (week-day date))))
- (else (unless allow-unknown?
- (error 'date->string "Invalid format token ~a" token))))
- #f)
- (else (unless (char=? #\~ token) (display token)) token)))
- #f
- (string->list fmt)))))
-(define*-public (time->string time optional: (fmt "~H:~M:~S") key: allow-unknown?)
- (with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (fold (lambda (token state)
- (case state
- ((#\~)
- (case token
- ((#\~) (display "~"))
- ((#\H) (format #t "~2'0d" (hour time)))
- ((#\M) (format #t "~2'0d" (minute time)))
- ((#\S) (format #t "~2'0d" (second time)))
- ;; ((#\z) (when (utc? time) (display "Z")))
- (else (unless allow-unknown?
- (error 'time->string "Invalid format token ~a" token))))
- #f)
- (else (unless (char=? #\~ token) (display token)) token)))
- #f
- (string->list fmt)))))
-;; @verbatim
-;; A B C D E ¬F
-;; |s1| : |s2| : |s1| : |s2| : : |s1|
-;; | | : | | : | ||s2| : |s1|| | : |s1||s2| : | |
-;; | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | || | : | || | : | || | :
-;; | | : | | : | || | : | || | : | || | : |s2|
-;; | | : | | : | | : | | : : | |
-;; @end verbatim
-;; E is covered by both case A and B.
-(define-public (timespan-overlaps? s1-begin s1-end s2-begin s2-end)
- "Return whetever or not two timespans overlap."
- (or
- ;; A
- (and (date/-time<? s2-begin s1-end)
- (date/-time<? s1-begin s2-end))
- ;; B
- (and (date/-time<? s1-begin s2-end)
- (date/-time<? s2-begin s1-end))
- ;; C
- (and (date/-time<? s1-begin s2-begin)
- (date/-time<? s2-end s1-end))
- ;; D
- (and (date/-time<? s2-begin s1-begin)
- (date/-time<? s1-end s2-end))))
-(define-public (add-day d)
- (date+ d (date day: 1)))
-(define-public (remove-day d)
- (date- d (date day: 1)))
-;; Checks if @var{datetime} is within the date
-;; given by @var{base-date}.
-;; TODO test time zones
-;; date x datetime → bool
-;; (define-public (in-day? base-date date/-time)
-;; (date< base-date (as-date date/-time) (date+ base-date (date day: 1))))
-(define-public (in-date-range? start-date end-date)
- (lambda (date)
- (date<= start-date date end-date)))