path: root/module/output
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@hornquist.se>2019-04-23 19:26:54 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@hornquist.se>2019-04-23 19:26:54 +0200
commit34da56150cbee6449faec22faabf6b2af3c84ed9 (patch)
treec263ef8ab6e77fb822db9bac8b7d78dd683f8750 /module/output
parentAdd command line option parsing. (diff)
Move stuff from main.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/output')
3 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/output/general.scm b/module/output/general.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f455f18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/output/general.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(define-module (output general)
+ )
+(define-public (trim-to-width str len)
+ (let ((trimmed (string-pad-right str len)))
+ (if (< (string-length trimmed)
+ (string-length str))
+ (string-append (string-drop-right trimmed 1)
+ "…")
+ trimmed)))
diff --git a/module/output/html.scm b/module/output/html.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3df3c713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/output/html.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+(define-module (output html)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent datetime)
+ #:use-module (util)
+ #:use-module (util tree)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 util)
+ #:use-module (parameters)
+ #:use-module (config))
+(define-stream (group-stream in-stream)
+ (define (ein? day) (lambda (e) (event-in? e (date->time-utc day))))
+ (let loop ((days (day-stream (time-utc->date (attr (stream-car in-stream) 'DTSTART))))
+ (stream in-stream))
+ (if (stream-null? stream)
+ stream-null
+ (let* ((day (stream-car days))
+ (tomorow (add-day (date->time-utc (drop-time day)))))
+ (let ((head (stream-take-while (ein? day) stream))
+ (tail
+ (filter-sorted-stream*
+ (lambda (e) (time<? tomorow (attr e 'DTEND)))
+ (lambda (e) (time<=? tomorow (attr e 'DTSTART)))
+ stream)))
+ (stream-cons (cons day head)
+ (loop (stream-cdr days)
+ tail)))))))
+(define x-pos (make-object-property))
+(define width (make-object-property))
+;; Takes a list of vcomponents, sets their widths and x-positions to optimally
+;; fill out the space, without any overlaps.
+(define (fix-event-widths! start-of-day lst)
+ ;; @var{x} is how for left in the container we are.
+ (define (inner x tree)
+ (if (null? tree) #f
+ (let ((w (/ (- 1 x)
+ (+ 1 (length-of-longst-branch (left-subtree tree))))))
+ (set! (width (car tree)) w
+ (x-pos (car tree)) x)
+ (inner (+ x w) (left-subtree tree))
+ (inner x (right-subtree tree)))))
+ (inner 0 (make-tree (lambda (head e) (overlapping? head e))
+ ;; The tree construction is greedy. This means
+ ;; that if a smaller event preceeds a longer
+ ;; event it would capture the longer event to
+ ;; only find events which also overlaps the
+ ;; smaller event.
+ (sort* lst time>? (lambda (e) (event-length/day e start-of-day))))))
+;; This should only be used on time intervals, never on absolute times.
+;; For that see @var{date->decimal-hour}.
+(define (time->decimal-hour time)
+ (exact->inexact (/ (time-second time)
+ 3600)))
+(define (html-attr str)
+ (define cs (char-set-adjoin char-set:letter+digit #\- #\_))
+ (string-filter (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? cs c)) str))
+(define (vevent->sxml day ev)
+ (define time (date->time-utc day))
+ (define style
+ (format #f "left:~,3f%;width:~,3f%;top:~,3f%;height:~,3f%;"
+ (* 100 (x-pos ev)) ; left
+ (* 100 (width ev)) ; width
+ ;; top
+ (if (in-day? day (attr ev 'DTSTART))
+ (* 100/24
+ (time->decimal-hour
+ (time-difference (attr ev 'DTSTART)
+ (start-of-day* (attr ev 'DTSTART)))))
+ 0)
+ ;; height
+ (* 100/24 (time->decimal-hour (event-length/day ev time)))))
+ `(div (@ (class "event CAL_" ,(html-attr (let ((l (attr (parent ev) 'NAME)))
+ (if (pair? l) (car l) l)))
+ ,(if (time<? (attr ev 'DTSTART) time)
+ " continued" "")
+ ,(if (time<? (add-day time) (attr ev 'DTEND))
+ " continuing" ""))
+ (style ,style))
+ ,((summary-filter) ev (attr ev 'SUMMARY))))
+(define (lay-out-day day)
+ (let* (((date . events) day))
+ ;; (format (current-error-port) "Processing ~a~%" (date->string date))
+ (fix-event-widths! (date->time-utc date) (stream->list events))
+ `(div (@ (class "day"))
+ (div (@ (class "meta"))
+ (span (@ (class "dayname")) ,(date->string date "~a"))
+ (span (@ (class "daydate")) ,(date->string date "~Y-~m-~d")))
+ (div (@ (class "events"))
+ " "
+ ,@(stream->list (stream-map (lambda (e) (vevent->sxml date e)) events))))))
+(define (time-marker-div)
+ (map (lambda (time)
+ `(div (@ (id ,(string-append "clock-" time))
+ (class "clock"))
+ ,(string-append time ":00")))
+ (map number->string (iota 12 0 2))))
+(define (d str)
+ (string->date str "~Y-~m-~d"))
+(define (calculate-fg-color c)
+ (define (str->num c n) (string->number (substring/shared c n (+ n 2)) 16))
+ (let ((r (str->num c 1))
+ (g (str->num c 3))
+ (b (str->num c 5)))
+ (if (< 1/2 (/ (+ (* 0.299 r)
+ (* 0.587 g)
+ (* 0.144 b))
+ #xFF))
+ "black" "#e5e8e6")))
+(define (include-css path)
+ `(link (@ (type "text/css")
+ (rel "stylesheet")
+ (href ,path))))
+(define-public (html-main calendars events args)
+ (define evs
+ (filter-sorted-stream
+ (compose (in-date-range?
+ (d "2019-04-15")
+ (d "2019-05-10"))
+ car)
+ (group-stream events)))
+ ((@ (sxml simple) sxml->xml)
+ `(html (head
+ (title "Calendar")
+ (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
+ ,(include-css "static/style.css")
+ (style ,(format #f "~:{.CAL_~a { background-color: ~a; color: ~a }~%~}"
+ (map (lambda (c)
+ (list (html-attr (if (pair? (attr c 'NAME))
+ (car (attr c 'NAME))
+ (attr c 'NAME)))
+ (or (attr c 'COLOR) "white")
+ (or (and=> (attr c 'COLOR) calculate-fg-color) "black")))
+ calendars))))
+ (body (div (@ (class "calendar"))
+ ,@(time-marker-div)
+ (div (@ (class "days"))
+ ,@(stream->list (stream-map lay-out-day evs))))))))
diff --git a/module/output/terminal.scm b/module/output/terminal.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d49896c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/output/terminal.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(define-module (output terminal)
+ #:use-module (output general)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 util)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
+ #:use-module (util)
+ #:use-module (terminal escape)
+ #:use-module (terminal util)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent output)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent datetime)
+ #:use-module (texinfo string-utils) ; string->wrapped-lines
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (parameters)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:export (terminal-main))
+(define (box-top intersection line . lengths)
+ (reduce (lambda (str done) (string-append done (string intersection) str))
+ "" (map (cut make-string <> line) lengths)))
+(define (display-event-table cur-event events)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (ev i)
+ (format #t "~a │ ~a~a~a~a │ ~a~a~%"
+ (time->string (attr ev 'DTSTART) "~1 ~3") ; TODO show truncated string
+ (if (= i cur-event) "\x1b[7m" "")
+ (color-escape (attr (parent ev) 'COLOR))
+ ;; Summary filter is a hook for the user
+ (trim-to-width ((summary-filter) ev (attr ev 'SUMMARY)) 30)
+ (trim-to-width
+ (or (attr ev 'LOCATION) "\x1b[1;30mINGEN LOKAL") 20)
+ events
+ (iota (length events))))
+(define (now)
+ (date->time-utc (current-date)))
+(define (displayln a)
+ (display a) (newline))
+(define (main-loop event-stream)
+ (define time (now))
+ (define cur-event 0)
+ (while #t
+ (let ((events
+ (stream->list
+ (filter-sorted-stream
+ (cut event-in? <> time)
+ event-stream))))
+ (cls)
+ (display-calendar-header! (time-utc->date time))
+ (displayln (box-top #\┬ #\─ 20 32 10))
+ (display-event-table cur-event events)
+ (displayln (box-top #\┴ #\─ 20 32 10))
+ (unless (null? events)
+ (let ((ev (list-ref events cur-event)))
+ (format #t "~a~%~a~%~aStart: ~a Slut: ~a~%~%~a~%"
+ (attr ev 'X-HNH-FILENAME)
+ (attr ev 'SUMMARY)
+ (or (and=> (attr ev 'LOCATION) (cut string-append "Plats: " <> "\n")) "")
+ (time->string (attr ev 'DTSTART) "~1 ~3")
+ (time->string (attr ev 'DTEND) "~1 ~3")
+ (string-join ; TODO replace this with a better text flower
+ (take-to ; This one destroys newlines used for layout
+ (string->wrapped-lines (or (attr ev 'DESCRIPTION) "")
+ #:line-width 60
+ #:collapse-whitespace? #f)
+ 10)
+ (string #\newline))
+ )))
+ (let ((char (read-char)))
+ ;; (format (current-error-port)
+ ;; "c = ~c (~d)~%" char (char->integer char))
+ (case char
+ ((#\L #\l)
+ (set! time (add-day time)
+ cur-event 0))
+ ((#\h #\H)
+ (set! time (remove-day time)
+ cur-event 0))
+ ((#\t)
+ (set! time (now)
+ cur-event 0))
+ ((#\j #\J) (unless (= cur-event (1- (length events)))
+ (mod! cur-event 1+)))
+ ((#\k #\K) (unless (= cur-event 0)
+ (mod! cur-event 1-)))
+ ((#\p) (print-vcomponent (list-ref events cur-event)
+ (current-error-port)))
+ ((#\g) (set! cur-event 0))
+ ((#\G) (set! cur-event (1- (length events)))))
+ (when (or (eof-object? char)
+ (memv char (list #\q (ctrl #\C))))
+ (break)))
+ )))
+(define (terminal-main calendars events args)
+ (with-vulgar
+ (lambda () (main-loop events))))