path: root/module/calp
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-08-17 18:27:13 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-08-17 18:27:24 +0200
commit16152c437089a575c996fcd088b00a3e4f20837d (patch)
treec7d98a080429fe1191db4b82dfc32b39075e674e /module/calp
parentErrors not correct in this context. (diff)
move terminal output.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/calp')
2 files changed, 335 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/module/calp/entry-points/terminal.scm b/module/calp/entry-points/terminal.scm
index 5a9b2588..fa035e7a 100644
--- a/module/calp/entry-points/terminal.scm
+++ b/module/calp/entry-points/terminal.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(define-module (calp entry-points terminal)
:export (main)
- :use-module (output terminal)
+ :use-module (calp terminal)
:use-module (vcomponent)
:use-module (ice-9 getopt-long)
:use-module (datetime)
diff --git a/module/calp/terminal.scm b/module/calp/terminal.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd513a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/calp/terminal.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+(define-module (calp terminal)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (datetime)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-17)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
+ #:use-module (util)
+ #:use-module (vulgar)
+ #:use-module (vulgar info)
+ #:use-module (vulgar color)
+ #:use-module (vulgar components)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent group)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent datetime)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent search)
+ #:use-module (text util)
+ #:use-module (text flow)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 readline)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (vulgar termios)
+ #:use-module (oop goops)
+ #:use-module (oop goops describe)
+ #:autoload (vcomponent instance) (global-event-object)
+ #:export (main-loop))
+(define-values (height width) (get-terminal-size))
+(define (open-in-editor fname)
+ (system (string-append (getenv "EDITOR") " " fname)))
+(define (box-top intersection line . lengths)
+ (reduce (lambda (str done) (string-append done (string intersection) str))
+ "" (map (cut make-string <> line) lengths)))
+(define* (display-event-table events #:key
+ (active-element -1)
+ ;; (summary-width 30)
+ (date-width 17)
+ (location-width 20))
+ (define summary-width (- width date-width location-width 6))
+ (displayln
+ (box-top #\┬ #\─ date-width (+ summary-width 2) (1+ location-width)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (ev i)
+ (display
+ (string-append
+ (if (datetime? (prop ev 'DTSTART))
+ (datetime->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")
+ (date->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d --:--"))
+ " │ "
+ (if (= i active-element) "\x1b[7m" "")
+ (color-escape (prop (parent ev) 'COLOR))
+ ;; Summary filter is a hook for the user
+ (let ((dirty (prop ev '-X-HNH-DIRTY)))
+ (string-append
+ (if dirty "* " "")
+ ;; TODO reintroduce summary-filter
+ (trim-to-width (prop ev 'SUMMARY) (- summary-width
+ (if dirty 2 0)))))
+ " │ "
+ (if (prop ev 'LOCATION) "" "\x1b[1;30m")
+ (trim-to-width
+ (or (prop ev 'LOCATION) "INGEN LOKAL") location-width)
+ "\n")))
+ events
+ (iota (length events)))
+ (displayln
+ (box-top #\┴ #\─ date-width (+ summary-width 2) (1+ location-width))))
+(define (displayln a)
+ (display a) (newline))
+(define-class <view> ()
+ (event-set getter: get-event-set init-keyword: event-set:)
+ (active-element accessor: active-element
+ init-value: 0)
+ (current-page accessor: current-page
+ init-keyword: current-page:)
+ (page-length accessor: page-length
+ init-value: 0)
+ )
+(define-class <day-view> (<view>)
+ #;
+ (date accessor: view-date
+ init-keyword: date:)
+ (cached-events accessor: cached-events
+ init-value: #f)
+ (groups accessor: groups))
+(define-method (initialize (this <day-view>) args)
+ (next-method)
+ (set! (groups this) (group-stream (get-event-set this))))
+(define-method (output (this <day-view>))
+ (define events
+ (aif (cached-events this)
+ it
+ (set/r! (cached-events this)
+ (group->event-list (stream-car (get-groups-between
+ (groups this)
+ (current-page this)
+ (current-page this)))))))
+ (cls)
+ (display "== Day View ==\n")
+ (display-calendar-header! (current-page this))
+ ;; display event list
+ (display-event-table
+ events
+ active-element: (active-element this)
+ location-width: 15)
+ ;; display highlighted event
+ (unless (null? events)
+ (let ((ev (list-ref events (active-element this))))
+ (format #t "~a~%~% ~a~%~%~a\x1b[1mStart:\x1b[m ~a \x1b[1mSlut:\x1b[m ~a~%~%~a~%"
+ (prop ev '-X-HNH-FILENAME)
+ (prop ev 'SUMMARY)
+ (or (and=> (prop ev 'LOCATION)
+ (cut string-append "\x1b[1mPlats:\x1b[m " <> "\n")) "")
+ ;; NOTE RFC 5545 says that DTSTART and DTEND MUST
+ ;; have the same type. However we believe that is
+ ;; another story.
+ (let ((start (prop ev 'DTSTART)))
+ (if (datetime? start)
+ (datetime->string (prop ev 'DTSTART) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")
+ (date->string start)))
+ (let ((end (prop ev 'DTEND)))
+ (if (datetime? end)
+ (datetime->string (prop ev 'DTEND) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S")
+ (date->string end)))
+ (unlines (take-to (flow-text (or (prop ev 'DESCRIPTION) "")
+ #:width (min 70 width))
+ (- height 8 5 (length events) 5)))))))
+(define (get-line prompt)
+ (let* ((attr (make-termios))
+ (input-string #f))
+ (tcgetattr! attr)
+ (set! (lflag attr) (logior ECHO (lflag attr)))
+ (tcsetattr! attr)
+ (system "tput cnorm")
+ (set! input-string (readline prompt))
+ (system "tput civis")
+ (set! (lflag attr) (logand (lognot ECHO) (lflag attr)))
+ (tcsetattr! attr)
+ input-string
+ ))
+(define-method (input (this <day-view>) char)
+ (set! (page-length this) (length (cached-events this)))
+ (case char
+ ((#\L #\l right)
+ (set! (current-page this) = add-day
+ (cached-events this) #f
+ (active-element this) 0))
+ ((#\h #\H left)
+ (set! (current-page this) = remove-day
+ (cached-events this) #f
+ (active-element this) 0))
+ ((#\t)
+ ;; TODO this should be local time
+ ;; currently it's UTC (maybe?)
+ (set! (current-page this) (current-date)
+ (active-element this) 0))
+ ((#\/) (set-cursor-pos 0 (1- height))
+ (let ((search-term (get-line "quick search: ")))
+ `(push ,(search-view
+ (format #f "(regexp-exec (make-regexp \"~a\" regexp/icase) (prop event 'SUMMARY))"
+ search-term)
+ (get-event-set this)))))
+ ((#\() (set-cursor-pos 0 (1- height))
+ (let ((search-term (get-line "search: ")))
+ `(push ,(search-view search-term (get-event-set this)))))
+ (else (next-method))))
+(define (day-view event-set date)
+ (make <day-view> event-set: event-set current-page: date))
+(define-class <search-view> (<view>)
+ (search-result getter: search-result)
+ (search-term accessor: search-term
+ init-keyword: search-term:))
+(define (search-view search-term event-set)
+ (make <search-view> search-term: search-term event-set: event-set))
+(define-method (initialize (this <search-view>) args)
+ (set! (current-page this) 0)
+ (next-method)
+ (set! (search-term this)
+ (prepare-string (search-term this)))
+ (let ((q (build-query-proc (search-term this))))
+ (slot-set! this 'search-result
+ (prepare-query
+ q (get-event-set this))))
+ ;; (define current-page 0)
+ ;; (define current-entry 0)
+ )
+(define-method (output (this <search-view>))
+ (define paginator (slot-ref this 'search-result))
+ (define page
+ (catch 'max-page
+ (lambda () (get-page paginator (current-page this)))
+ (lambda (err page-number)
+ (set! (current-page this) page-number)
+ (get-page paginator page-number))))
+ (cls)
+ (display "== Search View ==\n")
+ ;; display search term
+ (format #t "~y" (search-term this))
+ ;; display event list
+ (display-event-table
+ page
+ #:active-element (active-element this)
+ #:location-width 15)
+ (paginator->sub-list
+ paginator (current-page this)
+ (lambda (i)
+ (if (= i (current-page this))
+ (format #t "[~2@a]" i)
+ (format #t " ~2@a " i)))
+ head-proc:
+ (lambda (start)
+ (if (= start 0)
+ "|" "<"))
+ tail-proc:
+ (lambda (end)
+ (if (= end (get-max-page paginator))
+ (if (true-max-page? paginator)
+ "|" "?")
+ ">")))
+ (newline))
+(define-method (input (this <view>) char)
+ (case char
+ ((#\j #\J down) (unless (= (active-element this) (1- (page-length this)))
+ (set! (active-element this) = (+ 1))))
+ ((#\k #\K up) (unless (= (active-element this) 0)
+ (set! (active-element this) = (- 1))))
+ ((#\g) (set! (active-element this) 0))
+ ((#\G) (set! (active-element this) (1- (page-length this))))
+ ((#\q) '(pop)))
+ )
+(define-method (input (this <search-view>) char)
+ ;; TODO update this to match actual page length
+ (set! (page-length this) 10)
+ (case char
+ ((#\newline) `(push ,(day-view (get-event-set this)
+ (as-date (prop (list-ref (get-page (slot-ref this 'search-result)
+ (current-page this))
+ (active-element this))
+ 'DTSTART)))))
+ ((#\h left) (set! (current-page this) = ((lambda (old) (max 0 (1- old))))))
+ ((#\l right)
+ (display "\n loading...\n")
+ (set! (current-page this)
+ (next-page (slot-ref this 'search-result)
+ (current-page this))))
+ (else (next-method))))
+(define-public (main-loop date)
+ (define state (list (day-view (get-event-set global-event-object) date)))
+ (while #t
+ (output (car state))
+ (let ((char (read-char)))
+ (when (eof-object? char)
+ (break))
+ (when (char=? char #\escape)
+ (case (read-char)
+ ((#\[)
+ (case (read-char)
+ ((#\A) (set! char 'up))
+ ((#\B) (set! char 'down))
+ ((#\C) (set! char 'right))
+ ((#\D) (set! char 'left))))))
+ (match (input (car state) char)
+ (('push new-state) (set! state (cons new-state state)))
+ (('pop)
+ (set! state (cdr state))
+ (when (null? state) (break)))
+ (('break) (break))
+ (else 'continue)))))