diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2022-06-27 14:59:44 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2022-07-07 21:17:22 +0200
commit3205aa7566752d1b78ab452272c465ed0895b4e9 (patch)
parentJS user addition for parsing Microsoft Teams links. (diff)
Add new object system.
fixup object tests.
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/hnh/util/object.scm b/module/hnh/util/object.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ecacf8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/hnh/util/object.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+(define-module (hnh util object)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ :use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions)
+ :use-module (hnh util)
+ :export (define-type))
+;; If given a syntax list extract the first lexeme, if given a "symbol", return that.
+(define (syntax-first stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ((a rest ...) #'a)
+ (a #'a)))
+(define (construct-syntax stx base transform)
+ (->> base
+ syntax->datum
+ (format #f transform)
+ string->symbol
+ (datum->syntax stx)))
+;; stx should be a syntax object of a key-value list on the form
+;; (key: value key2: value2)
+;; and target-key the datum which the target key unwraps to.
+;; returns the corresponding values syntax
+;; or #f if none is found
+(define (kv-ref stx target-key)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ((key value rest ...)
+ (if (eqv? target-key (syntax->datum #'key))
+ #'value
+ (kv-ref #'(rest ...) target-key)))
+ (_ #f)))
+;; DSL for specifying type predicates
+;; Basically a procedure body, but the variable to test is implicit.
+(define-syntax build-validator-body
+ (syntax-rules (and or)
+ ((_ variable (and clauses ...)) (and (build-validator-body variable clauses) ...))
+ ((_ variable (or clauses ...)) (or (build-validator-body variable clauses) ...))
+ ((_ variable (proc args ...)) (proc variable args ...))
+ ((_ variable proc) (proc variable))))
+;; Given (x type: predicate?), expand to a single `unless' form (otherwise #f)
+(define-syntax (validator stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ((_ (name kvs ...))
+ (cond ((kv-ref #'(kvs ...) type:)
+ => (lambda (type-stx)
+ (with-syntax ((type type-stx))
+ #'(unless (build-validator-body name type)
+ (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "validator"
+ "Invalid value for `~s'. Expected ~s, got ~s"
+ (list (quote name) (quote type) name) #f)))))
+ (else #f)))
+ ((_ name) #f)))
+;; Get syntax for getter-procedure's symbol
+(define-syntax (field-get stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ;; ((_ (name kv ...)) #'(field-get name))
+ ((_ type-name name)
+ (->>
+ (format #f "~a-~a-get"
+ (syntax->datum #'type-name)
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ string->symbol
+ (datum->syntax stx)))))
+;; get syntax for setter-procedure's symbol
+(define-syntax (field-set stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ;; ((_ (name kv ...)) #'(field-set name))
+ ((_ type-name name)
+ (->>
+ (format #f "~a-~a-set"
+ (syntax->datum #'type-name)
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ string->symbol
+ (datum->syntax stx)))))
+;; Construct a field line for define-immutable-record-type
+(define ((field-declaration type) stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ (name
+ (with-syntax ((name-get (->> (format #f "~a-~a-get"
+ (syntax->datum type)
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ string->symbol
+ (datum->syntax stx)))
+ (name-set (->> (format #f "~a-~a-set"
+ (syntax->datum type)
+ (syntax->datum #'name))
+ string->symbol
+ (datum->syntax stx))))
+ #'(name name-get name-set)))))
+;; Accessors are procedures for getting and setting fields in records
+(define-syntax (build-accessor stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ((_ type-name (name kvs ...))
+ #'(define name
+ (case-lambda ((datum)
+ ((field-get type-name name) datum))
+ ((datum new-value)
+ ;; validator uses the first field (in the list) as both
+ ;; the name of the field, and a reference to the value of
+ ;; the field. This ensures those two are the same for validator,
+ ;; while keeping name bound to the accessor in the outer scope.
+ (let ((name new-value))
+ (validator (name kvs ...)))
+ ((field-set type-name name) datum new-value)))))
+ ((_ type-name name) #'(build-accessor type-name (name)))))
+;; Go from my concept of field deffinitions, to what lambda* wants as arguments
+(define (lambda*-stx field)
+ (syntax-case field ()
+ ((name kvs ...)
+ (cond ((kv-ref #'(kvs ...) default:)
+ => (lambda (dflt) #`(name #,dflt)))
+ (else #'name)))
+ (name #'name)))
+(define-syntax (define-type stx)
+ (syntax-case stx ()
+ ((_ (name attribute ...) field ...)
+ ;; These names SHOULD leak
+ (with-syntax ((<type>? (construct-syntax stx #'name "~a?")))
+ ;; These names are manually constructed, since generated identifiers are
+ ;; only dependant on the source from which they orginate, which leads to
+ ;; multiple instances of <type> being equal for similar types...
+ ;; See the manual 6.10.10 Hygiene and the Top-Level
+ (with-syntax ((<type> (construct-syntax stx #'name "<~a>"))
+ (make-<type> (construct-syntax stx #'name "make-~a%")))
+ #`(begin
+ (define-immutable-record-type <type>
+ (make-<type> #,@(map syntax-first #'(field ...)))
+ <type>?
+ #,@(map (field-declaration #'name)
+ (map syntax-first #'(field ...))))
+ ;; User-facing constructor
+ (define name
+ #,(cond ((kv-ref #'(attribute ...) constructor:)
+ => (lambda (constructor-builder)
+ #`(#,constructor-builder
+ ;; primitive constructor
+ make-<type>
+ ;; Type validator
+ (lambda #,(map syntax-first #'(field ...))
+ (validator field) ...))))
+ (else #`(lambda* (key: #,@(map lambda*-stx #'(field ...)))
+ ;; Type validators
+ (validator field) ...
+ (make-<type> #,@(map syntax-first #'(field ...)))))))
+ ;; Field accessors
+ (build-accessor name field) ...
+ ;; if printer in attribute
+ #,@(cond ((kv-ref #'(attribute ...) printer:)
+ => (lambda (printer)
+ (list #`(set-record-type-printer! <type> #,printer))))
+ (else '()))))))
+ ;; else, type name without extra attributes
+ #;
+ ((_ name field ...)
+ #'(define-type (name) field ...))))
diff --git a/tests/test/object.scm b/tests/test/object.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..701c45c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/object.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(define-module (test object)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module (hnh util object)
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (->)))
+(define-type (f) x)
+(test-group "Created procedures"
+ (test-assert "Constructor" (procedure? f))
+ (test-assert "Predicate" (procedure? f?))
+ (test-assert "Field access" (procedure? x)))
+;; (f)
+;; (f x: 10)
+;; (f? (f))
+(test-equal "Accessors are getters"
+ 10 (x (f x: 10)))
+(test-assert "Accessors update, returning a object of the original type"
+ (f? (x (f x: 10) 20)))
+(test-equal "A get after an update returns the new value"
+ 20 (-> (f x: 10)
+ (x 20)
+ x))
+(define-type (g) x)
+(test-assert "Second type can be created"
+ (g x: 10))
+(test-assert "Second type isn't first type"
+ (not (f? (g x: 10))))
+(test-assert "First type isn't second type"
+ (not (g? (f x: 10))))
+;; Tests that the old x gets shadowed
+;; (test-equal 10 (x (f x: 10)))
+;; (test-equal 10 (x (g x: 10)))
+;; field-level arguments
+;; - init:
+(define-type (f2) (f2-x default: 0 type: integer?))
+(test-equal 0 (f2-x (f2)))
+;; - type:
+(test-error "Giving an invalid type to the constructor throws an error"
+ 'wrong-type-arg (f2 f2-x: 'hello))
+(test-error "Giving an invalid type to a setter throws an error"
+ 'wrong-type-arg (f2-x (f2) 'hello))
+(test-equal "The error includes the name of the field, the expected type, and the given value"
+ '(f2-x integer? hello)
+ (catch 'wrong-type-arg (lambda () (f2-x (f2) 'hello))
+ (lambda (err proc fmt args data) args)))
+(test-equal "Typed setter updates the value"
+ (f2 f2-x: 10) (f2-x (f2) 10))
+;; type-level arguments
+;; - constructor:
+(define-type (f3 constructor: (lambda (make check)
+ (lambda* (#:key f3-x f3-y)
+ (check f3-x f3-y)
+ (make f3-x f3-y))))
+ (f3-x type: integer?)
+ (f3-y type: string?))
+(test-assert "Custom constructors create objcets"
+ (f3? (f3 f3-x: 10 f3-y: "Hello")))
+(test-error "Bad arguments to custom constructor"
+ 'wrong-type-arg (f3 f3-x: 'hello f3-y: 'world))
+;; - printer:
+(define-type (f4 printer: (lambda (r p) (display "something" p))))
+(test-equal "something" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (f4)))))