path: root/module/datetime/util.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-07-04 06:34:52 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-07-07 13:10:38 +0200
commit4f75d945436d8c6ddc2deb5936a22bffe94b7ccc (patch)
tree7b12655ffb4fc9b5c05f0e260af61a35a9366fc1 /module/datetime/util.scm
parentAdd script for generating dependency graphs. (diff)
Merge (datetime util) into (datetime).
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/module/datetime/util.scm b/module/datetime/util.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index f525f680..00000000
--- a/module/datetime/util.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (datetime util)
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
- :use-module (ice-9 i18n)
- :use-module (ice-9 format)
- :use-module (util)
- :use-module (util config)
- :re-export (locale-month)
- )
-(define-public (start-of-month date)
- (set (day date) 1))
-(define-public (end-of-month date)
- (set (day date) (days-in-month date)))
-(define-public (start-of-year date)
- (set-> date
- (day 1)
- (month 1)))
-(define-public (parse-freeform-date str)
- (let* (((year month day) (map string->number (string-split str #\-))))
- (date year: year month: month day: day)
- ))
-(define-public (date-stream date-increment start-day)
- (stream-iterate (cut date+ <> date-increment)
- start-day))
-(define-public (day-stream start-day)
- (date-stream (date day: 1) start-day))
-(define-public (month-stream start-day)
- (date-stream (date month: 1) start-day))
-(define-public (week-stream start-day)
- (date-stream (date day: 7) start-day))
-(define-public (time-min a b)
- (if (time<? a b) a b))
-(define-public (time-max a b)
- (if (time<? a b) b a))
-(define-public (date-min a b)
- (if (date< a b) a b))
-(define-public (date-max a b)
- (if (date< a b) b a))
-(define-public (datetime-min a b)
- (if (datetime< a b) a b))
-(define-public (datetime-max a b)
- (if (datetime< a b) b a))
-(define*-public (month+ date-object #:optional (change 1))
- (date+ date-object (date month: change)))
-(define*-public (month- date-object #:optional (change 1))
- (date- date-object (date month: change)))
-;; https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.acta/1485888738
-;; 1. Begel.
-;; J sei die Zahl des Jahrhunderts,
-;; K die Jahrszahl innerhalb desselben,
-;; m die Zahl des Monats,
-;; q die Zahl des Monatstags,
-;; h die Zahl des Wochentags;
-(define (zeller J K m q)
- (modulo (+ q
- (floor-quotient (* 13 (1+ m))
- 5)
- K
- (floor-quotient K 4)
- 5
- (- J))
- 7))
-;; 0 indexed, starting at sunday.
-(define-public (week-day date)
- (let* ((J K (floor/ (year date) 100))
- (m (month date)))
- (if (memv m '(1 2))
- (zeller J (1- K) (+ m 12) (day date))
- (zeller J K (month date) (day date)))))
-(define-many define-public
- (sun) 0
- (mon) 1
- (tue) 2
- (wed) 3
- (thu) 4
- (fri) 5
- (sat) 6
- )
-(define-public week-start (make-parameter sun))
-(define-config week-start sun
- "First day of week"
- pre: (ensure (lambda (x) (<= sun x sat)))
- post: week-start)
-;; given a date, returns the date the first week of that year starts on.
-;; @example
-;; (week-1-start #2020-01-01 mon)
-;; ⇒ 2019-12-30
-;; @end example
-(define*-public (week-1-start d optional: (wkst (week-start)))
- (let* ((ystart (start-of-year d))
- (day-index (modulo (- (week-day ystart) wkst) 7)))
- (if (> day-index 3)
- (date+ ystart (date day: (- 7 day-index)))
- (date- ystart (date day: day-index)))))
-;; (week-number #2020-01-01 mon) ; => 1
-;; (week-number #2019-12-31 mon) ; => 1
-(define*-public (week-number d optional: (wkst (week-start)))
- ;; Calculating week number for starts of week was much simpler.
- ;; We can both skip the special cases for Jan 1, 2 & 3. It also
- ;; solved some weird bug that was here before.
- (let ((d (start-of-week d wkst)))
- (cond
- [(and (= 12 (month d))
- (memv (day d) '(29 30 31))
- (< (year d) (year (date+ (start-of-week d wkst)
- (date day: 3)))))
- 1]
- [else
- (let* ((w1-start (week-1-start d wkst))
- (week day (floor/ (days-in-interval w1-start d)
- 7)))
- (1+ week))])))
-(define*-public (date-starting-week week-number d optional: (wkst (week-start)))
- (date+ (week-1-start d wkst)
- (date day: (* (1- week-number) 7))))
-(define*-public (week-day-name week-day-number optional: truncate-to
- key: (locale %global-locale))
- ;; NOTE this allows days larger than 7 (sunday if counting from monday).
- (let ((str (catch 'out-of-range
- (lambda () (locale-day (1+ (modulo week-day-number 7)) locale))
- (lambda (oor str num) (scm-error 'out-of-range 'week-day-name
- "~a == (~a % 7) + 1"
- (list num week-day-number) (list week-day-number))))))
- ;; I also know about the @var{locale-day-short} method, but I need
- ;; strings of length 2.
- (if truncate-to
- (string-take str truncate-to)
- str)))
-(define*-public (datetime->string datetime optional: (fmt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S") key: allow-unknown?)
- (define date (get-date datetime))
- (define time ((@ (datetime) get-time%) datetime))
- (with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (fold (lambda (token state)
- (case state
- ((#\~)
- (case token
- ((#\~) (display "~"))
- ((#\H) (format #t "~2'0d" (hour time)))
- ((#\k) (format #t "~2' d" (hour time)))
- ((#\M) (format #t "~2'0d" (minute time)))
- ((#\S) (format #t "~2'0d" (second time)))
- ((#\Y) (format #t "~4'0d" (year date)))
- ((#\m) (format #t "~2'0d" (month date)))
- ((#\d) (format #t "~2'0d" (day date)))
- ;; Should be same as ~_d
- ((#\s) (display (datetime->unix-time datetime))) ; epoch time!
- ((#\e) (format #t "~2' d" (day date)))
- ((#\1) (format #t "~4'0d-~2'0d-~2'0d"
- (year date) (month date) (day date)))
- ((#\3) (format #t "~2'0d:~2'0d:~2'0d"
- (hour time) (minute time) (second time)))
- ((#\A) (display (week-day-name (week-day date))))
- ((#\a) (display (week-day-name (week-day date) 3)))
- ((#\b) (display (locale-month-short (month date))))
- ((#\B) (display (locale-month (month date))))
- ((#\Z) (when (equal? "UTC" (get-timezone datetime)) (display "Z")))
- (else (unless allow-unknown?
- (error 'datetime->string "Invalid format token ~a" token))))
- #f)
- (else (unless (char=? #\~ token) (display token)) token)))
- #f
- (string->list fmt)))))
-(define*-public (date->string date optional: (fmt "~Y-~m-~d") key: allow-unknown?)
- (datetime->string (datetime date: date) fmt allow-unknown?: allow-unknown?))
-(define*-public (time->string time optional: (fmt "~H:~M:~S") key: allow-unknown?)
- (datetime->string (datetime time: time) fmt allow-unknown?: allow-unknown?))
-;; @verbatim
-;; A B C D E ¬F
-;; |s1| : |s2| : |s1| : |s2| : : |s1|
-;; | | : | | : | ||s2| : |s1|| | : |s1||s2| : | |
-;; | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | || | : | || | : | || | :
-;; | | : | | : | || | : | || | : | || | : |s2|
-;; | | : | | : | | : | | : : | |
-;; Infinitely short ---+|s2| : |s1|+--- : two instants don't overlap
-;; events, overlap s1 : s2 :
-;; @end verbatim
-;; E is covered by both case A and B.
-(define-public (timespan-overlaps? s1-begin s1-end s2-begin s2-end)
- "Return whetever or not two timespans overlap."
- (or
- ;; A
- (and (date/-time<? s2-begin s1-end)
- (date/-time<? s1-begin s2-end))
- ;; B
- (and (date/-time<? s1-begin s2-end)
- (date/-time<? s2-begin s1-end))
- ;; C
- (and (date/-time<=? s1-begin s2-begin)
- (date/-time<? s2-end s1-end))
- ;; D
- (and (date/-time<=? s2-begin s1-begin)
- (date/-time<? s1-end s2-end))))
-(define-public (add-day d)
- (date+ d (date day: 1)))
-(define-public (remove-day d)
- (date- d (date day: 1)))
-(define-public (in-date-range? start-date end-date)
- (lambda (date)
- (date<= start-date date end-date)))
-;; Returns a list of the seven week days, with @var{week-start}
-;; as the beginning of the week.
-;; @example
-;; (weekday-list sun)
-;; => (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-;; @end example
-(define-public (weekday-list week-start)
- (take (drop (apply circular-list (iota 7))
- week-start)
- 7))
-;; returns the date the week containing d started.
-;; (start-of-week #2020-04-02 sun) ; => 2020-03-29
-(define*-public (start-of-week d optional: (week-start (week-start)))
- (date- d (date day: (modulo (- (week-day d)
- week-start)
- 7))))
-;; (end-of-week #2020-04-01 mon)
-;; => 2020-04-05
-(define*-public (end-of-week d optional: (week-start (week-start)))
- (date+ (start-of-week d week-start)
- (date day: 6)))
-;; Given a month and and which day the week starts on,
-;; returns three lists, which are:
-;; The days leading up to the current month, but share a week
-;; The days in the current month
-;; The days after the current month, but which shares a week.
-;; mars 2020
-;; må ti on to fr lö sö
-;; 1
-;; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-;; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-;; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-;; 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
-;; 30 31
-;; @lisp
-;; (month-days #2020-03-01 mon)
-;; ; ⇒ (2020-02-24 ... 2020-02-29)
-;; ; ⇒ (2020-03-01 ... 2020-03-31)
-;; ; ⇒ (2020-04-01 ... 2020-04-05)
-;; @end lisp
-;; Ignores day component of @var{date}.
-(define*-public (month-days date optional: (week-start (week-start)))
- (let* ((month-len (days-in-month date))
- (prev-month-len (days-in-month (month- date)))
- (month-start (modulo (- (week-day date) week-start) 7)))
- (values
- (map (lambda (d) (set (day (month- date)) d))
- (iota month-start (1+ (- prev-month-len month-start))))
- (map (lambda (d) (set (day date) d)) (iota month-len 1))
- (map (lambda (d) (set (day (month+ date)) d))
- (iota (modulo (- (* 7 5) month-len month-start) 7) 1)))))
-(define-public (days-in-interval start-date end-date)
- (let ((diff (date-difference (date+ end-date (date day: 1)) start-date)))
- (with-streams
- (fold + (day diff)
- (map days-in-month
- (take (+ (month diff)
- (* 12 (year diff)))
- (month-stream start-date)))))))
-;; Day from start of the year, so 1 feb would be day 32.
-;; Also known as Julian day.
-(define-public (year-day date)
- (days-in-interval (start-of-year date) date))
-;; @example
-;; (time->decimal-hour #10:30:00) ; => 10.5
-;; @end example
-(define-public (time->decimal-hour time)
- (exact->inexact (+ (hour time)
- (/ (minute time) 60)
- (/ (second time) 3600))))
-(define*-public (datetime->decimal-hour dt optional: start-date)
- (let ((date-diff
- (cond [start-date
- (let* ((end-date (date+ start-date (get-date dt))))
- (days-in-interval start-date end-date)) ]
- [(or (not (zero? (month (get-date dt))))
- (not (zero? (year (get-date dt)))))
- (error "Multi-month intervals only supported when start-date is given" dt)]
- [else (day (get-date dt))])))
- (+ (time->decimal-hour ((@ (datetime) get-time%) dt))
- (* (1- date-diff) 24))))
-;; Returns a list of all dates from start to end.
-;; both inclusive
-;; date, date → [list date]
-(define-public (date-range start end)
- (stream->list
- (stream-take-while (lambda (d) (date<= d end))
- (day-stream start))))
-;; Returns the first instance of the given week-day after @var{d}.
-;; @example
-;; (find-first-week-day mon #2020-04-01)
-;; => #2020-04-06
-;; (find-first-week-day mon #2020-04-10)
-;; => #2020-04-13
-;; (find-first-week-day mon #2020-04-30)
-;; => #2020-05-04
-;; @end example
-(define-public (find-first-week-day wday d)
- (let* ((start-day (week-day d))
- (diff (- wday start-day)))
- (date+ d (date day: (modulo diff 7)))))
-;; returns instances of the given week-day in month between
-;; month-date and end of month.
-;; @example
-;; (all-wday-in-month mon #2020-06-01)
-;; => (#2020-06-01 #2020-06-08 #2020-06-15 #2020-06-22 #2020-06-29)
-;; (all-wday-in-month mon #2020-06-10)
-;; => (#2020-06-15 #2020-06-22 #2020-06-29)
-;; @end example
-;; week-day, date → (list date)
-(define-public (all-wday-in-month wday month-date)
- (stream->list
- (stream-take-while
- (lambda (d) (= (month d) (month month-date)))
- (week-stream (find-first-week-day wday month-date)))))
-(define-public (all-wday-in-year wday year-date)
- (stream->list
- (stream-take-while
- (lambda (d) (= (year d) (year year-date)))
- (week-stream (find-first-week-day wday year-date)))))